Psi Omega Psi Dental Fraternity Constitution

Non-Discrimatory Clause:

“Discrimination against any individual based upon protected status, which is defined as age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited.”

While there is no application process for membership, the executive board reserves the right to deny aspiring members at their discretion. A vote of 3 out of 4 (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) must be achieved to deny membership. The same process is applicable to removal of a member or revocation of officer duties.

The House Manager and President reserve the right of refusal for leases and the retendering of leases.

Dues are $200 for dental students for the first three years of membership. The fourth year of membership is free with three paid years. Dental hygiene member’s dues are $125 for each year of membership.

Dues for returning members must be paid by the second week of the autumn semester. If not paid by then, the executive board has the right to remove members from our student organization and all of our activities.

Officer elections take place every March. Elections are held electronically using a survey software voted on by all active members. President and Treasurer must attend Student Org Training and keep the fraternity as “active” status. House Manager and Treasurer must live in the house.

Brief Description of Officer Positions

President – Psi Omega’s head representative of the fraternity to those outside the chapter

including nationals, the dental school, various dental companies and organizations we

interact with (sponsors). The face of Psi O. Oversees other officer’s progress/performance.

Think the face of Psi O/big picture.

Vice President – A mobile position in charge of stepping in to assist other positions if they

need help. Shares responsibility with the President of overseeing the other positions and

ensuring that deadlines are being met. Think “cracks the whip” to hold officers accountable,

but also lends a helping hand as necessary.

Treasurer – Pays all the bills for the house, events, etc… Reimburses members for Psi O

related purchases. Handles the set-up/ordering of composite photos. Shares responsibility

with house manager to recruit students to live in the house.

House Manager – Organizes weekly cleanings/chores for the house as well as pre-event

cleanings. Handles regular maintenance/contact of professional maintenance personnel as

necessary. Shares responsibility with treasurer to recruit students to live in the house.

Secretary – Writes articles each semester for the Frater. Responsible for upkeep on the

website. Keep track of important topics at House Company meetings. Attends Dean’s

meetings at the school. Helps with Thanksgiving invites along with the Alumni chair.

Academic Chair – Sets up D1 and D2 help sessions. Organizes our mock interview event

with the Pre-dent club. Organizes dinner and learns

Social Chair – Plans/oversees and set up for tailgates (involves getting sponsors – President

assists), thanksgiving, initiation dinner, senior dinner, open bars…the position most likely to

be tapping the Vice President for assistance

Rush Chair –Needs to be present at the involvement fair. Updates our recruiting power point

each year and sets up the lunch and learn at which it is shown. Responsible for organizing a

rush event to kick off the year. Sits outside the canteen to sign up new members during rush

week. Gives out the free shirt and gifts members receive.

Community Service Chair – Organizes pairings for D2 – D1 mentoring program. Organizes

one community service opportunity for fraternity members each semester. Plans fundraisers

for making Oral Hygiene Kits for the Homeless Shelter – Open House

Alumni Chair – Reaches out to alumni for invitations to events such as Thanksgiving and


Historian – Should be present to take pictures at events.