3 October 2006
WORK PLAN 2006-2007
(Approved by the Committee on Adminstrative and Budgetary Affairs
at its meeting held on September 28, 2006)
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WORK PLAN 2006-2007
(Approved by the Committee on Adminstrative and Budgetary Affairs
at its meeting held on September 28, 2006)
In my capacity as Chair of the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs, I am pleased to submit this Draft Work Plan for the period 2006 to 2007 (CP/CAAP-2851/06) to the members of the Committee for consideration.
As a permanent committee of the Permanent Council, the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs’ (CAAP) functions are set out in Article 19 of the Rules of Procedure of the Permanent Council as follows:
1.To recommend to the Permanent Council any programs within the Council's purview that may serve the General Secretariat as a basis for preparing the proposed program-budget of the Organization, as stipulated in Article 112.c of the Charter;
2.To examine the proposed program-budget that the General Secretariat transmits to it in consultation with the Permanent Council for the purposes indicated in Article 112.c of the Charter, and to submit to the Council such observations as it may deem pertinent;
3.To study any other subjects the Permanent Council may entrust to it in relation to the programs, budget, administration, and financial aspects of the operations of the General Secretariat; and
4.To consider any annual evaluation reports submitted by the Secretary General to the Permanent Council in compliance with the provisions of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat and, on that basis, to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Organization’s programs, projects, and activities. Furthermore, to make any recommendations it deems appropriate and submit them to the Permanent Council for consideration and subsequent referral to the Preparatory Committee, so that they may be considered by the General Assembly in conjunction with the proposed program-budget.
In keeping with this article, the Permanent Council assigned to the CAAP, on July 20, 2006, the consideration of two General Assembly resolutions, as listed below in Section II. Additionally, the CAAP will deal with all other administrative, budgetary and financial matters and related reports presented to it during the course of the year.
The successful resolution of the complex issues before the Committee and the compliance, overall, with the proposedagenda, will require much deliberation andthe prudent use of time and other resources.
As a means of organizing the Committee's assigned tasks, this Draft Work Plan lays out the work, using as a guide the timeframes set in the resolutions (Section IV). This Draft Work Plan also includes reference to other activities or reports which have to be borne in mind, notwithstanding that no specific timeline has been set for them by the General Assembly (Section V). The agenda for each Committee meeting will be determined, taking these deadlines into consideration, and by the availability of the requisite information on the topic(s) scheduled for consideration. In this regard, and with the intention of assisting Committee members in planning their schedules, this Draft Work Plan includes a calendar of meetings with proposed dates and agendas for September to December 2006 (Section VII).
Bearing in mind that it is incumbent upon the CAAP to look at issues of an administrative and budgetary nature, I wish to underscore the following mandate reiterated by the General Assembly this year, that
"…resolutions submitted to the General Asembly that require Regular Fund financing must be accompanied by an opinon, on the avialability of funds, from the CAAP or from the Subcomittee on Administrative and Budgetary Matters of the Preparatory Committee of the General Assembly. Resolutions presented after the Preparatory Committee has completed its work may be adopted, but may not be executed, until the requisite opinion from the CAAP and reconfirmation by the Permanent Council are received."
In that context, it is the intention of the Chair to work closely with the Chair of the Permanent Council, the Chairs of the other committees and of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) to ensure that all draft resolutions to be submitted to the next General Assembly session which have budgetary implications are seen by the CAAP in a timely manner, prior to their approval by the Permanent Council.
Of note is the crucial role to be played by the General Secretariat, in particular the Secretariat for Administration and Finance, both in an advisory capacity to the CAAP as well as being directly responsible for complying with or overseeing compliance with the majority of the mandates set out in the General Assembly resolutions assigned to the CAAP. I have noted that the Secretariat's presentations, this year, of consolidated financial reports (that is, the inclusion of both Regular and Specific Funds) have assisted the Committee in looking at financial matters from a broader perspective. The Chair considers that continuing this practice will allow for a more holistic approach and enable the Committee to more effectively do its work.
Due consideration must also be given, during the course of the Committee's deliberations, to the points raised by the Secretary General at the Thirty-Sixth Regular Session of the General Assembly, as set out in the document entitled "Presentation by the Secretary General to the General Assembly on the Financial Situation of the OAS" (AG/doc.4628/06). In providing a complete overview of the financial situation and proposing crucialissues to be addressed and ways of so doing, that statement will be most relevant to several mandates before the Committee. As the Committee adopts a comprehensive approach to dealing with the Organization's administrative and budgetary matters, it must address fundamental questions and propose long-term solutions for recurring challenges, and continue on the path towards improving sustainability while maintaining full transparency. The Chair welcomesthe Secretariat's initiatives to that end.In this context, I was pleased to receive proposals from the General Secrertariat, not only in response to the General Assembly mandates, but also for managing the Organization's finances in a global and inclusive manner. I consider it fitting that these proposals be considered by the CAAP, and I have included them in the Draft Work Plan (see Section VI).
