AvonParkHigh School
700 E. Main St.
Avon Park, FL33825
PH: (863) 452-4311; ext 299/300
FAX: (863) 452-4324
REGULATION DRILL TEAM (Unarmed) with sequence5/6 EXHIBITION DRILL TEAM (Unarmed) 6
SPECIAL COLOR GUARD with sequence8
NEW CADET DRILL with 30 commands9
DIRECTIONS with map11
1.The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to establish standard policies and procedures for implementation, efficient management, and control of the AVON PARK DRILL MEET.
2.The Avon Park Drill Meet will be held at Joe Franza Football Stadium adjacent to APHS in Avon Park, Florida.
1.All JROTC units are invited to participate in this competition.
2.Unarmed Drill teams will consist of a minimum of twelve members and a maximum of twenty-four; excluding the commander and a guide (guides are optional).
3.Color Guard units will consist of a minimum of four members and a maximum of five. Guards will be armed with rifles. THE AMERICAN FLAG BEARER MUST COMMAND THE UNIT AND GIVE ALL COMMANDS.
1.A formal commander’s briefing will NOT be held.
2.At approximately 0800 opening ceremonies will begin, and consists of raising the flag as the national anthem is played. Commanders will face their teams toward the flagpole or music, and give them "Present Arms" at that time.
3.Upon completion of the opening ceremonies, the first team scheduled in each event will proceed to the respective inspection area.
Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams in the following categories:
1. Regulation Drill Team Inspection
2. Regulation Drill Team (Unarmed)
3. Exhibition Drill Team (Unarmed)
4. Regulation AFM 36-2203 Color Guard Inspection
5. Regulation AFM 36-2203 Color Guard
6. Special FM 3-21.5Color Guard
7. IDR
8. OverallSchool Performances
9. New Cadet Drill
10. Commander trophies will be for Regulation Drill, AFM 36-2203 Color
Guard & FM 3-21.5Special Color Guard
1.Uniforms for team inspection and regulation drill phases of competition will be service dress.
2.Shoes must be leather, issued via the JROTC supply channels.
3.Cadets will wear all authorized badges, ribbons/devices/clusters, nametag, patches, and insignia in compliance with AFI 36-2903, AFOATSI 36-2001, and the corresponding military branch’s JROTC Uniform and Awards Guide.No medals will be worn during performances. The corresponding military branch’s official JROTC shoulder patch and unit patch, if approved, will be worn. Shoulder cords and gloves are optional. If one team member wears one of these items, then all members must be wearing them.
- For Unarmed Exhibition Drill, uniforms may be any type as long as it has been approved by HQ AFJROTC, such as: ascots, shoulder cords, web belts, gloves, helmets, service caps, flight caps, berets, and boots. All members of a team must be in the same type of uniform.
Commanders, in order of draw, will be responsible for having their units in the ready areas prepared for competition at the request of the inspector. Units not ready to enter the ready area at time provided on matrix, will be penalized five points per minute for each minute of delay. After five minutes of delay, the unit will be moved to the rear of the line.
All Color Guard team members will stand at “Order, Colors” during inspection in the ready area. Regulation Drill team will also stand ready for inspection in the appropriate area. Units will be at open ranks for the inspection process. Team commanders will provide the head judge with a 3 x 5 card with all cadet names in formation. Judges will, at random, select four names to fall out for inspection. Cadets must follow the proper procedures for falling out of the formation. The four cadets plus the commander will be inspected.
1.Units moving on and off the drill field should maintain silence in order not to interfere with units that are performing on the field.
2.Team advisors, cadets, or parents will not be allowed on the drill area unless requested by a judge.
3.Restroom facilities are located at the stadium, and facilities for changing uniforms are available inside of the high school gym.
4.SASI/ASI Instructors / Chaperones will be responsible for the actions of all representatives of their school.
5.Except for reporting to judges, reporting to receive trophies, or during playing of the national anthem, saluting between cadets will not be required.
