To: MMSD Instructional Staff, Student Services Staff, IRTs and Learning Coordinators

Re: Classroom Action Research (CAR) 2010-2011

Theme: K-12 Universal Design for Learning & Differentiation


(application due date for the UDL C.A.R. group: October 25, 2010)

MMSD’S COMMITMENT TO ACTION RESEARCH: As we face the demanding daily life of our schools and work to ensure the success of all of our students, it is challenging to find time to come together to reflect on meaningful issues that impact our classrooms. MMSD has a long-standing commitment to action research, an important element in the high-quality work of our staff, and national reputation for our work in this area. Over the past two decades, over 600 staff have pursued action research in order to better understand and change their own practice. This is a remarkable record and a testimony to all who have participated in and supported this work. See

WHAT IS ACTION RESEARCH? Action Research is a process in which educators

examine their own practice systematically and carefully using the techniques of

research. Participants design a research question, collect data throughout the

year, analyze what they have learned, and write about their findings. Observations,

interviews, surveys and journals are typical data methods that participants use to

investigate their questions. Action Research is based on the following assumptions:

Educators work best on problems they have identified for themselves.

Educators become more effective when encouraged to examine and assess

theirown work and then consider ways of working differently.

Educators help each other by working collaboratively. (Heidi Watts)

WHAT IS UNIVERSAL DESIGN and DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-based framework for designing curricula - that is: educational goals, methods, materials, and assessments which enable all students to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning. This is accomplished by simultaneously providing rich supports for learning and reducing barriers to the curriculum, while maintaining high achievement standards for all students. A universally designed curriculum is designed from the outset to meet the needs of the greatest number of users, making costly, time-consuming, and after-the-fact changes to curriculum unnecessary.

Because not all students are alike, differentiated instruction applies an approach to teaching and learning such that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and demonstrating understanding. The model of differentiated instruction requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching and to adjust the curriculum and presentation of information to learners rather than expecting students to modify themselves for the curriculum. In a differentiated classroom, teaching is a blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction. Differentiated instruction is a teaching theory based on the premise that instructional approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students in classrooms.

WHY IS ACTION RESEARCH A POWERFUL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE? In order to effectively implement school change, people must have time to reflect on the implications of the new directions and connect what they are learning to the context in which they work. Participants in action research groups discuss their practices in depth, learn from what others are doing, collect data about what they are studying, and document what is making a difference. The “action” implies that researchers do something differently in their practice or in their school on behalf of students. People pursue their own research question as the year unfolds, but they also learn about others’ questions in an informal discussion setting. Collaboration, inquiry, and reflection are at the core of this powerful staff development process.


Action Research begins with a question or a puzzle. Sometimes people come to the first meeting with a specific research question in mind, but this is not necessary. A key feature of the action research process is the development of a thoughtful, challenging question. During the 2010-2011 year, UDL C.A.R. group participants will pursue projects focusing on the universal design process and techniques for using differentiation effectively with your students. Monthly meetings will take place at a central location outside of school.


The Universal Design & Differentiation CAR Group will meeteach month for approximately four hours. Participants must make a commitment to their learning and to the rest of the group by attending all of the meetings. In addition to the monthly meetings, individuals work on their own time to develop their research projects. At the end of the year, everyone writes a paper describing the story of what they have learned, and participates in a district-wide forum to share ideas with colleagues.

WHAT HAPPENS AT THE MONTHLY MEETINGS? Participants learn about different stages of the CAR process while investigating their research question. At each meeting, everyone has time to talk about their research question and the progress they are making. Group members ask questions and help each other think more deeply about the work, and writing is part of this process.

MONTHLY RESEARCH GROUP MEETING DATES and TIMES: Your commitment includes monthly facilitated meeting time which will be conducted both during and after the school day. Subs will be provided for daytime meetings. The May and June meetings will take place in the evening, exact dates TBA. In addition to the monthly meetings, individuals work on their own time to develop their research projects.

