Natural Resources Conservation Service
Cultural Resources Field Form – Instructions
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Cultural Resources Field Form - Instructions
Permanent Site Number: the Ohio State Historic Preservation Officer assigns this number. Please leave this blank.
Site Name or Identification: If the site has a local name or has been given a temporary designation, please enter it here.
Cultural Resource: Please identify the type of resource being recorded Prehistoric archeological sites are associated with Native Americans and are lithic scatters, villages, mounds, etc. Historic archeological sites show evidence of Euro-American (post – 1690) goods or remains such as homestead foundations, dug outs, trash scatters, etc. Structures are facilities such as bridges, windmills, dams, stone fences, etc. Buildings may be houses, barns, outhouses, silos, etc. Traditional Cultural Properties are generally associated with Native Americans. Human burials include all marked and unmarked graves. Other types of resources may be trails, railroad rights-of-way, historic roads, historic canals and ditches, battlefields, or other evidence of human use.
Location: Please record either the UTM or legal description of the resource location. Please include a copy of the U.S.G.S. quadrangle showing the site location. Site locational information will be kept confidential to prevent looting.
Land Owner/Manager: Please identify the name and address of the landowner or land management agency on whose land the resource is located.
Resource Description: Please estimate the size of the site (either the area or the maximum dimensions) of the scatter of cultural material or the dimensions of the structure or building foundation. The name of the closest body of permanent water and site elevation are helpful in relocating the resource. Please describe the types of soils, vegetation cover, and current land use for the site area. Site condition is important in assessing National Register status. Please identify if the site appears to be undisturbed, previously cultivated (plowed and/or disked), or eroded. If eroded, please describe the type (i.e., water, wind) and extent (low, moderate, heavy). Include additional observations such as the types of artifacts you saw on the ground surface, types of features (such as mounds, hearths, and foundations), whether or not you observed evidence for buried cultural materials, and any information you think is important to describing the site. Soil color changes or vegetation changes may be a clue to the presence of buried archaeological materials. A sketch map of the site location showing the important cultural features and any on-site or nearby landmarks (such as fence and utility lines, roads, and ponds) is very helpful in relocating the site.
Please return the form to James Wade, Cultural Resources Coordinator,
Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office
200 North High Street, Room 522
Columbus, OH 43215
For additional information call (614) 255-2500 ext. 2479.