6.Parking is available on the West side of the football stadium. This parking lot has only one gate. This entrance/exit gate is on the South side of the stadium and access is via Canfield Street.
7.The parking lot and practice football field behind the stadium are for team practice only. Due to risk of injury, no sport type activity will take place on the campus of AvonParkHigh School.
In the event of inclement weather, we will be using the cafeteria, auditorium and gym areas to continue the meet. If this becomes necessary, the size of the Regulation Drill area will be approximately 90’ x 90’. Make sure ALL cadets bring non-marking sole tennis shoes in the event of rain.
1.Regulation Drill will begin immediately following inspection. The Regulation Drill Team will consist of 12-24 members, excluding the commander and the optional guide. Proper commands are provided below. This drill sequence contains movements only. Proper commands for executing these movements will in accordance with AFMAN 36-2203. The use of sequence cards will not be allowed.
2.There will be no time limit for Regulation Drill. The Regulation Drill competition area will be 100 feet by 100 feet. There will be a three-point penalty for every movement out of bounds.
3. Uniforms for Regulation Drill will be the same as inspection.
4. Sequence cards are NOT authorized and their use will result in disqualification.
Note: A 5-second pause must be maintained after executing BOLD COMMANDS
1 Forward
2 Halt (centered on judge)
3 Left Face
4 Present Arms
3. Report In: “Sir/Ma’am, Drill Team Number ___ from ___High School reporting forRegulation Drill.”
6 Order Arms
7 Open Ranks
8 Ready Front
9 Close Ranks
10 Parade Rest
12 Count Off
- Left Face
- About Face
15 Close March
16 Extend March
17. Left Face
18.Left Step
19. Halt (5 seconds)
20. Right Face
21.Mark Time
22. Forward
23. Change Step
24. Column Right
25. Forward
26. Counter
27. Forward
28. Column Half Left
29. Column Half Left
30. Column Left
32. Left Flank
33. Right Flank
34. Column Right
35. Forward
36. Eyes Right
37. Ready Front
38. Column Right
39. Forward
40. Double Time
41. Quick Time
42. Halt (5 seconds)
43. Forward
44. To the Rear
45. Halt (5 seconds)
46. About Face
47. Column of Files from the Right Column Right
48. Halt (5 seconds)
49.Column of __ to the Left
51.Left Flank
53.Present Arms
54.Report Out. “Sir/Ma’am, Drill Team Number ___ from ___High School has completed Regulation Drill and requests permission to leave the drill area.”
55.Order Arms
56.Right Face
57.Forward (exit)
1. The Exhibition Drill Team will consist of 12-24 members; excluding the commander and guide (guides are optional).
2. Timing for the Exhibition Drill competition will be a minimum of six minutes, but no more than eight.Timing and scoring will start/stop when the team enters/leaves the field. There will be a one point penalty for each second that the team exceeds the limit.
3.The Exhibition Drill competition area will be 100 feet by 100 feet. There will be a three-point penalty for each movement out of bounds.
4.Uniforms for Exhibition Drill may include any type of uniform or optional items, which must have been approved by HQ AFJROTC.
5.Sequence cards are NOT authorized and their use will result in disqualification.
6.Teams may enter/exit anywhere for Exhibition Drill unless otherwise restricted.
7.Teams must refer to the drill field layout to determine restrictions.
8.The Exhibition Team Commander must bring the team to present arms for reporting in/out.
9.Commanders are authorized to use whistles/sabers to direct moves. If safety is compromised (pyramids, lifts, flips, tossing sabers), the team will be directed to halt and will be disqualified (zero points) from the Exhibition Drill portion of the Drill Meet.
10.Use of the following aids for Exhibition Drill is forbidden: lights, luminous clothing, music, or loudspeakers.
11.In addition, use of the American or State of Florida Flag as a prop during Exhibition Drill is prohibited. Uses of school, unit flags, or guides are permitted.
