ICS PhD Scholarships 2012


Please note that any specific conditions attached to individual Scholarships will be outlined in the letter of award sent to Scholarship holders.

1.  Applications for the Scholarship

Applicants MUST first submit a research degree study application form and be in receipt of a University BANNER ID Number (Student ID Number) to be eligible for an ICS PhD Research Scholarship. Applications without a valid University ID Number will be rejected.

Applications must be made using the application form at the end of these notes.

ICS Scholarships must be taken up by 1 October 2012.

2.  Value of award

ICS Research Scholarships cover a contribution to fees equivalent to the Home/EU rate (£3732 for 2011-12) and a maintenance allowance of £13,590 (subject to final confirmation). Applicants who are liable to pay the overseas fees rate will be required to fund the difference between the Home/EU fee rate and the international rate.

There are no additional allowances for travel or research costs.

3.  Duration of the Scholarship

ICS Research Scholarships are for full time study. The duration of the Scholarship is for 12 months in the first instance. Renewal beyond the first 12 months is dependent upon the scholarship holder successfully being transferred to full PhD registration under the normal University procedures. The Scholarship may then be renewed for a period of one year and is subject to annual review thereafter. Renewal is subject to satisfactory progress.

The maximum tenure of a full-time ICS PhD Scholarship is 3 years (36 months) except in cases of illness and maternity (see notes below).

4.  Living and Studying in the UK

Students are expected to live within a reasonable travelling distance of the University of Leeds during the tenure of their awards (with the exception of temporary trips abroad for essential fieldwork, study visits or attendance at conferences).

5.  Holidays

Holders of ICS PhD Scholarships study may, with the prior agreement of their supervisors, take up to five weeks holiday in each year, as well as the time during which the University is officially closed (such as during the Christmas and Easter periods and Bank Holidays).

6.  Illness and Personal Circumstances

Students must draw to the attention of their supervisors or Postgraduate Research Tutor as soon as possible when there is a situation where it may be necessary to request a suspension of study. This might relate to illness or personal circumstances affecting their progress. Documentary evidence (e.g. medical certificates) must be submitted to support any application for suspension of studies.

In the case of periods of sickness, the University may continue to pay maintenance for the first 28 days at the full rate and the next 28 days at half rate within any 12 month period. For longer periods of illness, the Scholarship may be suspended and no further payments made during this time. Suspension on account of illness and personal circumstances is limited to a maximum of twelve months.

7.  Maternity Leave

Female University Scholarship holders may be allowed up to six months paid maternity leave. An extension to the period of support of up to six months may be given, but the total duration of maintenance support from the Scholarship will be limited to three years, plus up to six months. Scholarship holders may also take up to six months unpaid maternity leave.

8.  Unauthorised Absence

If the student is absent from the University without appropriate authorisation from his/her supervisors or Head of Institute, the Institute reserves the right either to withdraw the Scholarship or to seek reimbursement for the payments covering the period of unauthorised absence.

9.  Paid or unpaid work

Students will be expected to undertake teaching assistance or other duties while in receipt of an ICS Scholarship. Scholarship holders will not be paid for this work as it is deemed to be undertaken in return for the financial support provided by the Scholarship. Such duties will normally be limited to the equivalent of teaching on one module per semester.

Since the purpose of the PhD Scholarship is to permit the student to pursue full time study, scholarship holders are discouraged from undertaking additional, regular paid or unpaid work that might interfere with their studies. A Scholarship holder who is considering taking additional paid work should discuss this beforehand with their supervisor, whose permission must be obtained before any commitments to work are made.

No suspension or extension of study will be granted on the grounds of work commitments (paid or unpaid).

10.  Termination of awards

Students whose progress or conduct is considered unsatisfactory may have their Scholarships terminated. In such cases four weeks notice will normally be given to enable the student to make domestic arrangements.

Maintenance payments made in advance for any period after termination will be recovered.

11.  Early Submission of a Doctoral Thesis

If a student submits his/her doctoral thesis before the end of the award, his/her studies will be deemed to have finished. In such cases, the student will be allowed to retain his/her maintenance grant up to the end of the quarter in which he/she submitted (1 October to 31 December; 1 January to 31 March; 1 April to 30 June; 1 July to 30 September or other appropriate dates) but no further maintenance payments will be made. Any further overpayments that may occur through the early submission of a doctoral thesis will be recovered.

12.  Intellectual Property Rights

The University treats students and staff equally in relation to Intellectual Property Rights. Although the legal position is invariably complex, the law is such that, unless there are specific agreements to the contrary, the University would normally be regarded as owning all intellectual property generated by University staff during the course of their employment. (Students are not normally employees, but the effect of the contract between the University and its students is, in this connection, to place students in the same position as staff).

ICS PhD Scholarships are awarded on the basis that all intellectual property rights in matters arising from the research shall belong absolutely to the University. In turn, the University acknowledges that, out of any sums derived by the exploitation of any invention or discovery, it will make due recompense to the student for his/her contributions to the invention or discovery.

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Application for ICS PhD Scholarship 2012

This form should only be completed after submission of a research degree study application form, which will enable the applicant to receive a Banner ID (Student ID Number) that can be entered on this form.

Choose an item. / Surname/Family name
Click here to enter text. / First names
Click here to enter text.
BANNER ID (Student ID number)
Click here to enter text.
Country of birth
Click here to enter text. / Nationality
Click here to enter text. / Date of birth
Click here to enter text.

Academic Qualifications (including any for which you are currently aiming)

Name & country of institution / Study start date / End date / Qualification obtained (e.g. BA) and main subject area / Degree classification (e.g. 1st class honours) / Grade (GPA) or percentage mark
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.

Professional or other qualifications

Dates of course / Title of course / Qualification obtained
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.

Employment history

Name & address of employer / Job title / Employment dates (from, to)
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text.
Please indicate your proposed career
Click here to enter text.

Publications, awards or prizes

Please provide details of published peer-reviewed papers, other papers, and list any awards or prizes received (with dates).

Click here to enter text.
Awards/prizes etc.
Click here to enter text.

Are there any other circumstances which you wish to bring to the attention of the scholarships committee?

For example unusual education path, change of study direction. (Please do not repeat any points that you make in your research proposal. Note also that awards are based on academic merit, and financial circumstances are not taken into account.)

Click here to enter text.

Have you applied for any other Scholarship or funding (if so, please specify)?

Click here to enter text.

Your proposed title or area of research

Click here to enter text.
Please outline below how your previous academic and professional achievements demonstrate your potential and your ability to complete your proposed project successfully (maximum 300 words)
Click here to enter text.
Please provide a summary in the space below of your research proposal, outlining, amongst other things, aims, significance and method (maximum 500 words).
Click here to enter text.

Undertaking by applicants

By submitting this application, applicants attest to the accuracy of the information given and to their compliance with the regulations of the Scholarship.

Date: Click here to enter text.

Completed forms should be returned to the Postgraduate Research Administrator, Institute of Communications Studies, Clothworkers Building North, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT or by email to by the published deadline.

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