Title: /
Determination of at-fault Welder
Date: / May 17, 2017, Spring 2017Contact: / Name : Chuck Kolb
Company : Matrix PDM Engineering, A Matrix Service Company
Phone : (918) 624-6266
E-mail :
Purpose: / Clarify API 650, requirements for determining the at-fault welder or welding operator when two or more weld in the same joint and there is a rejectable indication.
Source: / CBI requested clarification of this clause.
Revision: / 0
Impact: / The business impact of this item is neutral.
Rationale: / The current wording indicates that additional spot radiographs must be taken to determine the at-fault welder or welding operator when there is a rejectable indication found by radiography in joints welded by two (or more) welders. The current wording of this requirement maybe misleading or impractical and does not address other methods for achieving the purpose of the clause.
Proposal: / API 650 original: It is recognized that in many cases the same welder or welding operator does not weld both sides of a butt joint. If two welders or welding operators weld opposite sides of a butt joint it is permissible to examine their work with one spot radiograph. If the radiograph is rejected, additional spot radiographs shall be taken to determine whether one or both of the welders or welding operators are at fault.
Modify paragraph to read It is recognized that in many cases the same welder or welding operator does not weld both sides of a butt joint. If two welders or welding operators weld opposite sides of a butt joint it is permissible to examine their work with one spot radiograph. If the radiograph is rejected, additional spot radiographs shall be taken to determine whether one or both of the welders or welding operators are at fault. If the radiograph is rejected, and in so far as practical, the welder or welding operator responsible for the rejectable welding shall be determined by depth of the defect during repair or additional non-destructive examination.
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