1.Regulation Color Guard will consist of a minimum of four members to a maximum of five members. Proper commands are provided below. This drill sequence contains movements only. Proper commands for executing these movements will be in accordance with FM 3-21.5 and
AFM 36-2203
2.The Regulation Color Guard competition area will be 60 feet by 60 feet. There will be a three-point penalty for every movement out of bounds. Sequence cards are NOT authorized and their use will result in disqualification.
3. Any flag touching the ground or in the wrong position will result in a score of zero.
1. Forward29. Left About
2. Half Right About30. Forward
3. Halt (centered on judge)31. Half Right About
4. Present Arms32. Forward
5. Report In: “Sir/Ma’am, Color Guard Team 33. Halt (centered on judge)
Number ___ from ___High School reporting for 34. Present Arms
AFM 36-2203 Regulation Drill.”35. Report Out: “Sir/Ma’am, Color Guard Team
6. Order Arms Number___ from ___High School has
7. Order Colors completedRegulation Drill and requests
8. Parade Rest permission to leave the drill area”
9. Attention36. Order Arms
10. Carry Colors37. Right About
11. Right About38. Forward
12. Forward39. (Exit)
13. Half Left About
14. Forward
15. Halt
16. Right About
17. Forward
18. Eyes Right
19. Ready Front
20. Mark Time
21. Forward
22. Halt
23. Half Left About
24. Forward
25. Half Left About
26. Forward
27. Half Step
28. Forward
1.Special Color Guard will consist of only four members. This drill sequence contains movements only. Proper commands for executing these movements will be in accordance with
US ARMY FM 3-21.5.
2.There will be a maximum of seven and a half minutes for Special Color Guard. Timing and scoring will start/end as the team enters/exits. There will be a penalty of one point for each second that the team exceeds the time limit.
3.The competition area will be 60 feet by 60 feet. There will be a three point penalty for every movement out of bounds. Sequence cards are NOT authorized and their use will result in disqualification.
4.Uniforms for Special Color Guard may include any type of uniform or optional items, which have been approved by corresponding military branch’s HQAFJROTC.
- Any flag touching the ground, or in the wrong position will result in a score of zero.
Note: A 5-second pause must be maintained after executing BOLD COMMANDS
1. Entrance (Note 1)28. Left Wheel
2. Uncase Colors (Note 2)29. Forward
3. Report In30. COLORS HALT (5 second pause)
4. Colors Reverse31. Report Out
5. Forward32. Case Colors (Note 3)
6. Left Wheel33. Exit (Note 4)
7. Forward
8. Colors Reverse
9. Forward
10. COLORS HALT (5 second pause)
11. Order Colors
12. Parade Rest
13. Attention
14. CARRY COLORS (5 second pause)
15. ForwardNote 1: Consists of all movements needed to place
16. Right Wheelthe colors in the center of the drill area
17. ForwardNote 2: Consists of the necessary FM 3-21.5
18. Right Wheelmovements to uncase the colors
19. ForwardNote 3: Consists of the necessary FM 3-21.5
20. Colors Reversemovements to case the colors
21. ForwardNote 4: Consists of all the movements used to
22. Eyes Rightremove the colors from the drill area
23. Ready Front
24. Left Wheel
25. Forward
26. Left Wheel
27. Forward
1.New Cadet Drill will begin immediately following inspection. The New Cadet Regulation Drill Team will consist of 9 to 24 members, excluding the commander and the optional guide. Proper commands are provided below. This drill sequence contains movements only. Proper commands for executing these movements will be in accordance with AFM 36-2203. The use of sequence cards will NOT be allowed and will result in disqualification. All cadets MUSTbe first year cadets.
2.There will be no time limit for Regulation Drill. The Regulation Drill competition area will be 100 feet by 100 feet. There will be a three point penalty for every movement out of bounds.
3.Uniforms for Regulation Drill will be the same as for inspection.
