Third Annual Young Leaders Training & Research Program in Regional Cooperation & Development
Third Annual Young Leaders Training & Research Program
In Regional Cooperation & Development
Organized by
The Northeast Asia Economic Forum (NEAEF)
Hosted By
Nankai University
Tianjin, China, October 14-29, 2008
Tuesday, October 14
9:00 Opening
9:00-9:20 Opening Remarks
Dr. Lee-Jay Cho, Chairman, Northeast Asia Economic Forum
9:20-10:00 Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Tong Jiadong, Vice President, Professor, Nankai University
Dr. LiKunwang, Vice Dean of School of Economics,Professor, Nankai University
10:15-10:30Introduction of YLP Coordinators and Staff
Introduction of Susan PalmoreSheridan Collins by Dr. Lee-Jay Cho
Introduction of Dr. Tu Hong Dr. Wang Fang Dr. Ye Jun by Dr. Tong Jiadong
10:30-12:00 Orientation
Description of Young Leaders Program (YLP)
Ms. Susan Palmore, Board member, Hawaii Asia Pacific Institute for NEAEF
Ms. Sheridan Collins,Northeast Asia Economic Forum
Introduction of Nankai University & Description of YLP In the Context of Nankai University
Dr. Tu Hong,Lecturer, School of Economics, NankaiUniversity
12:00-13:30Welcoming Lunch
13:30-15:00 Introduction of YLP Fellows
Ms. Susan Palmore, Board Member, Hawaii Asia Pacific Institute for NEAEF
Ms. Sheridan Collins,Northeast Asia Economic Forum
15:00-15:15YLP photo session
15:15-16:30 Opportunity to walk around NankaiUniversity
Wednesday, October 15
9:00Introduction To Tianjin & China
9:00-10:00Tianjin’s Development and Current Situation
Dr. Chen Zongsheng, Vice Secretary-General of TianjinGovernment, Professor, School of Economics, NankaiUniversity
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00China’s Development in the Past 30 Years
Dr. Tong Jiadong, Vice President, Professor, NankaiUniversity
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30China: Past and Current - On Traditional Culture Resumption
Dr. Liu Chang, Professor, College of Literature, NankaiUniversity
14:30-16:30 Trip to Tianjin’s Ancient Culture Street
Break participants up into five groups and assign a group leader to ensure participants stay together and arrive back to bus on time
16:30-17:00 Bus Back To University
Thursday, October 16
8:30 Session 1: YLP Thematic Participant Presentations
Around the Theme of Functional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia
8:30-8:50Dr.Yulia Lamasheva, Lecturer, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, Chief of International Relations, Russia
Transnational Identity: Baltic Sea Region and Northeast Asia
9:10-9:30Ms.Amy Zader,Department of Geography,University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
The Case of Japonica Rice in China
9:30-9:45 Discussion
10:05-10:25Mr.Artem Isaev, Economic Research Institute, Khabarovsk, Russia
Prospects of Development of High Technologies in the Russian Far East
10:40-11:00Dr. Dmitry Izotov, Economic Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Economic Development Prospects of the Russian Far East and Its Foreign Economic Activity Alternatives
11:20-11:40 Mr.Murata Takuya, Standard Chartered Bank, Tokyo, Japan
13:30Session 2:New Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia
13:30-14:00Dr. Hwang Ki-Sik, Assistant Professor, GraduateSchool of Northeast Asian Studies, University of Dong-A, Korea
14:00-14:30 Discussion
14:30Session 3: YLP Thematic Participant Presentations Cont’d
14:30-14:50Dr. KimNan-Young, GraduateSchool of Public Administration in SeoulNationalUniversity
Contractual Factors and OrganizationGovernment Performance
14:50-15:10Ms. Wang Hui, Center of Northeast Asian Study, Jilin Academy of Social Science
Investigation on Home-left Children in Korean [AutonomousPrefecture in]YanbianProvince
15:10-15:30 Mr. Lim yong, Associate, Kim & Chang Law Firm, Seoul
[Harmonization of] Competition [Law] Rules—The Microsoft Case
15:30-17:00 Work in Small Issue Groups
Friday, October 17
9:00 Session 1: Dynamics of Demography and Social Development
9:00-9:30 Keynote Speech
Dr. Moon Chang Jin, Former Vice Minister of Health and Welfare, Korea
