Stakeholder Reference Group
Thursday 29th August 2013
2:00pm- 4.00pm
WorkSafe Victoria
Level 7, 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Chair Keith Brown / Minutes / Libby Langler
Participants / Barry Durham (VCEA), Cathy Butcher (VTHC), Barry Sherriff (PCA), Renata Musolino (VTHC), Tony Lopez (HIA), John Darcy (MBAV), Carol Bullivant (AIGroup), Rodney Tresidder (MPMSA), Phil Lovelock (VECCI), Stefan Delaney (SIAU), Janet Marshall (AEU), Kathy Chrisfiled (ANF), Mark Binks (CCF) Alexanda Ternill (RSCA), Anna Vong (VACC)
Apologies / Geoff Pawsey (MAV), Megan Davison (MCA), Gerry Ayres (CFMEU),Yiota Paraskevopoulos (ANF),Jody Beckwith (CCF),Andrew Hawkins (LASA), Patrick D’Alessandri (VACC)Carl Marsich (CPSU/SPSF) , Peter Verberne (AMCA), Cris Giblin (PTEU), Sarah Ross (AMWU), Gwynnyth Evans (AMIEU) , Grant Odgers (HACSU), Steve Rocco (PTEU), Georgie Kimmel (AMWU), Percy Pillai (AWU) D Tuddenham (ETU), Kimberley White (RCSA),Gayle Burmeister (NUW), Michael Clarke (TPA), James Cox (SDA), Patricia Murdock (VFF), , Kathryn Walton (PCIA), Wendy Mc Inerney (Shell), Amy Towers (RCSA), David Amesbury (ACCV), Paul Burgess (NECA), Tacey Browne ( AI Group), Zoran Bukavica ( ANF), Sergio Parisi (SPSF)
Attendees / Cath Duane, Lisa Sturzenegger, Jamie Swann, Anna Scott, Kate Despot, Alex Buckle, Shane Gillard
O:\!WorkSafe\PSD\Stakeholder Engagement\SRG\2013\8. Sep 26th\SRG Minutes 29 August 2013 DRAFT.doc
4/09/2013 11:43 AM / 3
No. / Item /
1.  / Welcome
Keith opened the meeting and welcomed attendees.
Minutes of 25 July 2013
Minutes of the July meeting were accepted.
Actions arising from previous meeting 25th July 2013
1. WSV to provide further information regarding PRS webpage and supplementary policies.
Kate Despot will be providing an update at today’s meeting
2. Out of session SRG meeting to be held to discuss the WSV & EEOCV developed bullying training.
Oonagh Barron has organised this session for the 12th September 2013
3. WSV to present the implications of the changes to the Fair Work Act regrading bullying complaints.
Linda Timothy will provide an update at Octobers meeting
2.  / Enforcement Group Update
Kate Despot provided the group with an Enforcement Group update.
Key points included;
·  Work on the PRS database is still continuing and is expected to be ready by the end of the year. In the interim the old database will be put back online however due to the period offline accuracy may be an issue. To combat this the Enforcement Group will also provide a email circular with the prosecution information to Stakeholders
·  Presentation of the Enforcement Group Program Compensation and H&S results from 2012/13
·  Onlined policies that are adequately covered by legislation or common law are either being revised or removed. Those being removed and not replaced are: Legal professional privilege, Mode of Trial – choosing the appropriate jurisdiction, Prosecution of an offence under an Act and/or a Regulation, Seeking an injunction, Sentencing submissions (OHS offences), Search warrants (OHS offences) and Letters of caution. Policies under review are: Enforceable undertakings, Publishing prosecution outcomes and other enforcement information, Forfeiture and return of seized items, Liability of organisations, officers, employees and other duty-holders, Requests for review of a decision under section 131 of the OHS Act and Subpoenas
There was discussion on the benefits of the old database and concern from stakeholders on the lag time of a monthly email circular. There was a question from Stakeholders on a recent decision in QLD surrounding a ‘no conviction’ that was recorded but still published on WSQ website and what impact that would have on WSV. KD advised that policy was ‘on notice’ for the EG.
There were questions on the EG targets ands a request for a breakdown on the type of prosecutions (eg; RTW) and conversation rate. KD agreed to return next session with a breakdown.
The Chair advised that time for this agenda item had run out and Kate Despot will return to discuss significant convictions and prosecutions and the 2013/14 EG focus areas.
Action: Kate Despot will provide a breakdown of the Prosecutions, conversation rate and will return to discuss significant convictions and prosecutions and 2013/14 EG focus areas.
3.  / Social Research Update
Hazards Perception Survey Update
Jamie Swann from the Social Research Unit provided an overview of the Workers Perception Survey. Key Points included;
·  A summary of changes to the survey; Social Research has reviewed their approach to include how workers are exposed, what types of controls are in place and the availability of the controls.
·  Excerpts presented from the survey were from the following hazards; manual handling, noise, stress, bulling and falls from height. These are in line with the PSD’s strategic focus.
·  The stress survey questions have evolved to include the absence of support and not just the presence of controls.
The detailed Hazards Exposure Report will be released in September 2013.
4.  / Health and Safety-
Work Safe Week s69 HSR Training
Alex Buckle from the Prevention Strategy Division provided an update on the HSR training at WorkSafe week. Points included:
·  An overview of Work Safe Week 2012 including feedback from HSR attendees on registration and certificates
·  Changes to Work Safe 2013 including verifying attendance and issuing certificates, the inclusion of the pre-determined ‘HSR Stream’ and the approval process for 2013 presenters
There was discussion from Stakeholders on issues from Work Safe Week 2012 of HSR’s registering but not attending sessions and the length of time taken for certificates to arrive. Alex explained that the there will be a new scanning process and a 5 day timeframe for the receipt of certificates this year. Stakeholders raised the concern that training providers weren’t held to the same rigorous approval process as HSR union training. Alex assured Stakeholders that the approval process involved a review all of all material against criteria and that there was a provision for feedback included.
5. / Reinvigorating the Modern Regulator Focus Update
Cath Duane provided an update on the progress of Reinvigorating our focus as a Modern Regulator. Key points included:
§  All External Reference Group (5 + 5 from SRG) and Internal Reference Group meetings and staff discussion groups sessions have been held
§  Final draft policy statement on what it means to be a Modern Regulator and the project report and recommendations will be considered by the project Steering Committee next week
§  Key themes for recommendation include endorsement and ‘roll out’ of the policy statement, establishment of a cohesive H&S leadership group across all OHS regulator functions, more work on information, guidance, education and support to help compliance, continued review of the use of our investigation and prosecution tools and the need for a more formalised policy for considering suspending or cancelling licensing/approvals.
Cath thanked the Stakeholders for their assistance and input into the Modern Regulator work.
7. / Other Business
No other business
8. / Meeting Close at 4:10pm

Action items from 25thJuly 2013 meeting

No. / Action items / Who / By when/ Status /
1. / Linda Timothy to present the implications of the changes to the Fair Work Act regrading bullying complaints. / LT / 24th October 2013