Personal Shopper -Advisors

Tutor guidance

Divide the group into personal shoppers and customers.

Personal shopping advisors

1.  Those acting as personal shopper advisors should be given a copy of the personal shopper advisor sheet. At the end of the discussion with a customer, they will receive an email telling them if the items they recommended have been bought.

2.  Advisors should use the personal shopping log (advisor copy) to record the details of the sale and record their total commission - 10% commission on each item bought.


1.  Send one of the customer profiles by email to those acting as customers along with the customer task sheet.

2.  Ask them to contact several advisors and to complete the personal shopping log (customer copy).

3.  When they have spoken to all the advisors, they must choose which product they will buy and email each advisor they have spoken to letting them know if they will be buying the products they recommended, and why they did/ didn’t choose them. They should copy their tutor in to each of these emails.

4.  Finally, they should fill in the client evaluation sheet and email it to their tutor.

Literacy and numeracy outcomes:

1.  Reading and writing practice : writing emails / recording information; reading websites and searching for information

2.  Numeracy practice : calculating percentages plus addition.

Personal Shopper -Advisors

You are working as a company’s personal shopper and must find the best deals for your clients.

Remember your clients come to you because they need advice on present buying!

You will have to:

·  Find out the reason for the gift – e.g. birthday etc

·  Ask them to describe /about the interests etc. of the people they are buying for.

·  Advise them on suitable gifts - either find the gifts that they suggest or suggest better alternatives for them.

·  If you see any other products that might interest them, try and sell this too (e.g. shoes with matching bag etc)

·  Find out their budget (you might encourage them to spend more if you think they are being mean and can afford it).

·  Calculate the total cost of their order, including postage.

·  Explain the delivery time and returns policy of your company.

·  At the end of the task, customers will email and tell you if they have or haven’t bought the items you recommended. If they have bought an item, you get 10% commission on each item. Calculate your total commission.

Ideas for websites to use:

Personal Shopping Log (Advisor Copy)

Customer Name: / Item name/ description / Website used / Price / 10% Commission
Total commission:

Customers task sheet

You will be given the part of a customer to play. This will be emailed to you separately. Read over this carefully so you understand what the client’s needs are.

You must speak to each Personal Shopper advisor and see who will give you the best deal and advice.

Fill in the product sheet as you speak to each advisor.

When you have spoken to all the advisors, email each of them and let each advisor know if you will be buying the products they recommended, and why you did/ didn’t choose them. Copy your tutor in to each of these emails.

Fill in the client evaluation sheet and email to your tutor.

Personal Shopping Log (Customer Copy)

Advisor Name: / Item name/ description / Price / Website used

Client Evaluation Form

Who did you buy your gift from? Why?

What questions were you asked?

Did the assistants find out and meet your needs?

Did you remain within your budget?

How long did your sale take?

Was it made clear what the cost and times of delivery were?

What did you think of the overall service given by each assistant? Why?

Was their anything the assistants could improve on? If so, what?

Customer profiles

Mrs Morann

You are a 78 year old woman who wants a present for her 15 year old grandson, you are thinking of buying him a dinosaur toy as he used to like those when he was younger but would like advice on what’s popular for boys nowadays. You have emptied your savings and can only spend £27.56 altogether otherwise you won’t afford dinner for yourself.

Jack Lawless

You are a 25 year old man looking for a present for his Nana. She likes jumpers and silver jewellery but you’re unsure of her clothing size, she’s very small and quite thin. You can only spend £30 and won’t be talked into spending more, unless they are very persuasive!

Ebenezer Hill

You are a 56 year old man and although you are very rich you don’t believe in spending your money. You are looking for a present for your wife, you think a kettle is a good idea as yours is very old and it will save you buying one later on, hahaha. You don’t want to spend more than £14 even though you could afford to spend around £200, it would take a very persuasive adviser to get you to go over budget.

Mr Richman

You are looking for a present for your cleaner Nancy Roberts. You have £200 to spend. You have heard her mention that she would like a nice necklace but her husband could never afford one. You think that her husband will be delighted about you buying his wife such as nice present. You want next day delivery.

Mark Roberts

You are looking for a present for your wife Nancy. She has always wanted a nice necklace but you just can’t afford one, you get really angry as her boss Mr Richman always buys better presents. You don’t know how you can compete with him and need help. You can only really afford £40 otherwise your children won’t get anything.

Jackie Grimes

You are looking for something unusual for your 25 year old boyfriend, you are bored with buying him clothes. He likes the Simpsons, and gadgets. You only want to spend around £25, you’d normally spend more but you haven’t been getting on very well.

Fred Snow

You are a rich elderly man, looking for a birthday present for his nieces 21st party. You haven’t been shopping for over 25 years which is why you would like help. You have no idea what things cost and think that £5 should be enough. You would like lots of advice.