Grade 2 Lesson Plans: Week 5 (Sept. 17 – Sept. 21, 2012)Kenneth SandersMonday September 17, 2012

Subject / Objectives / Procedures / Materials / Assessment
Morning Work
8:00 am – 8:25 am / - TSW correctlywrite the Week 5 spelling words in alphabetical order.
-RF.2.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. / 1) TTW greet students into the classroom and instruct them to sit quietly and to complete the Week 5 ABC Order”worksheetindependently and quietly (15 minutes). When finished TSW place all completed work in the “classwork” bin and read quietly at their desks.
2) TTW will go over classroom rules and expectations, consequences and rewards. TTW have students repeat classroom rules and expectations. / - “Week 5 ABC Order”Worksheet / - TSW has completed the Week 5 ABC Order” Worksheet
8:25 am – 9:20 am / - TSW learn, blend, read, and write the sounds with long vowel sounds /o/, /u/, /e/
- TSW practice reading fluently changing the way they voice sounds.
-RF.2.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
- RF.2.4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
- SL.2.2. Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. / 1) Phonics Warm Up: Ask student to come up with phonemes that have the same vowel but a different meaning when the vowel is long or short (cut/cute, plan/plane, pin/pine).
2) TTW review the word wall words for the week by checking student understanding of each word: by, cheer, could, hello, hundred, mind, play, read, see, today.
3) TTW review the spelling words for the week using“Snap-Clap-Tap” (snap fingers and spell “around, a-r-o-u-n-d, around,” repeat by clapping hands and stamping feet): doze, nose, use, rose, pole, close, cute, woke, mule, rode, role, tune, home, joke, wrote, ice cube
4) Review the vocabulary words for the week: insects, rotten, dangerous, screaming, scare, breeze, sticky, judge
5) TTW refer to Journeys TE p. T290 –T299. / - Journeys TE
T290 – T299.
- Vocabulary in Context Cards
25 - 32
- Journeys Projectable
p. 4.1
- Journeys Practice Book
p. 1.46 / -TSW complete Journeys Practice Book p. 1.46,
9:20 am – 10:15am / - TSW learn, blend, read, and write the sounds with long vowel sounds /o/, /u/, /e/
- TSW identify nouns that name people and animals.
- W.2.3. Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.
- L.2.2.Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. / 1) Grammar Warm Up: spidr makes a cak. the treat is myne
2) TTW split the board into 3 columns titled “people”, “places”, and “things”. TTW ask students to name people, places, and things. TTW explain to students that people, places, and things are all nouns.
3) TTW explain the difference between proper nous and regular nouns. TTW provide examples then call on students to provide examples. TTW underline the capitol letter in each proper noun.
4) TTW write 4 sentences on the board. TTW call on students to name all of the nouns in the sentence. The subject of the sentence is always a noun. TTW explain that the article before the word (the, a, an) is not part of the noun.
5) TTW refer to Journeys TE p. 300 – 301. / - Journeys TE
p. T300 – 301
- Practice book p. 1.47
- Projectable
p. 4.2, 4.3 / -TSW complete Student Practice Book p. 1.47
Independent Reading
10:15am – 10:40am / - TSW read a book of their choice and correctly answer “who”, “what”, “where”, “why”, and “how” questions about the story.
- RL.2.1. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. / 1) TTW pass out to each student a “Book Report” worksheet.
2) TTW have each student choose 1 book on the bookshelf to take to their desks.
3) TTW instruct students to copy the title, the author, and the illustrator onto the “Book Report” worksheet. After copying, TSW read the book quietly at their desks.
4) When students are finished reading TSW complete the worksheet quietly at their desks.
5) When the student has completed the “Book Report” worksheet they are to place the worksheet in their “Book Log” Folder and re-record the title/author/illustrator information.
6) When students have finished updating their book logs, they may choose another book to read quietly at their desks. / - “Book Report” worksheet / - TSW correctly fill out the “Book Report” worksheet based on the details of the book they have chosen.
10:40 am – 11:05 am / Lunch
11:05 am – 12:00 pm / - TSW solve number stories that involve addition.
- 2.OA.A.1. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions / 1) TTW instruct students to the Math Calendar wall of the classroom.
2) TTW ask students to recite the date and the number day of school.
3) TTW ask students to recall the weather and the day’s temperature.
5) TTW instruct students to open their Math Notebooks to a new page and date the top. TTW ask students to solve the place value problem of the day (153 + 18= ___ ).
6) TTW write the Math Message and Mental Math questions on the board. TSW solve these questions in their Math Journals.
7) TTW teach Everyday Math lesson 2-1, refer to Everyday Math Teacher’s Guide p.94 - 98. / - Everyday Math TE p. 94 - 98.
- Student Slates
- Everyday Math Journal p.21, 22, 23
- Everyday Math Masters p. 419 / - TSW complete Everyday Math Journal p. 21, 22, 23
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm / Recess
Social Studies
12:30 pm – 1:25 pm / - TSW label Canada, Mexico, and the United States on a map of North America.