4.All team members must be first year cadets regardless of grade level.
30 Command Regulation Drill
1. Forward 33. Halt (Centered on the Head Judge)
2. Halt (Centered on the Head Judge)34. Present Arms
3. Left Face35. Report Out
4. Present Arms36. Order Arms
5. Report In 37. Right Face
6. Order Arms38. Forward (exit)
7. Open Ranks
8. Ready Front
9. Close Ranks
10. Parade Rest
11. Attention
12. Left Face
13. About Face
14. Forward
15. Right Flank
16. Left Flank
17. Column Right
18. Forward
19. ToThe Rear
20. ToThe Rear
21. Column Right
22. Forward
23. Eyes Right
24. Ready Front
25. Column Right
26. Forward
27. Change Step
28. Column Right
29. Forward
30. Halt
31. Left Face
32. Right Step
1.Preliminary rounds (maximum 28 participants per round) of IDR will start at approximately 1000, and will continue until the completion of Exhibition Drill. The final three participants from each preliminary round will qualify to participate in the IDR finals, which will be held following the completion of the final field event.
2.Any member of the AFJROTC program in any of the participating schools is eligible to participate in IDR, if they are in the proper JROTC uniform (Regulation or Exhibition). The cost to enter a preliminary round is $1.00per person.
3.IDR will consist of movements (with or without the numbers) contained in AFM 36-2203. All commands will be proper commands. There will be no "trick" commands. Military bearing will be crucial. If the judge gives an improper command, cadets will not be penalized.
The Overall Trophy winner will be decided with the following events considered:
- Both Inspections
- Regulation Drill Team (Unarmed)
- Exhibition Drill Team (Unarmed)
- Regulation Color Guard
- Special Color Guard
*If more than one team is entered from a particular school, only the highest placed team for that event will be considered. Low score wins. Commander’s scores will be totaled and used in the event of a tie.
Upon completion offinal IDR, all individual team commanders from competing schools are required to be on the football field in uniform for Closing Ceremonies. Teams will be seated in the stands.
QuestionsPlease email or call 863-452-4311 (ext. 299)
1. Coming to AvonPark from the North via US Highway 27. After entering the City Limits look for the signs that point to the AP Bombing Range out to the East of the city. The road signs leading out to the East will be SR64 and SR17. As you approach the 2nd light after entering Avon Park get in the LH lane. You will see a BP station on the NW corner, CVS on the SW corner and a Walgreen’s on the SE corner. This is Main Street and you need to turn left. Proceed East for approximately 1 & ½ miles. The High School will be on your right. Turn right just as you have the Catholic Church on your left at Lotela Ave. Go South for 1 block and turn left on Canfield Street. 1/2 block on your left is the entrance to the Parking Lot adjacent to the Football Stadium.
2. Coming to AvonPark from the South via Highway 27. After entering the City Limits you will pass most of the Fast Food Restaurants in town, a Shopping Center with both a Save A Lot and a Winn Dixie. Get in the RH lane. Look for the signs that point to the AP Bombing Range out to the East of the city. The road signs leading out to the East will be SR64 and SR17. As you approach the light after entering Avon Park get in the RH lane. You will see a BP station on the NW corner, CVS on the SW corner and a Walgreen’s on the SE corner. This is Main Street and you need to turn right. Proceed East for approximately 1 & ½ miles. The High School will be on your right. Turn right just as you have the Catholic Church on your left at Lotela Ave. Go South for 1 block and turn left on Canfield Street. 1/2 block on your left is the entrance to the Parking Lot adjacent to the Football Stadium.
1. Avon Park drill meet will always be held on the first Saturday in November at Avon Park High School. Please complete the registration form included below and return to us as soon as possible.
2. Schools are not limited on how many teams they may bring. Only the top place team will be considered for the overall trophy. Registration fees are $35 per team, per event. Make checks payable to Avon Park High School AFJROTC. Please have all money to us by October 26th.