Welcome to 6th Grade Science!
Mrs. Tippy Asher
McCulloch Intermediate School, Room B214
House of Johnstone
Unit / Topic / Summary1 / Lab Skills / Students will become familiar with lab safety, lab equipment, measurement, scientific method, and representing data in graph form.
2 / Matter and Energy / Students will know the differences between elements and compounds. They know matter has physical properties that can be used for classification.
3 / Force, Motion, and Energy / Students will understand that force and motion are related to potential and kinetic energy. They will know that the Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it just changes form.
4 / Earth and Space / Students will understand the structure of Earth, the rock cycle, and plate tectonics. They will understand the organization of our solar system and the relationships among the various bodies that comprise it.
5 / Organisms and Environments / Students will know that all organisms are classified into domains and kingdoms. Organisms within these taxonomic groups share similar characteristics which allow them to interact with the living and nonliving parts of their ecosystem.
Classroom Expectations:
●Students are expected to be polite, prepared, and productive. There are specific standards of behavior for the classroom. They include:
○Respect the teacher, other students, the classroom, and property.
○Be on-task, use time well.
○Complete all assignments and responsibilities on time and with effort.
○Use all electronic devices appropriately. Cell phones must be off and put away in cell phone parking (no lockers).
●The Johnstone Team uses ClassDojo to record positive and negative student behaviors in each class. Three negative infractions in one week from any core teacher is detention the following week.
What to bring to class everyday:
●Science notebook
●Yellow homework folder
●Ear buds/headphones
●Independent reading book
●Students may bring their personal electronic device to class for class use only.
●Student work is divided into major and minor assessments.
○Major assessments count for 60% of your grade and include unit tests, projects, research papers, presentations, and major lab reports.
○Minor assessments count for 40% of your grade and include quizzes, short responses, exit tickets, quick checks, journal entries, performance tasks, and minor lab reports.
●Students are given prior notice of assessment dates to write in their agenda; dates are also posted on Google Calendar.
●A conduct grade is given for assignments submitted on time, participation in class, and behavior in class.
●The following types of assessments are NOT eligible for reassessment: final projects, oral presentations, labs, and essays.
●Student may reassess all other major and minor assessments if you score BELOW an 85% AND you have completed all necessary reassessment procedures as outlined by your teacher. The maximum grade on a reassessment is 85.
●Missing or late work is recorded in Skyward as an “incomplete (I)” until it has been completed. The maximum grade for late work is 85.
●Students may collect make-up work and take missed assessmentsduring advisory or tutorials.
●Please check Google Calendar for missed assignments. Also, please check the absent folders at the front of the room.
Office Hours:
●3:40-4:10 pm Monday-Wednesday, or by appointment