Military Officers Association of America
El Paso Chapter
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 2012
A meeting of the Military Officers’ Association of America (MOAA), El Paso Chapter,for June2012was held on 30June2012 at 10:00 AM in building 452, Fort Bliss, TX.
Attendance:COL Forrest Smith, President
COL(R)Lennie Enzel, President Elect
COL(R) Bob Pitt, Programs
LTC (R) Bill Moore, Editor/Webmaster
LTC(R) Joe Gollasch, Secretary
MAJ(R) Ed Stone, Legislative
Ms Elma Rodriguez-Smith, Treasurer
Ms Judy Stone, Public Relations
1. Administrative
The meeting was called to order by COL Smith at 10:00 AM. COL Smith made opening remarks.
2. Old Business
A. Secretary: The minutes from the April2012meeting are pending. There was not a quorum for the May meeting.
- Treasurer: Ms Elma Rodriguez-Smith presented and reviewedthe profit/loss statementsand the reports were approved as presented. She stated that Ms Jan Rasmussen had completed the audit of the 1st quarter records and there were no issues found. The current financial reports were approved without question.
C. Recruiting/Membership: No update.
- Programs: (1)COL(R) Bob Pittsuggested that a wine bar be offered at the next luncheon which would be less costly than offering a full bar. The board agreed and approved the change. LTC(R) Bill Moore will procure a cake for the August luncheon. (2) COL(R) Pitt will check on the availability of the Ft Bliss Golf Course site and/or the Great American Steak House for our October luncheon. (3) The board discussed and agreed that our December event will be held in conjunction with the Army/Navy football game and offered as Brunch at the Centennial Club. (4) COL(R) Bob Pitt reported that the door prizes are prepared for the next luncheon and will work on further door prizes.
- Legislative: MAJ(R) Ed Stone stated that legislative changes are occurring fast and updates will be posted via e-mails and that new issues will be included. Expect changes to the Survivor Benefits Plan which have been proposed. He suggested that ‘call to action’ letters be available for members during the August luncheon.
- Editor/Webmaster: (1) LTC(R) Bill Moore presented information on Liability insurance. Discussion followed on the need for insurance for the Chapter versus the need for the pending Outreach Foundation. Further discussion will be held and a decision made at a later date. (2) He stated that articles for the next Border Bulletin are due NLT 03 July 12. (3) LTC(R) Moore provided an update on advertisements status. (4) He indicated that Mr Thompson was set to present at the August luncheon. .
- Public Relations: Ms Judy Stone reported that announcements have been submitted and that there was an excellent article in the Monitor. She inquired when scholarship awards wouldbe known.
- JROTC/ROTC: No report.
- Outreach Foundation: LTC(R) Joe Gollasch stated that the application process is moving forward and will update at the next meeting. He reminded the board that decisions on Foundation Board members should be considered soon.
3. New Business
4. There being no further businessthe meeting was adjourned at 1118.
Respectfully submitted by:
LTC(R) Joe Gollasch, Secretary
MOAA President, El Paso Chapter