27th JULY 2006
1 / Purpose and Policy Context1.1 / To seek Member consideration of the Visioning Exercise carried out for Leisure Services to develop the recreation potential of Sandbanks.
2 / Decision Required
2.1 / Members are recommended to:
2.1.1 / Support the Visioning Exercise to improve play and visitor facilities at Sandbanks recreation ground.
2.1.2 / Instruct Officers to develop a phasing scheme for improvements and to draw up more detailed designs and specifications which will form the basis for future bids for funding from the Planning Obligations (Recreational Contributions) Sub-Group.
3 / Information
3.1 / Leisure Services requested expressions of interest from Landscape Design firms from their approved list to produce a Visioning Exercise for Sandbanks. The impetus for this came from the desire to develop a wet play area and improve play facilities at Sandbanks. Historical data reveals a vibrant recreation facility in the past which has suffered from unplanned, piecemeal development since the 1960’s. Atkins Limited were awarded the contract based on a quality and price assessment of their submission. The work was funded by Planning Obligations monies to a maximum of £10,000.
3.2 / The objectives of the exercise were:
· To create a sense of arrival and destination that Sandbanks Recreation Ground once had and which has been lost with the haphazard development of the car park and other facilities.
· To incorporate new recreational activities especially a wet play area against the backdrop of the historical architecture and layout.
3.3 / Officers from Leisure Services and Transportation Services held a series of meetings with Atkins to progress the work. In particular it was necessary to take account of traffic flow, parking numbers, nature conservation issues without constraining the creative process. The result is an imaginative, high quality piece of work which brings forward some interesting ideas for developing Sandbanks into a destination for the future.
3.4 / Proposals or options
3.5 / The Visioning Exercise first provides an analysis of the site, the history of its development and its facilities at present. It provides detail on the existing support facilities, the beach huts, beach station and toilets, café, kiosk, depot and the pavilion. Atkins have also provide some plans analysing the pedestrian and vehicle movements and important view points to aid their proposals.
3.6 / The design concept and master plan which follows the analysis makes recommendations to improve individual parts of the site within the context of a wider, cohesive vision for the site generally. These include:
§ a water play feature and traditional play area
§ using some existing dune/scrub vegetation areas for parking to compensate for the loss of parking spaces at the pavilion end of the recreation ground
§ enhance the entrance to the beach by the toilets and beach station
§ provide an entrance to the recreation ground and incorporate a new kiosk/café building
§ remodel the green space around the existing beach café
§ utilise design themes for benches, surfacing, lighting, fencing etc to reflect the uniqueness of Sandbanks
§ plant trees to create shade and formalise pedestrian routes
§ improve and manage the nature conservation areas
Atkins also suggest:
§ restoration work to the pavilion including restoring the flat roof
§ restructuring the Banks Road frontage and site entrance
§ allow for dinghy launching into Poole Bay
3.7 / The Visioning Exercise proposes an ambitious scheme to improve Sandbanks. Leisure Services wish to work towards this ambition by carrying out individual projects but in accordance with the master plan. Phase 1 of the improvements would include:
§ installing a wet play or similar feature (which remains a priority);
§ improving by widening the entrance to the beach adjacent the beach office and toilets
§ alterations to the putting green and parking in order to accommodate a wet play feature in the preferred location.
3.8 / It is anticipated that this work would be funded from the Planning Obligations (Recreational Contribution) fund, once the detailed designs and costings have been worked up. Projects in later phases, for example the building of a new kiosk/café may be financed by partnership working and/ or Leisure Services will explore match funding from external sources.
3.9 / Public consultation will be important and Leisure Services will use the Council web site, site notices, leaflets and displays of the proposals in local libraries and the Civic Centre to consult as widely as possible. Residents Associations will be consulted. In the first instance a presentation will be made at the Canford Cliffs and Penn Hill Area Committee on the 27th September which will be advertised to all the other Area Committees.
4 / Conclusion
4.1 / Improvements are needed to Sandbanks recreation ground to create a destination fit for the demands of today. The excellent work by Atkins in developing a master plan comprising individual improvements over the wider area has meant that Leisure Services, in consultation with residents and stakeholders, can specify projects to produce these individual improvements to the benefit of the whole site.
Contact Officers:
Richard Nicholson Technical and Development Team Leader (01202) 261347
Matti Raudsepp, Open Spaces Manager (01202) 261377
Background Papers:
Atkins: Sandbanks Visioning Exercise.