Part C: Application Information for the Food security – strengthening remote stores measure

Program 7.5 – Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory

Part C: Application Information for the Food security – strengthening remote stores measure

For Store Owners and Operators in the Northern Territory

Program Guidelines SuitePage 1 of 12

Part C: Application Information for the Food security – strengthening remote stores measure


The Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA or the Department)has a suite of documents (the Program Guideline Suite) which provide information relating to the program. They provide the key starting point for parties considering whether to participate in the program and form the basis for the business relationship between FaHCSIA and the funding recipient.

They are:

  • Part A: Program Guidelines which provides an overview of the Program and the Activities relating to the program;
  • Part B: Information for Applicantswhich provides information on the Application, Assessment, Eligibility, Selection and Complaints processes; Financial and Funding Agreement arrangements.
  • Part C: Application Information providesspecific information on the Activity, Selection Criteria, Performance Management and Reporting.This part should be read in conjunction with the Standard Terms and Conditions.
  • TheApplication Form which is completed by applicants applying for funding during a selection process.

FaHCSIA reserves the right to amend these documents from time to time by whatever means it may determine in its absolute discretion and will provide reasonable notice of these amendments.

Table of Contents


1Program Overview

1.1Program Outcomes


2Activity Overview

2.1Aims and Objectives

2.2Service Provider Eligibility

2.3Participants/Clients/Recipients/Target Group

2.4Eligible Activities

2.5Ineligible Activities

2.6Activity Links and Working with Other Agencies and Services

2.7Activity finance and performance reporting

3Application Process

3.1Overview of the Application Process

3.2Selection Criteria

3.3How to submit an application

3.4Closing date and time

3.5Application Acknowledgement

4Contact information


1Program Overview

Through the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory (Stronger Futures) package the Australian Government has made a 10-year commitment to work with Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory to build strong, independent lives, where communities, families and children are safe and healthy.

The total Stronger Futures package provides a $3.4 billion investment and responds directly to what Aboriginal people told the Government was important to them.

Through Stronger Futures the Government will:

  • work with Aboriginal people in both big and small communities to support more local jobs, tackle alcohol abuse and encourage children to go to school, as well as provide basic services, including health, education and police;
  • talk to Aboriginal people in each community about how best to deliver services under Stronger Futures, providing Aboriginal people with more responsibility for services in their own community; and
  • support Aboriginal organisations to deliver services under Stronger Futures and will ensure all services employ local Aboriginal people wherever possible.

Providing support for service providers to engage Aboriginal staff, particularly at the local level, and invest in their career development wherever possible is a key deliverable for all measures under the Stronger Futures package.

Program 7.5 – Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory supports a range of activities and services that form part of this broader Stronger Futures package.

FaHCSIA works collaboratively in whole of government arrangements. The Department’s national Network (comprising State and Territory Offices, Regional Operations Centres, Indigenous Coordination Centres and locally-based staff) facilitates delivery of services and engagement with Indigenous communities, service providers, other levels of government and the non-government and corporate sectors.

The following components are included under Program 7.5: Food Security, Tackling Alcohol Abuse and Governance and Engagement. The Governance and Engagement component encompasses the secondary components of Evaluation, Communication, Stronger Futures Materials Classification Project and Community Safety and Justice.

Note:Administered funds in support of Communication, Evaluation and Community Safety and Justiceactivitiesare excluded from these guidelines. Communication and Evaluation funding components will be expended under contract arrangements in line with procurement guidelines, while Community Safety and Justicefunds will be managed through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Northern Territory Police.

Funding of approximately $38 million over 10 years from 2012-13 to 2021-22 has been approved for a range of grant activities under Program 7.5.

The following amounts have been approved for the individual grant activity components under Program7.5 – Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory:

  • Food Security - funding of approximately $13.4 million
  • Tackling Alcohol Abuse - funding of approximately $24.4 million
  • Governance and Engagement - Stronger FuturesMaterials Classification Project - funding of approximately $1.1million.

1.1Program Outcomes

Program 7.5 - Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory provides whole-of-government policy coordination and implementation of targeted measures to increase the wellbeing and safety of communities, including women and children, and improve engagement and development.

In recognition of the new 10 year funding commitment for the Northern Territory, Program 7.5 has been renamed from Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory to Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory.


The aims and objectives of Program 7.5 – Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory are articulated through the aims of its three components:

  • Food Security – the object of the food security measure underthe Stronger Futures legislation is to enable special measures to be taken for the purpose of promoting food security for Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. This measure is intended to enhance the contribution made by community stores to achieving food security for Aboriginal communities.

Specific funding under Program 7.5 supports this objective with the aim to promote food security for Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory and enhance the contribution that community stores make to this.

