
The United Nations Volunteers is the UN organization that supports sustainable human development globally through the promotion of volunteerism, including the mobilization of volunteers. It serves the causes of peace and development through enhancing opportunities for participation by all peoples. It is universal, inclusive and embraces volunteer action in all its diversity.

This post is a UNV volunteer assignment based on the values of free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity, which are the foundations of volunteerism. Volunteering brings benefit to the individual volunteer as well as the society at large. It enhances social cohesion and enriches communities.

In most cultures volunteerism is deeply embedded in long-established, ancient traditions of sharing and support within the communities. In this context, UNV volunteers take part in various forms of volunteerism and play a role in development and peace together with co-workers, host agencies and local communities.

In all assignments, UNV volunteers promote volunteerism through their action and conduct. Engaging in volunteer activity can effectively and positively enrich your understanding of local and social realities, as well as create a bridge between yourself and the people in your host community. This will make the time you spend as UNV volunteer even more rewarding and productive.

1. UNV Assignment Title: Project Advisor

2. Type of assignment: International UNV volunteer

3. Project Title: Strengthening Capacity of Viet Nam Volunteer Information Resource Centre (VVIRC) for Promoting V4D

4. Duration: 3 years

5. Location, Country: Ha Noi, Viet Nam

6. Expected starting date: March 2008

7. Brief Project Description:

Viet Nam is in a process of rapid social and economic change. It is foreseen that it will become a middle income country before the year 2010. However, challenges to an equitable and just development still remain. The gap between the very rich and the very poor is increasing, especially between rural and urban populations. To counteract this, the Vietnamese Government has stressed the importance of an inclusive agenda in its Social Economic Development plan, SEDP.

Millennium Development Goal 1 has the eradication of extreme poverty as its main objective. This project aims to address this issue through the establishment of a coherent and efficient mechanism for volunteer contributions to Viet Nam’s Millennium Development Agenda.

The project aims to support the establishment of the Viet Nam Volunteer Information Resource Centre (VVIRC) as a national volunteering infrastructure under the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU), which is the largest national volunteering organisation in Viet Nam. VVIRC will coordinate volunteering opportunities, increase capacity in volunteer management and contribute to the development of a legal framework for volunteerism. It will thus create an enabling environment for the voluntary participation of a broad spectrum of people and organisations to contribute to an equitable and inclusive social and economic development of the country. VVIRC will provide valuable contribution to the achievement of the MDGs in general and to poverty reduction, especially for youth and other vulnerable groups in the rural areas, and gender equality, in particular.

Through this project, UNV as the designated UN programme for the promotion of volunteerism will be fulfilling its mandated role. UNV programme has collaborated successfully with HCYU in the past in the SVF funded Cultural Heritage Preservation project during the years 2004-2006.

8. Host Agency/Host Institute: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU)

9. Description of Duties:

Under the supervision of HCYU, VVIRC Operational Project Support Team and the Project Steering Committee, and the UNV volunteer will be responsible for:

Overall project management and coordination

·  Assist HCYU with establishment of VVIRC;

·  Assist the National Project Manager in the VVIRC project planning, implementation, coordination, problem solving, transparency and accountability, and monitoring to ensure the objectives are met nation wide;

·  Coordinate and assist HCYU in the establishment of regional volunteer centres to promote local development of volunteerism;

·  Assist the National Project Manager in submitting through HCYU Hanoi office quarterly progress and financial reports to the project steering committee, UNDP Ha Noi and UNV;

·  Ensure timely implementation of the M&E strategy.

Specific responsibilities would include:

Overall project management:

·  Advise HCYU and VVIRC on managing the realization of project outputs through activities;

·  Provide direction and guidance to HCYU and VVIRC;

·  Liaise with the Steering Committee or to assure the overall direction and integrity of the project;

·  Identify and obtain any support and advice required for the management, planning and control of the project;

·  Responsible for project administration;

·  Liaise with any suppliers.

Running a project

·  Plan the activities of the project and monitor progress against the initial quality criteria;

·  Mobilize goods and services to initiative activities, including drafting TORs and work specifications;

·  Monitor events as determined in the Monitoring & Communication Plan, and update the plan as required;

·  Manage requests for the provision of financial resources by UNDP, using advance of funds, direct payments, or reimbursement using the FACE (Fund Authorization and Certificate of Expenditures);

·  Monitor financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports;

·  Manage and monitor the project risks as initially identified in the Project Brief appraised by the LPAC, submit new risks to the Project Board for consideration and decision on possible actions if required; update the status of these risks by maintaining the Project Risks Log;

·  Be responsible for managing issues and requests for change by maintaining an Issues Log.

·  Prepare the Project Quarterly Progress Report (progress against planned activities, update on Risks and Issues, expenditures) and submit the report to the Project Board and Project Assurance;

·  Prepare the Annual Review Report, and submit the report to the Project Board and the Outcome Board;

·  Based on the review, prepare the AWP for the following year, as well as Quarterly Plans if required.

Closing a Project

·  Prepare Final Project Review Reports to be submitted to the Project Board and the Outcome Board;

·  Identify follow-on actions and submit them for consideration to the Project Board;

·  Manage the transfer of project deliverables, documents, files, equipment and materials to national beneficiaries;

·  Prepare final CDR/FACE for signature by UNDP and the Implementing Partner.

