1698 Grand Chain Rd.
Metropolis, IL 62960
(618) 543-7434
Revised 05/26/10
Table of Contents
Compact for Education…………………………………………….6
Letter of Understanding…………………………………………….7
School Day…………………………………………………….8
Habitual or Chronic Truancy…………………………………………….9
Inclement Weather…………………………………………………….9
Closed Campus…………………………………………………….9
Visitors’ Policy……………………………………………………10
NCLB Teachers’ Qualifications……………………………………10
Physical/Dental Examinations……………………………………11
Eye Examinations……………………………………………………11
Illness and Accidents……………………………………………………11
Dress, Health, and Safety Standards……………………………………12
Nit-Free Policy……………………………………………………12
Medication or Treatment……………………………………………13
Cafeteria Rules……………………………………………………14
Withdrawal or Transfer……………………………………………14
Education of Children with Disabilities……………………………14
Illinois State Achievement Test (ISAT)……………………………15
Retention/Grade Promotion……………………………………………15
Report Cards……………………………………………………15
Grading Scale……………………………………………………15
Homework Hotline……………………………………………………16
Physical Education……………………………………………………16
Bus Schedule and Regulations……………………………………16
Bus Conduct……………………………………………………17
Gifted and Talented Program……………………………………………17
Substitute Teachers……………………………………………………18
Fire Drills……………………………………………………18
Discipline Guidelines……………………………………………………18
Rules and Regulations……………………………………………………18
School Policies and Regulations……………………………………19
Disciplinary Action……………………………………………………20
Cell Phone Usage………………………………………………….21
Use of Drugs/Alcohol………………………………………………….22
Gangs and Hate Groups………………………………………….23
Student Records………………………………………………….24
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)………….24
Agency and Police Interviews………………………………….25
Field Trips………………………………………………….25
Extra-Curricular Activities………………………………………….25
Pesticide Use Notification………………………………………….27
Staff Directory………………………………………………….28
Dr. Catherine Trampe, Superintendent
Vickie Artman, Principal
1698 Grand Chain Rd.
Metropolis, IL 62960
Telephone (618) 543-7434
Fax (618) 543-7486
Teachers Instructional Aides
Bonnie CrimPre-KShirley Lewis
Kristi DuckworthKindergartenAlison Myers
Jennifer PegramFirstBrenda Walquist
Tamra PeckSecond Grade Kerry Krempasky
Lacey WrightThird Grade Joy Jackson
Kathey WalquistFourth Grade
Sherry GodfreyFifth Grade
Johnnie RidgeSixth Grade
Vonda BeltSpecial EducationAdministrative Assistant
Jennifer BarrettTitle IGayla Wolfe
Hunter KreuterTitle I Math/Technology
Stacey WestbrooksSpeech
Sarah WittigArt
Trebor HillPhysical Education
Health Care Provider
Cricket Corzine
School Lunch Personnel Custodians
Linda JohnsonWade Dry Debbie Johnson Mary DeMent
This handbook is provided to the students and their families to acquaint them with the rules, regulations, procedures and other relevant information necessary for the orderly functioning of the school. It has been structured to help promote student progress as well as an interest of modeling appropriate school government. In addition, this handbook provides for the psychological and physical safety of the students through appropriate rules and regulations.
When breeches of school disciplinary rules and regulations occur, it is the responsibility of involved teachers and administrators to work with the student, his/her parents, and other support personnel to help the student correct his/her behavior. All disciplinary actions shall be directed toward protecting the welfare of school community as well as helping the student develop self-discipline. When determining the response for a specific breech of discipline, school personnel will consider the nature of the act, the student’s previous history, his/her age and maturation, any mitigating circumstances, and the affect of his/her actions on the welfare of the school community. Disciplinary responses may include but are not limited to the actions described in this handbook.
This handbook is not intended to create a contractual relationship with the student; rather, it is intended to describe the school, its current practices, procedures, rules, and regulations (or code of conduct). Membership or participation in a school-sanctioned activity is a privilege and not a property right.
One will notice the school’s language also conveys the message of the privilege to be an athlete, club member, attendee at a dance or a game, and other similar non-curricular-related functions.
In addition, the principal may establish certain written rules and regulations not inconsistent with those established by the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Schools.
Maple Grove Compact for Education
We know that learning can take place only when there is a combination of effort, interest, and motivation. As we are all committed to your child’s progress in school, we are going to do our best to promote his/her achievement at Maple Grove Elementary School.
This compact is a promise to work together. We believe that this compact can be fulfilled by our team effort. Together we can improve teaching and learning.
As a parent/guardian . . .
I will . . .
*have high expectations for my child as an individual
*send my child to school regularly, rested, and on time
*respond to communications from school
*support the school in every effort to maintain proper discipline
*provide a quiet study time at home and encourage good study habits
Parent/Guardian Signature
As a student . . .
