Classified Senate Meeting

November 13, 2014

12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258

2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers
President: Sandra Belmares
Vice-President: Kevin Williams
Treasurer: Shawn Ledet
Secretary: Rachel Larsen
Past President: Monica Souza
4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles / Attendance:
Sandra Belmares
Kevin Williams
Shawn Ledet
Rachel Larsen
Hunter Laugenour
Sarah Adamovich
Craig Hart
Sarah Eyanson / Barbara Beale
Deborah Knowles

I. Call to Order

·  Meeting called to order at 12:02 pm.

II. Changes in Agenda

·  No changes

III. Approval of Minutes

·  Hunter Laugenour motioned to approve the October 2014 minutes, Kevin Williams seconded, motion passed.

IV. Officer Reports

  1. President - Sandra Belmares

·  LRCCD Board of Trustees meeting, November 12th, at SCC – The Los Rios Classified Senates’ Board Report copy provided. Each campus presented their Student Equity Plans for 2014-2015 to the Board and all plans were approved.

·  Based on SCC’s Equity Plan, a new Dean position and several classified positions are anticipated to be filled. The SSSP Plan and Student Equity Plan should be available to view online at SCC’s website soon.

·  It was suggested that SSSP funds and Student Equity funds might be able to be used for the RISE program, child care, scholarships or emergency fund for students. Sandra will take these suggestions forward.

·  Executive Council met on November 3rd, and Sandra reported at this meeting that the Classified Senate seeks more information regarding the Memorial Tree campus issues form, such as any infrastructure implications planting a tree may have and that there should be a formal process in place for these types of requests.

·  Janet Napolitano is coming to SCC on November 24th, 2014. This event is for California Community College Presidents and Chancellor’s only, so it is not open to the general campus. This gathering will include 17-18 CEO’s from community colleges all over California to discuss improving the transfer rate from community colleges to UC’s.

·  The “Effectiveness of Communication and Shared Governance-2014” survey results are on the web. Sandra met with President Jeffery and shared with her that classified staff don’t always feel supported to participate in shared governance through serving on standing committees, non-standing committees, or the Classified Senate. President Jeffery shared that she is a strong supporter of shared governance and classified staff’s involvement.

·  Sandra and Monica will work on getting on the agenda for the next Student Services Supervisors or Area Reps meeting to encourage them to support the classified employees in their areas to get involved and participate in shared governance opportunities.

  1. Vice President – Kevin Williams

·  The Student Senate met and made two new appointments earlier this month.

  1. Treasurer - Shawn Ledet

·  We currently have $3,592.04 in our account.

·  Academic Senate is discussing concerns about online and hybrid classes.

  1. Secretary - Rachel Larsen

·  No Report

  1. Past President - Monica Souza (Not present)

·  No report

V. Old Business

·  As a reminder, the board agendas and minutes are available to view online.

·  Area representatives are needed for Area 7, 13 and 14.

·  Senate sub-committee members are needed. Please sign up if you’re interested.

·  SCC Standing and non-standing committees always need staff to join. Let Sandra know if you are interested in serving.

·  ESTEEM Program needs Classified employees to be involved for the spring 2015 semester. It’s a one semester commitment. Please contact Sandra if you’re interested.

·  New smoking standard update – the new, permanent structures will be going up soon. Feedback from today’s meeting is that smoking is still occurring very close the Business Building entrance. Sandra will take this feedback to Exec Council.

VI. New Business

a.  Professional Development Opportunities and Update – Sandra Belmares

·  Classified Leadership Academy (CLA) – the next session will be held on November 21, 2014, Ethan Way Center.

·  Deborah Knowles reported that she’s attending the 4CS quarterly board meeting and the CCLC Annual Convention on November 19th to 21st. The SCC Classified Senate is supporting her cost of travel in the amount of $200. SCC’s Classified Senate also asked the sister campus senates to contribute, as well, if possible. ARC’s Classified Senate will contribute $200. Deborah estimates that the total cost of this travel will be around $1,400.00

·  Monica and Tyler will be attending the Professional Development Clearinghouse Summit on 11/17/14 in Sacramento. The State Chancellor’s Office is hosting this summit.

b.  LRCCD Employee Satisfaction Survey results – Discussion

·  President Jeffery emailed to the SCC exchange a summary of these results and a link to the survey on October 10th, 2014. Copy of summary provided at this meeting. According to the summary we have 2’s and 3’s that indicate areas for improvement. We also have some 4’s and high-3’s in areas that we are doing well. These results will be incorporated in SCC’s Accreditation Self Study to document where we need to improve.

c.  Classified Summer Charette results – Discussion

·  This topic will continue to be on the agenda for discussion. Please review this report, it’s available online; send your feedback to Sandra anytime. This feedback will be used to implement changes in coordination with other initiatives happening on campus for ongoing improvements to how we deliver services to students.

d.  Standing Committees Reports:

i.  Educational & Informational Technology – Jacek Kozikowski – not present

ii.  Learning Resources – Ashu Mishra – not present

iii.  PRIE – Craig Hart/Sarah Eyanson

·  PRIE Committee communicates with the PRIE office, they pick out things that are interesting to report out to the campus community.

·  In Fall 2010, the committee went to the campus talking about the “0.0” students

·  They look at how long it takes students to reach their academic goals. Most students take 6 years!

·  Student Perception Progress Survey – currently reviewing results. Will present on the results in spring 2015.

·  Over 1000 surveys received back with valid student identification numbers. Attitude and availability of staff helps students the most. Cost of textbooks ranked lowest as a deterrent for students.

VIII. Good of the Order

a.  Accreditation Update – It is going well

b.  LRCCD Adopted budget for 2014-2015 – Sandra has the entire budget in the Classified Senate Office if anyone would like to see it.

c.  Computer access for XP users – Elaine Ader sent an email informing SCC employees that laptop computers with the XP operating system or older will no longer be able to access the District’s network for wifi.

d.  Student Guides – If you need any, you may contact Rosa Rose.

IX. Adjournment

·  Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm. Next meeting is December 18, 2014, RHN-258. This meeting will also be a potluck so bring your favorite dish to share.