To help with planning please have re-registration forms back as soon possible –no later than June 5, 2017
A. Information on the student:
Child’s Full Name M___ F__ last first middle
Home Address
number and street city state zip
Grade Entering: Date of Birth: Religion______Church______
Due to statistical reports/forms the school needs to respond to yearly, the following question is asked about your child’s ethnic/race: choose all that apply to your child:
______Hispanic ______Asian ______Black or African American ______American Indian or Alaska Native
Tribe child is enrolled:______
______White ______Pacific Islander ______other ______prefer not to respond
B. Information on the parents:
Please check parent or parents with whom student lives and furnish entire names on all applicable spaces:
Father______Mother ______
Stepmother Stepfather______
Father’s phones (home) _____ Mother’s phones (home)______
(cell and/or work)______(cell and/or work) ______
Father e-mail: ______Mother e-mail______
Place of Employment ______Place of Employment ______
Job Title______Job Title______
Father’s religion of origin? ______Mother’s religion of origin? ______
Is he currently active in church? ______Is she currently active in church? ______
Which one? ______Which one? ______
If child does not live with both parents, please indicate:
a. Parent(s) with legal custody
b. Parent(s) that will assume financial responsibility
c. Parent(s) that will be responsible for conduct, studies, report cards and reporting absences ______
Lastly: We will be distributing a family directory for the 2016-2017 school year to all the families.
If you do not want your phone (cell or land), address and email listed please sign here.
Regarding the use of your child’s photo (we never use full names nor grades) ---may the school, for advertising and/or public relations purposes, use your child’ photo:
_____ yes ______no in school brochures?
______yes ______no on the school’s website?
______yes ______no on the school’s FACEBOOK account
______yes ______no on video photography (commercials advertising the school)
______yes ______no Put your child’s picture (and full name and grade) in the school’s yearbook?
This book is distributed to all families.
______yes ______no Use copies of your child’s artwork for publication?
***Please know we do a DVD of the school’s two yearly concerts. These are for private use only.
School Clothing Order Information: Please order Wed. Mass Attire for your student(s) K-8 and you may order PE clothes for grades 6-8 from the following website: and create an account. Our school preferred school number search is: 900165218 or call 1-800-469-2222.