Mathematics 1342 Section 1

Elementary Statistics

East Texas Baptist University

Fall 2015

Professor: Dr. Robin McClaran

Office: Meadows Hall 200E

Office Phone: 903-923-2310


Office Hours: M 12:00 – 3:30

W 12:30 –3:00

TTH 10:00 – 11:00, 1:30 – 2:00, 3:30 – 4:00

Course Description: This course is an introduction to the principles and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. It is recommended for students in social and behavioral sciences, business, natural and physical sciences, nursing, and teacher education. Access to a departmentally approved scientific calculator is required.

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to

·  Use descriptive statistics to analyze a set of data

·  Understand the fundamentals of probability theory

·  Determine the nature of the distribution of data

·  Estimate population parameters given sample data

·  Test a hypothesis from either a large or small sample of data

·  Construct a linear regression model from a set of paired data

Assigned Text/Software: Hawkes Learning Systems software (ISBN: 978-1938891267 Note: e-book is included)

(Alternative: Textbook and Software bundle ISBN: 978-1932628685)

Attendance: Attendance at all meetings of the course for which a student is registered is expected. To be eligible to earn credit in a course, the student must attend at least 75% of all class meetings. Since there are 44 class meetings, students must attend 33 classes. This means that 12 absences will result in the student being given a grade of “F” from the instructor. You are expected to arrive on time and stay until class is dismissed. Two tardies or early departure will count as an absence. If a student is sleeping or engaging in disruptive behavior he will be asked to leave the room and will be marked absent.

Online Homework and Quizzes: Homework will be submitted online through the Hawkes Learning System software. There is an online homework assignment for each section of the text that we will cover in class, as well as an optional online review assignment for each chapter. Homework will usually be due the next class period after a section is completed in class. The system requires you to earn at least 80% of the work on each assignment to earn credit, but each assignment grade is given as credit/no credit only. The optional reviews can be used to earn extra credit on student’s homework scores. Chapter quizzes can be used to help prepare for exams and earn extra points on exams as well.

Makeup Policy: If you expect to miss a test while representing the university as a member of an authorized group, you must contact me in advance with documentation in order to schedule a makeup test. Absences on test days due to illness or death in the family require proper documentation in order to qualify for a makeup. In addition, these situations require that you inform the instructor prior to the absence. This policy is not flexible. An unexcused absence on the day of a scheduled test will result in a grade of “0” for that test and may be replaced by your final exam percentage grade as explained below.

Examinations and Grading Policy: The course grade will be determined by averaging the scores from 4 unit tests (each worth 15% of the grade), homework (15%), and the comprehensive final exam (25%). Your final exam percentage grade may replace your lowest unit test percentage grade if this results in an improvement of your overall grade. The semester grade will be based upon the following scale:

A: 90 – 100%, B: 80 – 89%, C: 70 – 79%, D: 60 – 69%, F: below 60%

Academic Integrity: The section on classroom expectations addresses this fundamental aspect of classroom behavior. Also see p. 22 of the current catalog for more information on academic integrity.

Disability Accommodation: A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and by providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved, you and your professor will be notified of the approved accommodations. You must then discuss these accommodations with your professor.

Academic Center for Excellence: The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), is located in the library, and is intended to provide a place for individual and small group study. Contact the Office of Academic Success at extension 2076 for information about when math tutors are available. Extra credit is available for utilizing the ACE when a math tutor is on duty. A student may earn up to 5% bonus credit on their homework grade by submitting up to 10 tutoring slips over the course of the semester to the instructor.

Tentative Course Outline: We will cover about 3 sections per week, and homework due dates will be posted on the Hawkes Learning System software (Note: all dates are tentative and subject to change.)

1.1 Getting Started

1.2 Data Classification

1.3 The Process of a Statistical Study

1.4 How to Critique a Published Study

2.1 Frequency Distributions

2.2 Graphical Displays of Data

2.3 Analyzing Graphs

3.1 Measures of Center

3.2 Measures of Dispersion

3.3 Measures of Relative Position

Test 1 –Approximately Monday, September 14

4.1 Introduction to Probability

4.2 Addition Rules for Probability

4.3 (Fundamental Counting Principle only)

4.4 Combinations and Permutations

5.1 Discrete Random Variables

5.2 Binomial Distribution

6.1 Introduction to the Normal Distribution

6.2 Finding Area under a Normal Distribution

6.3 Finding Probability Using a Normal Distribution

6.4 Finding Values of a Normal Random Variable

Test 2– Approximately Friday, October 9

7.1 Introduction to the Central Limit Theorem

7.2 Central Limit Theorem with Means

7.3 Central Limit Theorem with Proportions (if time permits)

8.1 Estimating Population Means (σ Known) (partial section)

8.2 Student’s t-Distribution

8.3 Estimating Population Means (σ Unknown)

8.4 Estimating Population Proportions

8.5 Estimating Population Variances (if time permits)

Test 3– Approximately Wednesday, November 4

10.1 Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing

10.3 Hypothesis Testing for Population Means (σ Unknown)

10.4 Hypothesis Testing for Population Proportions

10.5 Hypothesis Testing for Population Variances (if time permits)

12.1 Scatter Plots and Correlation

12.2 Linear Regression

Test 4 – Approximately Friday, December 4

Final exam – Monday, December 14, 8:00 – 9:50 am

Classroom expectations: All students are expected to understand their role in enhancing the learning environment for all students in Elementary Statistics.

1.  It is the student’s responsibility to arrive for class on time and to be prepared.

a.  Attendance is recorded at the beginning of class. If you arrive late or leave early, you will be marked absent for the day, unless you discuss the situation with me and I agree to mark you present.

b.  Bring all necessary materials to class with you including your textbook, calculator, paper, and pencil.

c.  Turn off any cell phones or other electronic devices that may cause disturbances during class time.

d.  Keep all cell phones or other electronic devices in your backpack or other bag. Cell phones should not be out on your desk during class.

e.  Texting during class is not permitted. Listening to your IPod in class is not permitted. Laptops may not be used in class.

f.  Make any needed trips to the restroom or water fountain before class begins.

g.  Come to class ready to learn. If you are observed sleeping in class you will be marked absent for the day.

2.  It is the student’s responsibility to observe appropriate behavior during class time.

a.  No food or drink is allowed in the classroom with the exception of water in a clear, closeable water bottle.

b.  Do not carry on conversations with your fellow classmates during class. If disruptive behavior persists after being warned, you will be asked to leave the room and marked absent for the day.

c.  If you have a question about something covered by the instructor, please raise you hand and get the instructor’s attention to ask your question.

d.  Do not disrupt your fellow student’s ability to learn during class in any way your instructor or fellow students feel is inappropriate.

3.  It is the student’s responsibility to promote academic honesty at all times.

a.  All assignments must be completed by you. All work must be your own work and not the work of someone else.

b.  During tests, make sure that nearby students cannot see your paper.

c.  During tests, make sure that your textbook, notes, homework, etc., are out of view of all students including yourself.