9:30-10:00 Social Welfare and Demography
Dr. GuanXinping, Dean of Social Work and Social Policy, Professor, Nankai University
10:20-10:35 Break
10:35-11:45Dr. Yamamoto Takashi, Associate Professor, AkitaInternationalUniversity (30 minutes)
Dr. Yuan Xin & Dr. Li Jianmin, Professors, School of Economics, NankaiUniversity (40 minutes)
11:45-12:00 Discussion
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30 Session 2: Energy Conservation and Environmental Policy
13:30-14:00Mr. Shen Longhai, Director, Energy Management Company Committee of China, Energy Conservation Association
14:00-14:30Mr. Zhang Jianping, Department of International Regional Cooperation, Institute for International Economic Research, National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC)
14:30-15:15Commentaries and Discussion
Ms. Amy Zader, Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Dr. Xu He, Associate Professor, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, NankaiUniversity
15:30-16:00Dr. Liu Junting, Professor and Vice Dean, International Economics and Trade Department, Liaoning University
Research on Environmental Cooperation between China and Northeast Asian Countries: Case of Northeast China
16:30-18:00Work in Small Issue Groups
Saturday, October 18
8:00Field Trip
Visit to TianjinBinhai New AreaTianjinCity Tour
Sunday, October 19
Free Day
Monday, October 20
8:30 Session 1: Finance and Development
8:30-9:15Dr. Shimizu Yoshinori, Former Vice President, Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
The Cause and the Cure of the Current U.S. Financial Crisis
9:15-10:00Mr. Chen Sichong, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Capital Ratios and Cross-Section of Stock Returns in Banking Industry
10:30-11:15Commentaries and Discussion
Dr. Lee-Jay Cho, Chairman, Northeast Asia Economic Forum
13:30Session 2: Finance and DevelopmentCont’d
13:30-13:50Dr. Ma Junlu, Dean of School of Economics, Professor, NankaiUniversity
14:05-14:25Ms. Park Joon Ui, Boston University, USA
The Evolution of China's Relationship with the World Bank: From Debtor and Beneficiary to Partnership
14:25-14:40 Discussion
15:10-17:00Small Issue GroupWork Session
Tuesday, October 21
8:30Session 1: Regional Cooperation & History of the Exchange of People, Goods, and Knowledge in Northeast Asia
8:30-9:30History of Northeast Asia-A Bird’s Eye View
Dr. Kim Seung-Il, Kookmin University
Dr. Li Zhuo, Dean of Institute of Japan Studies, Professor,NankaiUniversity
9:30-10:00 Discussion
10:15Session 2: Regional Cooperation & History Cont’d
10:15-11:15Northeast Asia During Tang Dynasty and Ming&Qing Dynasty
Dr. Kim Seung-Il, Kookmin University
Dr. Li Xiaolin, Professor, School of History, NankaiUniversity
13:30Session 3: Regional Cooperation & History Cont’d
13:30-14:30Dr. Kovsh Andrey Vladimirovich, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Northeast Asia: Later Period
15:00-15:30Mr. Andrey Agafanov, VladivostokStateUniversity of Economics and Services
[Contemporary History (19th and 20 centuries) of the Northeast Asia Region]
The Future Prospects of Nuclear Proliferation in NE Asia Region
16:15-17:30Small Issue GroupWork Session
Wednesday, October 22
8:30-10:15Session 1:YLP Small Groups Presentations
Economic Cooperation
Energy and Environment
10:15-10:40 Break
10:40-12:00 Session 1:YLP Small Groups Presentations Cont’d
Regional History/Sociology
Technology, Trade and Transportation
13:30 Session 2: YLP Thematic Participant Presentations
Around the Theme of Functional Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia
13:30-13:50Mr. Josh Shapiro, Research Analyst, University of CaliforniaSan Diego
Developing a Socio-Cultural Framework for Assessing Innovation Driven Regional Transformation
13:50-14:05 Discussion
14:05-14:25Dr. Denis Suslov, Senior Research Fellow, Economic Research Institute
Economic Cooperation between Russia and Republic of Korea: Problems and Prospects
14:25-15:00 Discussion
