The Big Weekend is comprised of three days of free family entertainment on the central area of Parker’s Piece.
Sunday 10th July is the International Day and Cambridge Mela, celebrating World music, food, and crafts with music on the main stage, community performances in the marquees, children and family activities, stalls and a continental market.
The Cambridge Mela celebrates Asian food and culture and we are seeking applications for people interested in a pitch in the Mela market area;
· All pitches will be 10ft wide to accommodate 1 trestle table only and will be marked out and allocated by the event organisers. If you require more please make sure you book it in advance, extra space will not be allocated on the day.
· Pitches cost £93 for sale of food/goods.
· Please see full terms and conditions (overleaf) for details before applying.
If you would like to apply for a pitch as part of the Cambridge Mela, Please complete and return this form to;
Sophie Osborne -
Or post to;
Big Weekend- Mela
Cambridge Live,
3 Parson’s Court
Wheeler Street
Do not make any payment until we have accepted your application. We will notify you if you have been accepted ASAP. All payments to be received in advance of the event; unfortunately we do not accept cheques for this particular application
· You can make a payment by card by calling the Box Office on: 01223 357851
· Alternatively, cash payments can be made at: Cambridge Live Tickets, 2 Parson’s Court Wheeler Street Cambridge CB2 3QE.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact Sophie Osborne via Email: or Phone: 01223 791783
Name or Trading Name:
Telephone/Mobile Number:
Email Address:
Vehicle Registration;
What kind of pitch do you want to apply for? (delete as appropriate) Food / Non Food
If food – complete section 2 and a food safety form.If non-food – complete section 3 or 4 as appropriate.
All applicants to complete section 5.
Section 2. FOOD STALLS. Pitch cost = £93
Please list all types of foods to be sold and prices; (e.g. Samosas, pakoras, lassi, curry, rice, etc)
Type of unit:
Please detail what storage, cooking and serving equipment you will be bringing. We will provide 1 16amp power supply, if you require more please state below what you need; (e.g. chiller unit, microwave, blender, 16amp, 32 amp, 2x16 amp etc)
Do you have public and products liability insurance? YES / NO if yes, please send us a copy
Please complete and return a food safety questionnaire with your application.
Section 3. NON-FOOD GOODS. Pitch cost = £93
Please list all types of goods to be sold and prices; (e.g. Henna, jewellery, clothing, etc)
Please detail equipment you will be bringing (e.g. Van, gazebo, table, etc)
Type of unit:
Do you have public and products liability insurance? YES / NO if yes, please send us a copy
Please note, only small food items can be sold for charity/community stalls, e.g. sweets/cakes etc.
Please list all activities to take place; e.g. distributing information, charity collection, selling goods, etc
Section 5. AGREEMENT AND SIGNATUREI have read and agree to the terms and conditions and confirm that the details given here are correct.
Signed ...... Date:......
Name in Printed Capitals ...... ……………………….………………..
1. Completed forms must be returned by Wednesday 15th June 2016
2. Note that all egg products must be free range. Wherever possible, teas, coffees and hot chocolate should be Fair Trade.
3. No access will be permitted onto site until 8.30am Sunday ready for trading at 12 noon until approximately 7pm. All Mela traders must be offsite by 8pm at the latest.
4. Vehicles and units are left on site at their own risk. All vehicles on site must be insured and driven by persons holding a valid driving licence.
5. Accepted traders do not have sole rights to trade at the event.
6. Repairs for any damage made to the grass or surroundings, particularly by oil or burning will be charged for and may affect your return to the event.
7. No glass should be brought on site – biodegradable packaging and serving utensils should be used.
8. You must undertake appropriate risk assessments and comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all appropriate regulations made under this Act. All electrical items and installations should conform to appropriate BS or CE standards and be inspected and compliant to current BS 7671 IET Wiring Regulations standards. You must comply with any directives specifically relating to safety by Cambridge Live at the event.
9. The following food safety guidelines must be followed
Keeping food safe
· Wash hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and warm water:
- Before and during preparing food,
- After handling raw meat, and
- Before handling ready to eat foods such as salads or sandwiches.
Preventing cross contamination
· Keep raw meat separate from other foods.
· If defrosting food, place the plate on the bottom shelf of the fridge – don’t allow any juices to drip onto other foods.
· Clean and disinfect chopping boards and work surfaces.
Store foods properly
· Keep foods refrigerated and frozen (as appropriate).
· Keep cold foods cold (below 8 degrees)
· Keep hot foods hot (above 63 degrees)
· Leftovers should be discarded
Cook foods thoroughly
· Cook meat thoroughly – use an accurate thermometer to make sure that food is thoroughly cooked.
· Cook eggs thoroughly, they should be firm and not runny.
10. Whilst attending the Festival you shall have full regard to the safety of persons who may be affected in any way and shall comply with the requirements of all relevant rules, procedures and statutory requirements including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
11. Anyone found in breach of these terms and conditions will be asked by the Event Manager to cease trading and vacate the site. Serious breaches may affect your applications for future events.