Sts. Peter and Paul Parish

713 Elm Street. St. Paul, NE

St. Anthony St. Joseph

Farwell, NE Elba, NE

Mass Time

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.


Pastor: Fr. Rayappa Konka 1405 Custer St

St. Paul, NE 68873


Marriage & baptism Preparation: Fr. Konka

Contact Parish Office: 308-754-4002

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:30 p.m.


Marie Platek Church Office Secretary/St. Paul


Cell # 308-750-2565

Michelle Rathman Office Assistant/St. Paul


Church office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.

Closed over noon hour and weekends



Kathy Gorecki Secretary/Farwell & Elba DRE/Farwell 308-336-3351

Becky Knox DRE 5-11 Grades / St. Paul


Judi Baker DRE Perschool -4th Grade / St. Paul 308-750-8418

Confirmation Instructors: Neil and JulieBaquet


Marshall’s Paczosa Knights of Columbus-

Grand knight 308-754-8075

CCW President: Sandi Mudloff 308-750-6439

Catholic Daughters: Linda Garwych 308-754-5176

Advisory Council Members/ St. Paul:

Fr. Konka, Bob Dvorak, Neil Baquet, Monte Brouillette,

Bill Gregoski, Matt Rief & JoAnn Urbanski


Facebook: “Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church”

Email: Church Office @

Sunday, January 14, 2018

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

WELCOME, Father James J Janovec our Celebrant for the next few weekends while Fr. Konka is visiting Family

Mass at St. Anthonys

Sunday, January 14th

Confirmation will be Celebrated at

10:30 a.m. atSt. Anthony’s in Farwell

with Bishop Joseph Hanefeldt.

2018 St. Anthony’s Confirmation Candidate

and their parents

Callie Gorecki Rick and Cindy Gorecki

Hannah Koperski Mark & Noelle Koperski

Rylee Kosmicki John & Chandra Kosmicki

Joseph Lukasiewicz Phil & Tracey Lukasiewicz

Thomas Mrkvicka Monty & Nancy Mrkvicka

Sadie Shuda Anthony & Chelsea Shuda

Dinner will follow in the Church basement hall everyone is welcomed to attend.

Mass Intentions for the Week

01/20- 01/21

Saturday 01/13 5:00 p.m.

Delores (Koperski) Fletcher,

Frances (Koperski) Kush

By Tom & Sally Mudloff

Sunday 01/14 8:00 a.m.

People of the Parish

Sunday 01/14 10:00 a.m.

Joe & Victoria Radke

By Jerry & Shirley



General Fund$3184.00

Christmas 25.00

Diocesan Appeal 190.00

Flowers 5.00

Latin America 10.00


Parish Life Center $ 1,657.70

Parish Life Center CCW 300.00

Parish Life Pledge$12,605.00

Parish Center Memorial 85.00

Payment due on Parish Center $6,410.45 each month

2nd Collection 1/7/18 $427.00

Contribution for 01/07/18

St. Anthony General Fund $403.00

Heat $525.00

St. Joseph General Fund$404.00

Heat 150.00



Diocesan Appeal $190.00

Am’t collected to date $12,684.00

Balance due $11,041.00

Volunteer or Volunteers Needed

Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church is in need of someoneor a group with some decorating talent to decorate the church.

If you are interested or have questions please call the Church office at 308-754-4002 and leave your name and phone number with Marie or Michelle.

Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend


Saturday 01/13 5:00 p.m. Mass

Intro:Julie Dush

Greeters: Mike & Annie Kowaski,

Betty Leonard, Amy Christensen

Lector:Jacob Bauer

EMHC: Deanna Bauer, JoAnn Urbanski,

Patty Krzycki

Servers: Jackson & Samuel Kramer,

Katherine Bauer

Music: Julie Dush,Betty Czarnek, Chuck Schmid

Rosary: Volunteer

Sunday 01/14 8:00 a.m. Mass

Intro: Alan Lewandowski

Greeters: Jim & Dianne Rice,

Chad & Krista Bauder

LectorTim Scheer

EMHCConnie Beck, Dianne Rice,

Krista Bauder

Music: Alan & Jolene Lewandowski

ServersChristian & Anna Thede,

Nathan Scheer

Rosary: Volunteer

Sunday 01/14 10:00 a.m. Mass

Helping with Mass: 3rd Grade

Intro: Betty Van Dyke

Greeters: Monte & Colleen Brouellette

Joe & Paulette Hansen

Lector: Bill Gregoski

EMHC: Mike Pittman, Ann & Matt Rief

Servers: Shane Kosmicki, Trevor Dugan

Sam Thede

Music: Betty Van Dyke, Sherry Kosmicki,

Carmen Kosmicki, Lori Kelly

Our Prayer Chain Leaders

St. Paul Dianne Rice 571-0039

Farwell Michelle Woitalewicz 336-3241

Theresa Nealon 336-3349

Elba Betty Poss 968-3459

Events this week…..

Monday 01/15 10:00 a.m. /No Mass at Matelyn

Rosary & Communion Only

Tuesday 01/16 1:00 p.m. Quilting

Friday 01/19 10:00 a.m. No Mass at Brookfield

Rosary & Communion Only

One Rose One Life

The Knights of Columbus “One Rose One Life” campaign will start January 20th -21st.

The envelopes will be in the pews for you to pick up on January 13th and 14th. They will be collected on. January 20thProcceeds go too supporting “Culture of Life”

Catholic Daughters News

Catholic Daughters will be meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at noon in the Parish Life Center. Hostesses will be bringing the soup and desserts, everyone else should bring a finger food. Hostesses are Pat Bogus, Barb Sack, Virginia Stenka and Bernadine Welch.

Also, we need 6 dozen cookies for after mass on January 8th at Matelyn. Please have the cookies there by 9:30 that morning. Just a reminder that your annual dues of $20 are due by the end of February ifyou have not already paid them. They can be dropped off at the parish office or mailed to Annette Ogard, 1416 Grant St., St. Paul, NE 68873.


We have 6 or 7 quilts to get finished before the Bazaar next fall. It takes almost or more than 2 months per quilt. We are down to 6 workers on the regular quilts and one doing baby quilts.

Please consider joining us. Call Pat Kuchta at 754-7863 or just come by Tuesday 1:00 to 4:00p.m.

Youth Religious Education:

Pre-school - Fourth Grade Classes on Sundays at 8:50-9:50am at Parish Life Center Classrooms

Fifth - Eleventh Grade Classes, Wednesdays at 7:00-8:15pm at Parish Life Center Classrooms

Classes resumed last week, welcome back!

Upcoming Dates/Events:

Ash Wednesday ~ Wednesday, February 14th,

plan to attend Mass

Confirmation ~ Saturday, March 17th 5:00 Mass

Easter Break ~ Sunday, April 1st

First Holy Communion ~ Saturday, April 21st

5:00 Mass


The CCW will be hosting coffee and rolls after the 8 a.m. mass on Sunday, January 28th.Hostessses are Trish Valasek and Annie Kowalski.

The CCW would like to welcome their new officers

Sandi Mudloff, President, Julie Baquet, Secretary,

along with our new circle chairman Marlene Kosmicki, Trish Valasek, Lori Royle, Heidi Townsend, Cindi Mendyk and Michelle Killion.

Thank you so much for responding to God’s call to share your time and talents with us! We would also like to thank our outgoing president, Chris Dethlefs, for leading us these past few years. We have enjoyed our leadership.

The CCW would also like to thank our outgoing circle chairman, Marilyn Schmaljohn, Judy Rose, Pat Bogus, Pat Geiger, Gina Elstermeier and Cindy Peters for all they did during their time as circle chairman! Some of these circle chairman have served a long time and so we are forever grateful for your service! May God Bless each and everyone one of you!

We are still looking for a Vice President, please pray for God’s guidance and consider joining us as Vice President for a term. If you would like toknow what this office entails, please contact Barb Sack or Sandi Mudloff.


Farwell CCW Meeting January 31st at 7:00. Meet in the Church Rectory.

St. Anthony’s Church Sweetheart Supper will be Saturday, February 10th 5:30a.m. to 10:00p.m. More details to come.