15:20-15:40 Mr. Kiyoyasu Tanaka, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Causes and Consequences of the Globalization of Production Focusing on Japanese and U.S. Direct Foreign Investment in East Asia
15:40-16:10 Discussion
16:10-16:30 Mr. Gihyung Keum,Director, Public Relations Contents Division, Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism
Introduction to the Korea Contents Industry: Contents Industry and Regional Cooperation
16:30-17:00 Discussion
Thursday, October 23
8:30Session 1: International Trade & Economic Policy
8:30-9:00Dr. Sergey Sevastyanov, VladivostokStateUniversity of Economics and Service
9:30-10:00The Small and Medium-Sized Innovative Enterprises in China
Gu Shengzu, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, Vice Chairman of China Democratic National Construction Association
10:45-11:15Dr.Yulia Lamasheva, Lecturer, Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, Chief of International Relations, Russia
Russian Far East in the Northeast Asia: A Brief History of Interactions
11:15-12:00 Discussion
13:30 Session 2:Transportation and Logistics
13:30-14:00Dr. Shu Ping, Associate Professor, School of Economics, Nankai University
14:00-14:30Mr. Nagata Koki, R.H.SmithSchool of Business, University of Maryland
14:30-15:00 Discussion
15:15-15:45Dr. Zhang Donghui, Administrator, Development Zone of JilinProvince, Director, Tumen Development Program
15:45-16:15 Discussion
Friday, October 24
8:30 Special Session
8:30-9:15 Mr. Wang Shuzu, Former Vice Mayor of Tianjin Government
The Binhai Development Area and Northeast Asia
9:15 Session 1: Energy
9:15-9:45Dr. Sergey Sevastyanov, VladivostokStateUniversity of Economics and Service
9:45-10:15 Dr. John Tichotsky, Advisor to the Governor of Chukotka Region of Russia
Economic Approach to Current Energy Issues
10:35-10:45 Discussion
11:00Session 2: EnergyCont’d
11:00-11:30Mr. Steve Cowper, Former Governor of Alaska
Energy: A Changing Fuel Dynamic
11:30-12:00Dr.Pak Yong-Duk, Senior Fellow, Korea Energy Economics Institute
Toward Northeast Asia Cooperation for Energy Efficiency and Climate Change through the Korean Case
12:00-12:15 Discussion
14:00Session 2 (continued)
14:00-14:30Ms. Yulia Krivodubova,Chief, Division of International Relations, Department of International Relations and State Protocol, Office of Khabarovsky Krai Governor
Russia’s Energy Policy and Cooperation with Northeast Asian Countries
Dr. John Tichotsky, Advisor to the Governor of Chukotka Region of Russia
14:50-15:10 Discussion
Saturday, October 25
7:00Field Trip
Day Trip to BeijingCity
Sunday, October 26
8:30Free Time
13:30-16:00 Session 1: VIP Meeting with YLP Participants
Mr. George Ariyoshi, Former Governor of Hawaii
Dr. Lee-Jay Cho,Chairman, Northeast Asia Economic Forum
Mr. Steve Cowper,Former Governor of Alaska
Dr. Kwon Okyu, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Economy, Korea
Dr. Pavel Minakir,Academician, Economics Research Institute, Far Eastern Branch, RussianAcademy of Sciences
Mr. Park Kwan Yong, Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Republic of Korea
Mr. Glyn Ford, Member of the European Parliament and Chairman, Asia Policy Committee
Prof. Uhm Rak-Yong, Visiting Professor, GraduateSchool of Public Administration Seoul National University, Former President, Korea Development Bank
Mr. Richard Collins, President, Collins & Company
Dr. Richard Dubanoski, Dean, College of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii
Dr. Lim Jung Duk, Director, Asia Institute for Regional Innovation, Busan National University, Korea
Mr. Nagata Koki, R.H.SmithSchool of Business, University of Maryland
18:00-20:00 Forum Reception Dinner
Monday, October 27 Tuesday, October 28
17th Annual Northeast Asia Economic Forum Conference
Wednesday, October 29
9:00-12:00YLP Focused Discussion on Conference & Presentations
Discussion by Forum topics in small issue groups and presentation of group discussion
13:30-14:15YLP Evaluations
14:15-15:00Academic Graduation Ceremony
18:00-20:00Graduation Celebration Dinner
Third Annual Young Leaders Training & Research Program in Regional Cooperation & Development