I will . . .
*attend school regularly
*work hard to do my best in class and with school
*ask for help when I need it
*respect and cooperate with other students and adults
*complete and turn school work in on time
Student Signature
As a staff person . . .
(teacher, administrator, support staff)
I will . . .
*show that I care about all students
*have high expectations for myself, students, and others
*communicate and work with families to support students’ learning
*provide a safe environment for learning
School Staff Person
Student’s Full Name______
Student’s Grade______
I have read and understand the policies and procedures set forth by the Joppa/Maple Grove School District #38. By signing this, I agree to comply with these policies and procedures.
For those students who are participating in any extra-curricular activity, I am in full understanding of the extra-curricular participation rules set forth by Maple Grove Elementary School. I further understand that my child cannot participate at all until this letter has been sent back to the school. I also understand it is my responsibility to obtain and maintain insurance for my child.
Signature of Student(Date)
Signature of Parent(Date)
This “Letter of Understanding” will be filed and recorded in the student’s temporary record.
Along with increasing your knowledge and developing your skills, your responsibility while at Maple Grove Elementary School will be to respect your fellow classmates, teachers and all staff members. No individual at Maple Grove Elementary School has the right or privilege to infringe or deny the rights of another individual. District No. 38 will not discriminate or allow discrimination due to race, religion, national origin, sex or disability.
During the first week of school, the classroom teacher will discuss the handbook. The student will take home their copy of the student handbook, have their parents sign that they have read and understand the policies, procedures and school outcomes, and return the signature page to the classroom teacher. Please keep this handbook and refer to it when necessary.
School hours are from 8:20 a.m. until 3:10 p.m. The doors will open at 7:50 a.m. Students who do not ride buses should try not to get to school before 8:00 a.m.
Students are expected to be in attendance every day school is in session. All students are expected to be on time.
Acceptable reasons for absences are: student’s illness, family emergency, death of family member (limited to no more than three days), and/or doctor appointments that cannot be arranged other than during school hours. Any other reasons must be excused by the school administration prior to the absence.
Attendance and grades are directly related. Students with good attendance normally receive higher grades than those with poor attendance.
If a student is to be absent from school, the parent or guardian should call the school at 543-7434 before 9:00 a.m. When the student returns to school, an excuse signed by the parent or guardian must be given to the teacher, or the absence will be unexcused.
Make-up work for periods of excused absences should be discussed with the teacher of the class concerned. A reasonable amount of time will be allowed for make-up work to be complete.
After the 10th absence per semester, a student will be required to have a doctor's excuse for each and every additional absence or he/she will receive an unexcused absence. Unexcused absences may not be allowed to make up work.
A student may be absent from school if he/she is sick, has an immediate death in the family, is in observance of a religious holiday, or has a family emergency. Family trips or visiting out-of-town relatives must be prearranged with the principal through personal contact and written notification within 5 school days, otherwise, absences will be unexcused. The principal may approve or deny the request based on prior attendance records, academic progress, and behavior. The school must be notified before 10:00 a.m. the morning the student is absent to be considered excused. After three unexcused absences, a referral to the Regional Office of Education’s truancy officer will be made. This could follow with involvement of the State’s Attorney and court if the student continues to be truant.
Only students who are residents of the district may attend a district school without a tuition charge, except as otherwise provided by state law. A student’s residence is the same as the person who has legal custody of the student.
A person asserting legal custody over a student, who is not the child’s natural or adoptive parent, shall complete a signed statement, stating: (a) that he or she has assumed and exercises legal responsibility for the child, (b) the reason the child lives with him or her, other than to receive an education in the district, and (c) that he or she exercises full control over the child regarding daily educational and medical decisions in case of emergency. In addition, the child’s natural or adoptive parent, if available, shall complete a signed statement of Power of Attorney stating: (a) the role and responsibility of the person with whom their child is living, and (b) that the person with whom the child is living has full control over the child regarding daily educational and medical decisions in case of emergency.
A student whose family moves out of the district during the school year will be permitted to attend school for the remainder of the year without payment of tuition.
On very foggy mornings or very snowy mornings, the buses may run up to one hour late. In case of extreme ice or snow, please listen to radio station WMOK or WPSD-TV Channel 6 Paducah to see if school will be in session.
The Maple Grove School is a closed campus, meaning that students may not leave the school grounds at any time for any purpose during the day unless their parents or guardians pick them up. A sign out sheet will be in the office. Parents or guardians must sign their child out in the office before leaving school. The parent of guardian should come to the office to identify himself or herself and request the student be excused. Permission to leave the school is granted by the principal or the principal’s designee.
No student will be allowed to leave school premises unless accompanied by a PARENT OR GUARDIAN. Parents will give emergency names and phone numbers at the beginning of the year. The child may leave with one of those persons.
Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school. Parents are always welcome, but are encouraged to make an appointment to see the teacher, principal or to visit their child’s classroom.
All students are required to pay a fee upon registering for classes. A workbook and consumable materials fee of $15.00 for grades K – 6 is required. This helps cover costs incurred by the school in providing students with workbooks and other paper materials, which cannot be reused.
All students participating in a junior high sport are required to pay a fee of $20 per sport. No one family will pay more that $50 per year for all their children. This does not apply to students who are only playing on 5th/6th grade athletic teams.
Illinois law provides that the following students are eligible for fee waivers:
(1)All students whose family income is at or below the Free Lunch or Breakfast guidelines.
(2)DCFS wards.
Parents who believe they qualify should complete an application for fee waiver, which is available in the school office.
As a parent or guardian of a student at a school receiving funds under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the teachers who instruct your child and the paraprofessionals, if any, who assist them. If you would like to receive information on the qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher or paraprofessional, please contact the school office.
In accordance with the Illinois School Code, Article 27, Section 8, all students entering grades kindergarten through twelfth grade must have physical examination and immunization records. Students are required to have physical examinations prior to entering grades kindergarten, first, sixth, and ninth grades. Kindergarten, Second, and Sixth must have a dental exam before school starts. A copy of the physical/dental examination forms must be on file in the office. In addition, irrespective of grade, pupils shall be required to have physical examinations if they have not previously been examined in accordance with Section 27-8.1 prior to or upon entrance into another public, private or parochial school in Illinois. Also, it is a school policy that all students participating in athletics must have a physical examination.
All students attending school must be in compliance regarding immunizations. Compliance with rules and regulations regarding immunizations means:
(1)All required immunization have been completed; or
(2)A schedule of immunizations has been started and the pupil must continue to receive immunizations on schedule. Failure to do so will result in the student being excluded from school.
(3)A copy of the immunization record must be on file in the office.
(4)Failure to comply with the above requirements by October 16 of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the district.
Any student enrolling for the first time in a public, private, or parochial school must have an eye exam. The student must present proof of having been examined by a physician or a licensed optometrist within the previous year before October 15th of the school year. If the student fails to present proof, the school may hold the child’s report car until one of the following:
- Presents proof of completed exam.
- Presents proof that an exam will take place within 60 days after Oct. 15th.
Students suspected of having any communicable diseases shall not be permitted to remain in school unless authorized by a physician. In all cases, school officials shall be governed by the orders of local health officers or State Board of Health offices.
In case of an accident or illness during the school day, the student will report to his/her teacher who will in turn direct the student to the office. If necessary, the parents will be notified in order that they may come to school and pick up the student. If a fever is present, the student must remain fever-free for 24 hours following the illness before returning to school. Students with a temperature in excess of 100 degrees must be picked up by a parent/guardian.
Safety standards will be maintained at all times for the protection of students. The appearance of any young person is primarily the responsibility of that individual and their parents. However, students are expected to maintain a type of appearance that is not distracting to teachers or other students to the detriment of the educational process of the school.
All students must maintain a state of personal cleanliness. When a student’s appearance or cleanliness disrupts the educational process, he/she may be subject to exclusion from school.
Dress attire that is materially disruptive to the educational process is prohibited.
Such attire is defined, but not limited to:
- Clothing with writing or graphics relating to sex, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or anything that is deemed offensive in nature will not be permitted.
- Meshed clothing (see through).
- No short shorts, short skirts, midriff shirts, halter tops, or shirts with spaghetti straps.
- Pajamas are not to be worn to school unless there is
a special event where all students are invited to participate.
Jackets and coats are not to be worn in the classrooms. Students may be allowed to wear coats or jackets by the classroom teacher when low temperatures in the room merits use of extra clothing.
Maple Grove Elementary has a “Nit-Free” policy. If it is determined by school personnel that a student has head lice and/or nits, he/she will be excluded from school. The parent or guardian will be notified immediately and advised to pick up the student. The student may not return to school until the following day. The student will only be checked once during a school day in order to be readmitted. The school nurse must check the student before the student can be allowed to attend school. The student will not be allowed to ride the bus before being checked. Transportation to school to see the nurse MUST be provided by the parent. School-wide head checks will be conducted regularly. Those students who are considered by school personnel to be chronic, may be checked more frequently. Students are excused for three days. If, after three days, the students have not returned to school, they are considered unexcused. They will also be referred to the social worker for truancy.
Parents are reminded that medication should be given to students at home whenever possible. Only medication prescribed by a physician or dentist which is essential for the student to remain in school shall be given under the conditions outlined below with the approval of the principal. We recommend that the parents consult with their doctor to see if midday medication can be adjusted and given at another time at home. If it is necessary for the child to take prescription medication at school, the initial medication authorization may be given by the parent to the principal or principal’s designee by telephone, but must be followed by completion of the School Medication Authorization Form.