St Joseph’s CCW meeting will be held January 25th 2018 at the church at 7:00 p.m. Plans for ethnic meal held in conjunction with the Kolache Shoot-Out will be discussed and finalized. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The list of people that service as Eucharistic Minsters, Greeters, Alter Servers, and Lectors are on the counter in the Sacristy and in the back of church. If you need some to fill in for you please contact someone on the list. Fill free to make copies. If any of the information on the sheets is incorrect please let the church office know.

2018 Nebraska Walk for Life and

Pro-Life Mass

2018 Nebraska Walk for Life and Pro-Life Mass in Lincoln on Saturday, January 27.

The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop James Conley of the Diocese of Lincoln. The homilist will be Fr. Ryan Kaup, a priest in the Lincoln Diocese whose biological mother scheduled an abortion for him, changed her mind, and placed him for adoption. His story is inspiring and is well worth the trip to hear.

After Mass, speakers will address the crowd at a rally in front of the steps of the State Capitol. Included among them will be members of Nebraska’s state government, as well as Nebraskans elected to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

The Walk will proceed from the Capitol through downtown Lincoln and will end at the Nebraska Student Union, where walkers can refresh themselves with coffee and other fare and where speaker Ann McElhinney will present. Details

9:00 AM:Pro-Life Mass, St. Mary’s Catholic Church

(14th and K Streets, Lincoln)

Celebrant: Bishop James Conley, Bishop of Lincoln

Homilist: Fr. Ryan Kaup

Choir: St. Gregory the Great Seminary, Seward

10:00 AM:Brief rally at the State Capitol

Following the Rally:Walk for Life (ending at

the UNL Student Union)

Following the Walk:Keynote speaker at UNL

Student Union: Ann McElhinney

January Prolife Month

The month of January brings many special opportunities to witness to the joy and special worth of human life. January 22 is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which in 1973 declared a “right” to take the innocent life of children in the womb. Our Catholic bishops and the broader pro-life movement have consequently focused on January as a month for rededication to the cause of life through prayer and public witness.
It is critical we understand that an evil as great as abortion cannot be defeated without use of the weapons of spiritual warfare. Join 9 Days for Life, the bishops’ 9-day novena for an end to abortion, Jan 18-26th. Prayer and sacrifice are indispensable for any Christian effort. They are especially needful in the fight for life. Please accept this invitation!

To join, you may either:
1) download the app on your phone, which is free and can be found on the App store (search “9 Days for Life”); or
2) print the novena prayers and suggestions for acts of reparation at

Second Collections

Onthe first and third weekendsof the month, there will be a second collection that will go towards the payment of the Parish Life Center. This will be addition to the pledges and other generous donations that have been donated.

Thank you all for the ability to have and enjoy this very nice facility!


With such a great response we are going to keep collection items for the Victory house through January. Our table is set up in the back of the church.

The Catholic Daughters have chosen the Victory House in Grand Island to be the recipient of their service project. We will be collecting and purchasing items for these homeless Veteran’s. Please consider donating an item or two. There will be a box set up at the back of church where you can drop off your items. Items they can use are paper towels, toilet paper, scarves, hats, caps and cleaning supplies

Prolife Update from Nebraska Catholic Conference

We ask for your prayers for the NCC as we advocate and speak on behalf of the Catholic Bishops serving in Nebraska. And we ask for your voices to be unified and heard in the Legislature this session. We will do our best to keep you informed and help you speak up on the issues that matter most to you and the Church. To sign up for timely updates, go to and click Public Policy to join the CANN (Catholic Advocacy Network of Nebraska).Thank you for your tireless advocacy and support. Tom Venzor, Executive Director of Nebraska Catholic Conference

ANNIVERSARY MASS. In celebration of World Marriage Day, St. Mary’s Cathedral is sponsoring an Anniversary Mass on Saturday, February 10, 2018, at 5 p.m. All married couples in the Diocese of Grand Island whose anniversary is divisible by 5 in the years 2017-2018 will be honored at the Holy Mass. Most Reverend Joseph G. Hanefeldt, Bishop of Grand Island, will preside. All honor couples, please RSVP to St. Mary’s Cathedral, 308-384-2523, ; or Glenda Stittsworth, 308-379-9325, by February 7, 2018.A lasagna dinner will follow at the Cathedral Square, free-will offering.