Universal Design for Learning CAR Meeting Dates:

1. Nov 1 * Mon * 7:45-11:45am 6. April 6 Wed * 7:45am-3:00pm

2. Dec 10 * Fri * 7:45-11:45am 7. May (date TBA) 4-7pm

Note: Substitute3. Jan 7 * Fri * 7:45-11:45am 8. May 31 Tues * 4:15-6:15pm CAR

coverage is provided4. Feb 2 * Wed * 7:45am-3:00pm 9. June (date TBA) 4-7pm

for the daytime meetings.5. March 9 * Wed * 7:45-11:45am


Meetings will take place in the conference room at WPS. Directionswill be provided.

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Participants can include Teachers, IRTs, Learning Coordinators, Student Services and Specials staff. Groups typically have 8-12 participants, and 2 co-facilitators.

MEETING FACILITATORS (Barb Brodhagen, Amy Clements, and Lisa Davidson)

The Universal Design & Differentiation CAR group has3 experienced co-facilitators who are enthusiastic about helping you learn about UDL and supporting you through the process of action research. Barb, Amy, and Lisa will share introductory information and background materials at the first meeting so that you can map out the year and get started on identifying a research question.


  • Participants have the option of earning UW-Madison graduate credits (Dept of C&I) as either a special student or a student currently enrolled in a graduate program. "Special Students" enroll for a reduced fee of $150/credit. This 3-credit CAR course is listed in the spring semester timetable. In order to earn UW credit, participants must participate fully in all meetings, complete all assignments on time, and meet UW enrollment and registration deadlines.
  • Instead of UW credit, participants may earn up to 6 Professional Advancement Credits (PACs) for afterschool meetings and independent work done on their projects outside the contract day.
  • Classroom Action Research can be part of your Professional DevelopmentPlan.


CAR is funded from a variety of district budgets. Materials and sub days for this particular group will be funded by MMSD’s Educational Services Department. UW-Madison Profs Cathy Compton-Lilly and Ken Zeichner serve as coordinating faculty and have arranged for the special reduced UW credit rate.

HOW DO I GET MORE INFORMATION? Please contactAmy Clements, Ed Services (663-5976) or Mary Klehr CAR Coordinator (/204-6717), with any questions. Also, a number of your colleagues have done action research in the past--feel free to ask them for information about the experience. See the CAR website for lists of past topics, participants, and study abstracts:

HOW DO I SIGN UP TO BE PART OF CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH? There are two steps: 1. enroll online via the Madison Virtual Campus and 2. fill out and return the last page via email to Mary Klehr by October 25th.


Please bring a 3 ring binder to the first meeting.


Classroom Action Research

(to apply for the UDL CAR group, send the following information to

Mary Klehr via Groupwise: October 25, 2010)

Application Statement:

I have read the attached information and am interested in participating in the2010-2011Universal Design & Differentiation C.A.R. group because:

Other Information:






Please mark any of the following that apply:

____ I have enrolled in "Classroom Action Research (CAR) 2010-2011 through the district's Madison Virtual


* Go to

* You need to be logged in before you can sign up for classes. If you have never logged in before,

now is the time to register for a user account: Click on the "Register” button (above purple heading

on left) and follow instructions to get a user account and set up a password.

* Now you’re ready tolog in and click on "MMSD Professional Learning Catalog" at top to view courses.

* Search for Classroom Action Research, click "details", then "add to cart" (button on far right).

* Click "Check out."

* Click the drop down menu to choose the type of credit you are requesting, then click "continue."

* Click "Check out" again.

Contact Marsha Tortorice () or call 663.4955 for help with the MVC registration process.

____ I agree to participate fully in all monthly sessions, complete the CAR process, write a paper, and participate in the annual CAR Forum on Tuesday May 31, 2011, from 4-6:15pm.

____ I have received permission from my principal to leave school to attend daytime meetings.

Principal Name:

_____I will need substitute coverage to attend daytime meetings.

____ I have participated in MMSD CAR in the past.9/24/10mrk