  • Tackling Alcohol Abuse – the object of the tackling alcohol abuse measure under the Stronger Futures legislation is to enable special measures to be taken to reduce alcohol-related harm to Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory.

This funding has been allocated under the Program 7.5 objective to contribute to the safety of women and children, reduce violence and associated alcohol and substance abuse and promote personal responsibility and community norms.

  • Governance and Engagement – Program 7.5 funding in support of Governance and Engagement aims to strengthen engagement and governance capacity of government, community members and organisations in the Northern Territory.

The Stronger Futures Prohibited Materials Classification project is closely aligned to the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory legislation which enables special measures to be taken to protect children living in Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory from being exposed to prohibited material.

2Activity Overview

The Food security – Strengthening remote storesprogram has been established under Program 7.5 -Stronger Futures in the Northern Territoryto facilitate non-recurrent projects which will enhance the contribution made by stores in the Northern Territory to achieving food security for Aboriginal communities.

Food security is defined as a reasonable ongoing level of access to a range of food, drink and grocery items that is reasonably priced, safe and of sufficient quantity and quality to meet nutritional and related household need.

Food security will be achieved by:

  • Ensuring community stores meet acceptable standards for community stores licensing, including in regard to the range, quantity and quality of goods and the retail, governance and financial integrity of their operations; and
  • Working collaboratively with Aboriginal communities and other key stakeholders to improve food security options and to build the capacity of stores to meet the requirements of the community stores licensing regime.

Activities funded will usually fit within one or more of the following categories:

Effective Solutions to Food Security - Delivery of project(s) that provide effectivesolutions to food security issues.

Governance Support - Capacity building through the provision of governance support and or training to key stakeholders involved in the operations of a community store.

Retail Mentoring - Provision of retail mentoring and/or training that will support the sustainable operation of the store.

Emergency Repairs and Maintenance - Provision of funding to assist with emergency repairs and maintenance issues that could jeopardise food security.

Minor Infrastructure Upgrades - Provision of funding to support minor infrastructure upgrades that will enhance food security for a community.

2.1Aims and Objectives

Part 4 of the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012 (SFNT Act), which commenced on 16July 2012, establishes a scheme for the assessment, monitoring and licensing of community stores in the Northern Territory.

The object of Part 4 of the SFNT Act is to; in particular, enhance the contribution made by stores in the NorthernTerritory to achieving food security for Aboriginal communities. This is achieved by:

  • ensuring community stores meet acceptable standards for community stores licensing, including in regard to the range, quantity and quality of goods and the retail, governance and financial integrity of their operations;
  • working collaboratively with Aboriginal communities and other key stakeholders to improve food security options and to build the capacity of stores to meet the requirements of the community stores licensing regime; and funding activities, services and infrastructure to assist licensed community stores in the Northern Territory with non-recurrent projects, which will lead to improvements in the operation and viability of stores and improve food security for the Aboriginal community(ies) that they serve. The funding may also assist store owners to continue to meet licensing standards and, for currently unlicensed stores that will need to be licensed, to make improvements to store operations to meet licensing standards.

Aboriginal Employment

Under Stronger Futures, the Australian Government is strongly committed to increasing employment opportunities for Aboriginal people. Aboriginal employment targets and goals are being set for all Stronger Futures measures to encourage government agencies and service providers to invest in employing Aboriginal staff and developing their skills.

There is a general shortage of retail-related consulting, training, mentoring and advisory skills in the Northern Territory. The Stronger Futures food security measure will use its funding leverage to help grow this skill base, especially amongst Aboriginal people, over the life of the program.


The following entity types,which are owners or operators of community stores in the Northern Territory that are licensed, or are required to be licensed, under Part 4 (Food security) of the SFNT Act, are eligible to apply for funding:

a)Incorporated Associations (incorporated under State/Territory legislation, commonly have 'Association' or 'Incorporated' or 'Inc' in their legal name);

b)Incorporated Cooperatives (also incorporated under State/Territory legislation, commonly have "Cooperative' in their legal name);

c)Companies (incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 – may be not-for-profit or for-profit proprietary company (limited by shares or by guarantee) or public companies);

d)Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations (incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006);

e)Organisations established through a specific piece of Commonwealth or State/Territory legislation (many public benevolent institutions, churches, universities, unions etc);


g)Trustees on behalf of a Trust;

h)State and Territory Governments

i)Local Governments; and

j)where there is no suitable alternative, an individual or – jointly and separately – individuals, as agreedby the Minister for Indigenous Affairs (see Part A section 2.3). Applications from individuals will be assessed in line with the selection criteria and information regarding the availability of suitable alternatives or otherwise will be provided in any briefing to the Minister, noting that all projects are required to support food security and be approved by the Minister.