- SC Social Studies2-2.1 2-2.1 Locate on a map the places and features of the local community, including the geographicfeatures (e.g., parks, water features) and the urban, suburban, and rural areas. / 1) TTW ask students “Do you know where you live on a map? How do you know that’s where you live? What features can you identify on a map that let you know that is where you live? What names or numbers can you use on a map to help you to identify where you live?”
2) TTW instruct students to open their social studies textbooks to page 32. TTW call on students one at a time to read page 32 - 33. TTW ask students to identify the United States of America. TTW ask students how where they able to identify the United States of America on the map? What other countries can they identify on the map? TTW model for students that countries are large land masses separated by a long border. The United States has one country to the north, and one country to the south. These three countries make up North America.
3) TTW ask students to identify South Carolina on the map. TTW ask students how they were able to identify South Carolina on the map. TTW ask students what geographical features are by South Carolina? What states surround South Carolina?
4) TTW ask students to look at the map key for the map on page 32. TTW ask students what each symbol on the map means. Can they find the state borders? The country borders? The capitol of the United States? What is the capitol of the United States? Why is the United States capitol important?
5) TTW review the three countries that make up North America and where to find them on a map. TTW pass out “Where We Live: North America” worksheet for students to complete quietly and independently. / - “Where We Live: North America” Worksheet / - TSW complete the “Where We Live: North America” worksheet.
1:25 pm – 2:20 pm / - TSW sort newborn animals with their parents.
- SC Science2-2.5Illustrate the various life cycles of animals (including birth and the stages ofdevelopment). / 1) TTW instruct students to open their Science textbooks to page 32. TTW ask students to identify the animals that they see. Are the smaller animals related to the larger animals? How and why do they know this?
2) TTW ask students what all animals, from caterpillars, to alligators, to ducks, to cows all have in common? They all start life as babies and they all grow to adults. The adults will reproduce babies and the cycle repeats over and over, this is known as the life cycle: animals (and plants) start off as babies or seeds, grow to adulthood, reproduce and the cycle repeats over and over.
3) TTWask how baby mammals, like dogs, tigers, and humans, are the same? Use the pictures on page for hints. How are babies alike to adults? How are they different?
4) TTW ask students how birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and fish begin life?As eggs.
5) TTW pass out the “Animal families” worksheet. TSW complete this work quietly and independently. / - “Animal Families” Worksheet / - TSW complete the “Animal Families” animal sort.
Reading and Math Center
2:20 pm – 3:00 pm / -TSW create 10 words using the tiles provide in the “Letter Tiles” center.
-TSW add two random numbers together to form sums in ascending order.
- TSW write 3 sentences describing the main character of the story A Bed of Roses.
- RI.2.5. Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
- RF.2.3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
- 2.OA.1. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems . / 1) TTW have the students seated quietly at their seats and have them recall the rules for center time, how to clean up and set the game up the game for when groups are switched, and how to put the center materials back when center time is over and where to turn in the worksheets that come with each center at the end of the center.
3) TTW split the class into 3 groups (A - above reading level, B – at reading level, C – below reading level). TTW have groups A and B work independently at the Math Center and Reading Center and set 8 minutes on the timer. TTW observe each group to make sure they are participating appropriately in each center.
4) TTW gather group C at the teacher’s table for their differentiated reading lesson. TTW use Journeys Teacher Edition lesson T361 to teach the reading lesson for below grade level readers.
5) When the bell rings TTW give students 2 minutes to clean up, set the center up for the next group, and to turn in their center worksheets. When centers are cleaned, TTW put 8 minutes on the timer and have groups switch centers. TTW observe each group to make sure they are participating appropriately in each center.
6) TTW rotate to group B at for their differentiated reading lesson. TTW use Journeys Teacher Edition lesson T361 to teach the reading lesson for at grade level readers.
7) When the bell rings TTW give students 2 minutes to clean up, set the center up for the next group, and to turn in their center worksheets. When centers are cleaned, TTW put 8 minutes on the timer and have groups switch centers. TTW observe each group to make sure they are participating appropriately in each center.
8) TTW rotate to group A at for their differentiated reading lesson. TTW use Journeys Teacher Edition lesson T361 to teach the reading lesson for above grade level readers.
9) When the bell rings TTW give students 2 minutes to clean up, set the center up for the next group, and to turn in their center worksheets. When centers are cleaned, TTW put 8 minutes on the timer and have groups switch centers. TTW observe each group to make sure they are participating appropriately in each center. / - Math Top It Playing Cards
- Everyday Math Master p. 449
- Decodable Reader A Bed of Roses.
- Letter Cards a, a, a, a,b, c, f, i, i, i, x, h, d, p, l, g, w, n, n, t, t / - TSW write 3 sentences describing the main character in the story A Bed of Roses.
- TSW play the Everyday Math game Top It and record their results on Math Master p. 449
- TSW complete Journeys Projectable 3.1.
3:00 pm – 3:15 pm / Review and Dismissal