I am pleased to present this Draft Work Plan, and I welcome the Committee members' suggestions on the methodologies proposed in it, as well as your support in achieving the goals set for the Committee by the General Assembly and the Permanent Council.
Francisco Villagrán de León
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Guatemala
Chair, Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs[1]/
September20, 2006
- AG/RES. 2220 (XXXVI-O/06)Strengthening of Human Rights Systems Pursuant to the Mandates Arising from the Summits of the Americas
- AG/RES.2257 (XXXVI-O/06)Program-Budget of the Organization for 2007, Quotas and Contributions to FEMCIDI for 2007
- AG/RES. 2161 (XXXVI-O/06)Strengthening the Inter-American Commission of Women
- AG/RES. 2202 (XXXVI-O/06)OAS Meetings Funding Criteria and Budgetary Guidelines
IN AG/RES. 2257 (XXXVI-O/06)
2006 September-December
September 30th:
Recovery of indirect costs
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.7.2.a
"To instruct the Secretary General to:
a. Analyze the cost recovery policy for technical supervision and administrative support of all funds administered by the General Secretariat, taking into account the Inspector General’s audit on overhead charges and present a report for the consideration of the Permanent Council prior to September 30, 2006, that proposes amendments to the General Standards as required, so as to reflect a new cost recovery policy, that is coherent, consistent and reasonable;"[4]/
Fund for Building Improvement, Maintenance Services, and Other Urgent Needs
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.3.c.
c."To instruct the Secretary General to report quarterly to the Permanent Council on the income and expenditures of this special fund."
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.12.b & c
b."To instruct the General Secretariat to implement more effective enforcement mechanisms for assuring compliance with the rule established by the Permanent Council which requires all tickets paid for by the Regular Fund, FEMICIDI, specific funds, and trust funds administered by the General Secretariat, be purchased in economy class, except for the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary General, and the Chair of the Permanent Council; and to report to the Permanent Council on a quarterly basis on any instances of noncompliance with those rules."
c."To instruct that any offices and units traveling using Specific Funds to provide a record to the donor on a quarterly basis."
October 1st:
Interpretation and Translation Services
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.14.
"To request the General Secretariat to identify the most cost-effective measures of providing interpretation and translation services for OAS conferences and meetings, and to report to the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs by October 2006."
October 31st:
Workforce plan
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.1.g
"To instruct the Secretary General to analyze the long-term (e.g., 3-5 years) staffing requirements of the Secretariat in view of the priorities and programmatic vision of current mandates, the new structure of the General Secretariat, and projected retirement and other departures of current staff, and develop a workforce plan that will allow the Secretariat to identify:
- Skills gaps and surpluses;
- The most appropriate recruitment/hiring instruments to meet projected needs (long-term versus short-term contracting, CPRs, etc.); and
- Suggested mechanisms for responding to staffing surpluses and deficiencies in accordance with the Organization’s programmatic priorities and vision.
To present a report to the Permanent Council by October 31, 2006."
November 30th:
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.12.a
a."To request the General Secretariat to design and implement measures to better rationalize resources assigned to travel expenses and paid for by the Regular Fund, FEMCIDI, specific funds, and trust fund administered by the General Secretariat; and to present a report to the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs no later than November 2006."
December 1st:
Offices of the General Secretariat in the Member States
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.4.a and b
a."To request the Secretary General to ensure that each of the Offices of the General Secretariat in the member states is appropriately staffed and funded and to report to the Permanent Council on both progress and limitations in achieving this objective."
b."To request the General Secretariat to submit to the Permanent Council by December 1 of each year a report containing a strategy and annual work plan for each Office. The report should comply with uniform guidelines established by the Secretary General, and should report on progress made in achieving the preceding year’s objectives. In addition, it should lay out the objectives for the coming year. Where appropriate, the report should address any in-country partnership opportunities that may enhance OAS objectives."
December 31st:
Performance contracts (CPRs)
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.1.b
- "To instruct the General Secretariat to submit to the Permanent Council semiannual reports on all the performance contracts (CPRs) in accordance with Article 130 of the General Standards."
- "To request the Permanent Council to examine, through the Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP), the Inspector General’s report on CPRs and make the corresponding recommendations to the Secretary General."
