Reporting Incidents of Discrimination Form 06/15
What is ‘discrimination’?
Discrimination happens when someone is treated less favourably (known as ‘direct discrimination’) or when a policy, practice or process puts someone at an unfair disadvantage (known as ‘indirect discrimination’)because ofage, disability, gender, gender identity,race/ethnicity, pregnancy/maternity status, marriage/civil partnership status, religion/belief or sexual orientation(known as ‘protected characteristics’).
Direct discrimination includes acts of harassment (conduct that is unwanted with the purpose or effect of violating dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment), bullying and victimisation. You are protected by law to make a complaint in good faith about discrimination and not to be victimised as a result.
Examples of discrimination and harassment:
- Inaccessible building or communication method to a disabled person;
- Refusal to co-operate or provide a service*;
- Excluding someone*;
- Offensive language or stereotyping;
- Display or forwarding of offensive material;
- Sexual innuendo and sexualised images.
*where this is because a person has a particular protected characteristic.
Hate Crime is a form of discrimination and includes verbal abuse/threats, physical assault or damage to property. Sometimes behaviours can be very subtle such as a ‘funny look’ or a culturally ignorant comment, but the impact on someone, if repeated over a period of time, becomes severe.
Why report it?
- You have a right to be treated fairly and to feel safe, respected and supported.
- We want to know if you have been affected by, or witnessed, an incident.
- Knowing what happens can help us understand the issues people are facing and develop approaches to stop them happening again.
You can use this process to:
- Report anonymously with no direct action/support (“I just wanted you to know this happened”), or
- Get further advice on raising the matter formally or receiving support (“I want something done”, “I am upset/isolated by the experience and need support”).
Further information
- Visit for information about reporting discriminatory, bullying and prejudice related incidents and to download this form.
- Phone (in confidence) 0789 610 3530 if you have difficulty using a written process, or for further information.
- Visit for all other information about equality and diversity.
Send this form to:Corporate Equality Officer, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QU. Email:.
Write as much or as little as you want.
1 Who is reporting this incident? / Victim WitnessAdvocate Other
2 Please describe what happened:
3 Please say whether the discrimination/incident was on grounds of age, caring responsibilities, disability, gender/gender identity, maternity/pregnancy, transgender, marriage/civil partnership status, race, religion/belief or sexual orientation:
4 Where did it happen (building/service)?
5 Whendid it happen? (date/time)
6 Was this the first or a repeat incident? If repeat, over what period of time?
7 Who was involved?
(For example, providerelevant details of the victim, perpetrator and any witnesses such as their gender, age or ethnic origin and whether they were a member of staff,a councillor, a customer, or a member of the public).
8 Have you told anyone else? Have you made a formal complaint/grievance? Has any action been taken? Who did you report it to and what was the outcome? Please describe:
9 If you have made a formal complaint or grievance, has it has been resolved satisfactorily? If not, why not?
10 Is there anything you would like the Council toconsider in terms of areas for improvement or awareness raising?
If you would like the equality officer to contact you, please provide your details here:
Thank you.