Human resource management

·  Assist National Project Manager in developing TORs and with the recruitment of a team of 3 national UNV volunteers, 2 international AVI/VSO volunteers, and 4 HCYU VVIRC staff;

·  Assist National Project Manager in developing TORs and with the recruitment of national and international consultants as required;

·  Assist HCYU central office in identifying existing staff at provincial offices to coordinate VVIRC project activities at provincial level;

·  Support National Project Manager in supervising and managing the performance of VVIRC project team and external consultants;

·  Involve and manage UNV VVIRC online volunteers, university volunteers, and corporate volunteers as appropriate; and

·  Other human resource management responsibilities as required.

Project administration and project management

·  Assist National Project Manager in timely implementing and delivering project activities within the approved three-year work plan and budget;

·  Assist National Project Manager in producing quarterly financial and progress reports, and whenever requested;

·  Report administrative and personnel matters to UNV;

·  Support and assist National Project Manager and VVIRC project team in managing project activities nation-wide; and

·  Other project administration and project management responsibilities as required.

Training and professional support

·  Assess VVIRC project team training needs and develop a training plan (budget included) to be reviewed and approved by VVIRC Steering Committee;

·  In collaboration with VVIRC project team, provide training and guidance in areas such as project planning and management, volunteer management, participatory methods, and other areas as needed;

·  Provide on the job training and learning opportunities to all VVIRC project team members, particularly support skills and knowledge enhancement of HCYU VVIRC team members in all volunteer project management areas; and

·  Other training and professional support as required.

Advocacy and communications

·  Assist the HCYU Focal Point to represent the project in Volunteerism-related fora and workshops, and use these opportunities to advocate for ‘Volunteerism for Development’;

·  Assist the VVIRC project team to promote mainstreaming of ‘volunteerism for development’ in all national programmes

·  Support the HCYU in collaboration with VVIRC project team, Steering Committee, Operational Project Support Team and other relevant partners to lead a participatory process to formulate a national communications strategy to highlight the work and contributions volunteers make to the country’s socioeconomic development;

·  Contribute stories and pictures to UNV for volunteer promotion through publications and media exposure; and

·  Other advocacy and communications responsibilities as required

Networking and partnerships

·  Assist National Project Manager and the VVIRC project team in ensuring that VVIRC is taking the lead in the coordination of all national volunteer initiatives and volunteerism forums, in collaboration with VIOs, CSOs, NGOs, government partners and UN agencies;

·  Identify linkages with national and international organizations and promote partnerships and collaborations; and

·  Other network and partnership building opportunities as required.

Promotion of Volunteerism

UNV volunteers are expected to promote volunteerism and engage in volunteering activities. As such the Project Advisor will:

·  Strengthen his/her knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and other publications and taking active part in UNV activities;

·  Get acquainted with traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host community.

·  Reflect on and integrate into his/her work plan activities that will be undertaken as part of their assignment in order to promote volunteerism for development (V4D)

Specific ways to promote volunteerism during the assignment and within working hours include:

·  Networking and building relationships with local organizations, groups or individuals and supporting and/or participating in local volunteering initiatives;

·  Encouraging, mobilizing and supporting co-workers, fellow UNV volunteers and members of the local community to play an active part in the development of their community;

·  Contributing articles/write-ups on field experiences and submitting them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.;

·  Initiating and/or participating in local volunteer groups. Assisting them in submitting stories, experiences to the World Volunteer Web site;

·  Reflecting on the type and quality of voluntary action that they are undertaking, including participation in ongoing reflection activities.

·  Promoting or advising local groups in the use of OV (online volunteering), or encouraging relevant local individuals and groups to use OV whenever technically possible.

10. Qualifications/Requirements:


·  Advanced degree in development or related management studies;

·  Minimum of 5 years experience in managing an organisation with focus on volunteer development and development cooperation;

·  Fluency in English;

·  Knowledge and experience in policy development; having been involved in the planning and implementation of policy and regulations of the organisation and of volunteerism;

·  Strong mobilization and coordination skills.

·  Working experience with NGOs is a must and experience with UNV and UN system is an advantage;

·  Extensive experience in skills and knowledge transfer;

·  Highly skilled and experienced in supporting national partners in project management, coordination and administration;

·  Capable of leading a project team with thorough supervision and training;

·  Strong background in training;

·  Strong background in advocacy and communications;

·  Strong analytical and report writing skills;

·  Demonstrated ability to work in partnerships and to promote networking;

·  Personal sensitivity and commitment to the values and principles of volunteerism

·  Proven ability to meet deadlines

·  Cultural sensitivity, and ability to work in multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams


·  Experience in the establishment of volunteer infrastructures;

·  Previous work experience in Viet Nam;

·  Knowledge of Vietnamese language and the country system, social, political, economic background is an advantage.

11. Conditions of Service

International UNV volunteers in Viet Nam receive a volunteer living allowance (VLA), which is intended to cover their accommodation and basic living expenses. In Viet Nam the VLA is $US 1,847 per month (single), $US 2,097 (1 dependant), $US 2,297 (2 or more dependants). They also receive a settling-in grant on commencing their assignment and a resettlement allowance on successful completion. Full medical and life insurance is provided, and they are entitled to 30 days annual leave.

12. Application

Interested international candidates should ensure to register with UNV Global Roster by access the link http://dynamic.unv.org/php/webroster/main/step_one.php?cat=G (please quote your UNV roster number on your application)

Please apply by email, enclosing a CV (Resume) and marking "SRE/VVIRCProj/VIE" in the subject field of the message, to: .

Deadline: 20th February 2009

We regret that acknowledgement will be sent to short-listed applicants only