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Università del Salento, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Lingue e Beni Culturali
Prova Scritta Lingua e Traduzione Inglese 1° Anno Triennio
Simulazione 2: 2 hours
LLCCLLSS / LLCI / Interclasse OTHER…………………...…………………..
COGNOME:……………………………………………………NOME …………………………N. Matr. ……………………
Translation / Reading / Writing Task / Listening TasksEn - It / It - En
Use this page for any rough work that you may need to do during the exam
Part 1 – Translation / Reading
Translate the parts of the text in English into Italian and vice-versa. (60 MARKS)
English to Italian (30 marks)
The English language is changing faster than ever, says expert7
The English language is evolving at a faster rate now than at any other time in history because of social media and instant messaging according to John Sutherland, professor of English at University College London, who led a study into common social media and “text speak” terms.
According to the study, there was a “seismic generational gap” between the older and younger generations when it came to how modern informal language was used.
As many as 86% of parents who took part in the survey said they felt that teenagers spoke an entirely different language than them on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Sutherland said: “The limited number of characters on old mobile keyboards were a key factor in therise of acronyms in text messaging such as TXT, GR8 and LOL.
“However technological evolution has meant that these words are now effectively extinct from the text speak language and are seen as antique text speak.”
English to Italian(30 marks)
L'aumento di emojis potrebbe costituire la fase successiva nel linguaggio e nella comunicazione, e l'uso crescente di icone ha un legame storico, come sostiene Sutherland.
"L'uso della messaggistica audio e video è diventato più comune con la crescente popolarità dei social media e di applicazioni di messaggistica istantanea come Instagram, Vine e Snapchat", ha detto.
"In effetti ci stiamo muovendo verso una forma di comunicazione più pittografica con la crescente popolarità di emoticon.
Questo si rifà ad una forma di comunicazione tipica dei cavernicoli in cui una singola immagine riusciva a trasmettere una vasta gamma di messaggi ed emozioni.
In futuro verranno utilizzate meno parole e lettere nella messaggistica perché le immagini e le icone prenderanno il posto dei messaggi di testo."
Sia le piattaforme mobili iOS di Apple e quelle Android di Google hanno ora tastiere emoji integrate nel loro software.
Adapted from The Guardian 1 May 2015)
Choose ONE of the tasks below. Write legibly and in pen. Write 120-180 words. (30 MARKS)
1) You have read in a newspaper that the Government plans to allocate more funds for young people. Write a letter to the newspaper expressing your opinion.
- Briefly talk about the areas of young people’s lives that, in your opinion, are most important for students.
- List and describe the facilities for young people in your area that need extra financing.
2) An English-speaking friend studying languages tells you that He/She wants to come to learn Italian. He/She asks for your advice about where to apply. Write an email in reply.
- Briefly describe the different universities / towns that he/she could choose to go to study Italian.
- Say at which university it would be best to study and why.
3)Your town wants to attract more visitors from abroad have asked you to write a short advertisement to be put on an internet site.
- Briefly describe your town and where it is.
- List the facilities that the own offers, and the periods of the year in which it is best to visit.