2.3Participants/Clients/Recipients/Target Group

The target group areall stores[1]across the Northern Territory outside of the major urban centres of Darwin, Palmerston, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Katherine and Nhulunbuy (i.e.stores in the designated Food security area) that are an important source of food, drink or grocery items for an Aboriginal community.

Funding recipients covered by these Program Guidelines are store owners and operators of licensed stores, or stores preparing to be licensed, under the SFNT Act.

2.4 Funding for the activity

Funding is provided through the annual administered appropriation for 10 years for the purpose of achieving food security for Aboriginal communitieswithin the Northern Territory.2

Indicative funding:

2012-13 / 2013-2014 / 2014-2015 / 2015 - 2022
Administered funding / $1.4m / $1.7m / $1.6m / $8.7m

Funding is managed to ensure efficient, ethical, economical and effective use of public monies. This is consistent with best value in social services principles and the FaHCSIA Funding Agreement.Funding amounts will vary in accordance with individual grant activities and the number of stores covered by an activity. It is anticipated that typically grants for funding up to a value of $25,000 and for funded activities will up to $50,000 per store per annum. As part of the selection criteria the value for money offered by the project plan, including reasons why it should be preferred over other plans or quotes should be provided. Reasons in support of value for money could relate to timeliness, quality and/or cost.

Funding applications must be endorsed by the store’s legal owner(s).

2.5Eligible Activities

The following activities are eligible for funding:

  • effectivesolutions to food security – delivery of project(s) that provide solutions to food security issues, usually across multiple regions and (or) stores;
  • governance mentoring and training– capacity building through the provision of governance support and or training to key stakeholders involved in the operations of a community store;
  • retail mentoring and training–capacity building through the provision of retail specialist mentoring and training to store managers and staffthat will support the sustainable operation of the store;
  • emergency repairs and maintenance – provision of funding to assist with emergency issues whichcould jeopardise food security; and
  • minorinfrastructure upgrades - Provision of funding to support minor infrastructure upgrades that will enhance food security for a community.

2.6Ineligible Activities

Funding is generallynot provided for:

  • loans;
  • the set-up of a business (such proposals should be referred to Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) or other source of start-up funding);
  • purchase of land;
  • funding to cover retrospective costs;
  • costs incurred in the preparation of a funding application or related documentation;
  • major construction/capital works; or
  • activities for which other Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local Government bodies have primary responsibility.

2.7Activity Links and Working with Other Agencies and Services

It is anticipated that funding recipients will work closely and liaise with other agencies including, but not limited to: Department of Human Services (Centrelink), Northern Territory Government Environmental Health Officers and Government and NGO Nutritionists. This is to ensure that where possible this funding complements the work carried out by these agencies to promote food security in Aboriginal communities.

Funding agreements will specify that all new products (i.e.’Agreement Material’ as per clause 14 in the Standard Funding Agreement Terms and Conditions) developed and/or publicity opportunities will require joint branding with Closing the Gap and the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory package.

2.8Activity finance and performance reporting

2.8.1Financial Reporting

All activities under the food security measure will be managed to ensure the efficient, effective and ethical use of public monies. Funding recipients must only use funding for the purpose for which it was provided and act to prevent fraud upon the Commonwealth. Funding recipients must provide financial reports as stipulated in the FaHCSIA Funding Agreement(s).

Funding recipients will be required to provide financial information through reporting as specified within the Funding Agreement. The frequency of the reporting will also be identified in the Funding Agreement and the reports may require details of the progress of expenditure against budget line items, income and expenditure statements, copies of invoices and financial acquittal documentation.

2.8.2 Performance Reporting

As part of the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory research, monitoring and evaluation plan, the impact of the measure will be monitored on a six monthly basis to ensure the effectiveness of the measure in achieving its legislated objective.

Funding recipients will be required to provide periodic performance information with a minimum of six monthly reporting. The reporting arrangements will vary according to the type of activity agreed, the specific level of activity risk and the time frame for delivery. The frequency of reporting, i.e. monthly, quarterly or 6 monthly, will be specified in the Funding Agreement.

Performance reports may require information such as progress of activity, completion date, engagement of Aboriginal staff and any career development activities, number of participants, rating the success of the project and identifying the benefits to the community and or store. It is expected that reporting information may be made public.

3Activity Overview

3.1Overview of the Application Process

This is an open process for eligible store owners and operators.

Applicants must complete and submit the application, including addressing the selection criteria, which will identify the need and importance of the funding to support food security for Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory.

3.2Selection Criteria

The selection criteria are:

1The scope of the project and how it will be implemented.

  • The scope of the project, with reference to eligible activities listed in 2.4 above.
  • Key activities/tasks that will need to be completedin the project and estimated timeframes.
  • How the project will be viable and sustainable and not require ongoing Stronger Futures financial assistance.
  • Community employment or training outcomes (if applicable).

2The need for the project.