South Central Sub-Region
(BGSW) Team
(latest – 1 April 2015)
Service Level Agreement for the provision of the
Enhanced Service in Community Pharmacy
Service Description / Introduction
This agreement sets out the framework for the provision of Pharmaceutical Services outside the normal opening hours during the out of hour’s period. The pharmacy will provide access to its services for an extended period of opening to ensure that people have prompt access to medicines during the out of hours period (whether for the whole or part of that period). This is an additional local service to the existing dispensing service provided within the essential services as defined in the community pharmacy contractual framework.
The implementation, administration, monitoring and review of this agreement is the responsibility of the NHS England South Central Sub-Region Team or any organisation that takes over this function.
Service Aims
To improve access for patients to medicines, when they are required, by ensuring prompt access and continuity of supply.
To support people, carers and clinicians by providing them with information and advice on medicines, and referral to other sources of assistance when appropriate.
Financial Details
In 2015–2016 each pharmacy contracted to provide this service will receive: -
Weekday evening (agreed times) / £20.50 (per hour)Sunday (agreed times) / £143.50 (per hour)
Bank holiday (agreed times) / £153.75 (per hour)
Special Bank holiday
(25th Dec, 26th Dec, 1st Jan, Easter Sunday) agreed times) / £215.25 (per hourBoxing Day and New Year’s Day or date in lieu.
£236.00 (per hour Easter Sunday and Christmas Day or date in lieu)
Pharmacies who are commissioned to provide this service will need to ensure that the appropriate payment is claimed using the relevant claim form (Appendix A) for the current year. Reimbursement will only be made if the signed signature sheet(Appendix B) has been submitted to NHS England at the start of the year.
In the event that a contractor is unable to cover an agreed rota duty it is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the duty is covered by another pharmacy in the locality and NHS England notified of the change in advance.
Contract Period
This is a one year Enhanced Service which will run from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 (Appendix C).
Should either party wish to cease providing/commissioning this service they will give three months notice in writing.
Service outline
Criteria / Statement / How evidencedService /
- The pharmacy will supply medicines in response to the presentation of NHS prescriptions, in accordance with the existing SOP for dispensing NHS prescriptions.
- The pharmacy will provide advice on medicines, OTC sales and refer to other sources of assistance where appropriate.
- The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service are aware of and operates within local protocols.
- Community Pharmacy contractor providers of this service will comply with the General Pharmaceutical Council standards of conduct, ethics and performance at all times
Training / The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the service.
Record keeping / As part of the claim for payment the pharmacy will provide NHS England with the following records, to ensure effective ongoing service delivery and audit:
- See Appendix A
NHS England will provide the appropriate paperwork for the recording of service information for the purpose of audit and claiming the payment (Appendix A).
Quality indicators / The pharmacy will review the SOP for dispensing annually and provide evidence.
The pharmacy co-operates with any NHS England led assessment of service user experience.
The pharmacy co operates with any audit, (up to one) of the service in addition to the two specified audits in the community pharmacy contractual framework.
South Central Sub-Region
(BGSW) Team
Appendix A – Claim Form and information for audit – Access to medicines Out of Hours (2015 – 2016)
NB: No claim can be entertained in respect of hours of service provided not required specifically by the Scheme.
Name of pharmacy: ……………………………………………. OCS code: ………………….Address of pharmacy: …………………………………………………………………………….
Number of prescription forms dispensed (exempt)
Number of prescription forms dispensed (paid)
Number of prescription items dispensed (exempt)
Number of prescription items dispensed (paid)
Number of patients / Healthcare professionals given advice
Number of patients receiving advice that also bought OTC products
Number of patients / Healthcare professionals signposted to other services
How many patients accessed locally commissioned services
For the month of…………………………….2015/2016
Date / Open from*(state am/pm) / Open to
*(state am/pm) / Payment
(per hour) / Total
I (we) declare that the premises listed above was open in accordance with requirements of the Access to Medicines Out Hours of Service Scheme on the dates and at the times shown.
I (we) confirm that the information given on this form is true and complete. I understand that if I provide false or misleading information I may be liable to prosecution or civil proceedings. I understand that the information on this form may be used for the purpose of fraud prevention, detection and investigation.
Name of Duty Pharmacist (print): ……………………………………………………………….Signature of Duty Pharmacist: ………………………………………………….. Date: …………………..
Claims should be submitted to the NHS England BGSW Sub-Region Team, Sanger House, 5220 Valiant Court, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE on the 1st of each month.
South Central Sub-Region
(BGSW) Team
Appendix B – Signature sheet - Access to Medicines Out of Hours service (2015 – 2016):
Name of pharmacy: ……………………………………………. OCS code: ………………….Address of pharmacy: …………………………………………………………………………….
I confirm that the pharmacy is capable of meeting its obligations under the Enhanced Service specification to provide pharmaceutical services on the agreed dated throughout 2015 – 2016 and will adhere to all requirements of the service specification.
Signature on behalf of the pharmacy: …………………………………………………………….Print Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Post Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Date: …………………………………………………..
By signing this agreement you acknowledge that action may be taken against you if you make an incorrect claim. You are also consenting to the disclosure of relevant information for the purposes of fraud prevention, detection and investigation.
PLEASE RETURN THIS SIGNED FORM TO NHS ENGLAND PRIOR TO 1ST APRIL 2015: NHS England BGSW Sub-Region Team, Sanger House, 5220 Valiant Court, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4FE.
Signature on behalf of NHS England: ……………………………………………………….Print Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Post Title: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Date: …………………………………………………..
South Central Sub-Region
(BGSW) Team
Appendix C – date and times at which pharmacy will be open in accordance with the agreement made under the Access to Medicines Out of Hours service for 2015 – 2016:
Please keep this list at the pharmacy premises. If you have Sunday rota duties or weekday evening duties for 2015-16, these have already been agreed and are not included on this form.
I:\BGSW\SangerHouse\Commissioning\Primary Care\Pharmaceutical\Commissioning Management\Enhanced Services\Service Level Agreement