Scale of quota assessments
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.2.b
b."To request the Secretary General to convene in the second half of 2006 the group of experts that will begin consideration of the methodology for determining the new scale of member state quota assessments and to present a report thereon to the Permanent Council." [5]/
Fund for Building Improvement, Maintenance Services, and Other Urgent Needs
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.3.aand c.
a."To instruct the Secretary General to present a fundraising strategy for the Building Improvement and Maintenance Fund by December 2006."
c."To instruct the Secretary General to report quarterly to the Permanent Council on the income and expenditures of this special fund."
Recovery of indirect costs
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.7.2.b.
To instruct the Secretary General to:
- "Submit semiannual reports to the Permanent Council on projects financed by specific funds, which reports shall contain the following information:
- Income from overhead cost recovery (administrative support and technical supervision costs);
- Interest income earned; and
- The percentage of interest income earned and applied toward overhead charges."
2007 January-May
January 30th:
Geographic representation
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.1.d
"To urge the Secretary General to develop, with technical assistance from the Department of Human Resources and all people involved in the hiring and selection process, a human resource policy throughout which the principle of geographic representation is realized in accordance with Article 120 of the Charter of the Organization of American States, and to present a report to the Permanent Council by January 30, 2007."
January 31st:
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.9.c
c."To instruct the General Secretariat to present a report to the Permanent Council by January 31, 2007, on the amounts obtained by each dependency of the General Secretariat and by all the other organs and entities financed in whole or in part by the Regular Fund. This report should cover the 12-month period ending December 31, 2006, and should include the following information:
i.A list of all dependencies and entities involved in fundraising efforts, including any foundations raising funds on behalf of the OAS and its programs;
ii.Amounts raised, both cash and in-kind;
iii.Sources of the funds raised; and
iv.A breakdown of costs incurred by the Regular Fund, in terms of personnel and other expenses, to pursue fundraising efforts and to execute programs financed by the funds raised;"
February 1st:
Fund for Building Improvement, Maintenance Services, and Other Urgent Needs
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.3.d
"To instruct the General Secretariat to review the status and the inventory of the collection of the Museum of the Americas and to report to the CAAP by February 2007 with suggestions for the enhancing of the future role of the Museum within the OAS."
March 1st:
Program-budget for 2008
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph B.2
a."To instruct the General Secretariat to submit to the Preparatory Committee a proposed program-budget for the year 2008 at the level of $81.5 million. Income shall include only: quota income, interest and rental income, contributions for technical supervision and administrative support from FEMCIDI and from trust and specific funds, and all other miscellaneous income."[6]/
March 31st:
Fund for Building Improvement, Maintenance Services, and Other Urgent Needs
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.3.c.
c."To instruct the Secretary General to report quarterly to the Permanent Council on the income and expenditures of this special fund."
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.11.c
"To request the General Secretariat to review current procedures for the effectiveness of its participation in the creation and support of foundations, NGOs, and other such entities, and to make appropriate amendments, if necessary, to carry out oversight processes of the General Secretariat activities with those foundations, particularly when they are raising funds using the name of the OAS, and to present a report to the Permanent Council before the thirty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly."
Inter-American Children's Institute (IIN)
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.15
"To entrust the Secretary General with conducting a review of the operations of the Inter-American Children’s Institute with a view to examine its activities to benefit all member states and, if appropriate, implement savings on administrative expenses, and to inform the Permanent Council prior to the next regular session of the General Assembly."
Scale of quota assessments
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.2.a
"To extend the mandate adopted by the thirty-first special session of the General Assembly through AG/RES. 1 (XXXI-E/06), instructing the Permanent Council to continue considering a draft methodology for assessing quotas to the member states –one that will take into account the criteria established in Article 55 of the OAS Charter and current data on the ability to pay of the member countries; and to present to the General Assembly, at its thirty-seventh regular session, its conclusions and recommendations for the adoption of a revised, definitive scale of quota assessments for 2009 and subsequent years."
Payment of quotas
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.6.b
"To extend the mandate of the Permanent Council to evaluate the existing measures and to consider new measures aimed at encouraging the timely payment of quotas and to complete its report thereon to the General Assembly at its thirty-seventh regular session."
- Trust positions
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.1.c:
"To extend the mandates in resolution AG/RES. 1839 (XXXI-O/01) for the Secretary General to study the General Secretariat’s policies on trust positions, and for the Permanent Council to consider recommendations for any necessary changes to the General Standards."
- Position audits
AG/RES. 2257, Section III. General Provisions, paragraph A.1.h