Teaching takes place in form of the introductory lecture followed by the student presentations of their readings and discussion (discussion group). To be able to participate in the discussion each student should prepare for each meeting by reading the papers (one or two) as defined by the teacher (approximately 30-40 pages per meeting). A short overview should be sent to the teacher in advance or delivered at the meeting. In addition, depending on the number of students enrolled in the class, two students will prepare presentations. The schedule will be determined in the first two meetings. The students are welcome to read all the material from the list for particular topic, especially if they are interested in writing an essay on the selected topic.Thereading material will be copied at the first meeting to portable usb sticks brought by students.
The assessment of the student achievement is comprised of the assessment of her/his activity during lectures (presence, presentation, discussion) and the essay. Students are free to define the essay topic according to their interest and upon the consultation with the teacher. Essay should be up to 28.000 characters (with spaces), presenting the problem addressed in the paper, a literature review, a research (applicable), discussion and conclusions.
Teachingstarts on 8 May and ends on 24thMay 2018By the end of Maystudents are obliged to submit their essays in order to successfully complete their course. Before final submission, the draft essay should be sent to the mentor responsible for specific topic.
Teachers and contacts – Winter 2017/2018
- drAnamarija Musa, assistant professor, Department of Administrative Science of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, (Ćirilometodska 4, Upper Town room 32, e-mail appointment for the consultation)(teacher responsible for the course, please contact for inquires or information)
- drVedranĐulabić, associate professor, Department of Administrative Science of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, Ćirilometodska 4, Upper Town, room 29, Office hours: Friday13:00-14:30
- drGorankaLalić Novak, assistant professor, ndulićeva 10, room 3b, Office hours: Monday 16-17.30
- drRomeaManojlović, assistant professor,ndulićeva 10, room 21/3
Important notice: please check your e-mail regularly for changes of time and location for particular lecture, in cases when teachers due to other obligations are not able to organize the meeting according to above plan or students have to attend obligatory events or training.
Information on the course also available
Dates of lectures and seminars / important deadlines
ECTS are earned and final mark determined based on participation in the course sessions and lectures (20%) and individual study and preparation of the readings (30%) and final essay (50%).
Time and Location: Teaching takes place on Wednesdays afternooninĆirilometodska street (Upper town building), in hall 2 (groundfloor).Please check e-mails regularly, in case that the exact time and locationof a particular meeting are changed.
date & time / topic / teacher08.03.2018
14.00-16.30 /
- Introduction to the Course
assistant professor
14.00-16.30 /
- Reforms in Europe – from New Public Management to Neoweberian state
14.00-16.30 /
- European Administrative Space
assistant professor
14.00-16.30 /
- Citizens and Public Administrations in Europe
assistant professor
14.00-16.30 /
- New European Public Services
Associate professor
14.00-16.30 /
- Decentralization in Europe
Associate professor
14.00-16.30 /
- Civil Servants, Ethics & Integrity in European Public Administrations
14.00-16.30 /
- Lawmaking in the EU and National Administrations
assistant professor
14.00-16.30 /
- Reform of Public Administration in Croatia
14.00-16.30 / 10. Essay presentations / Dr Anamarija Musa
assistant professor
31 May 2018 / Essay submission* / Mentor
07 June 2018 / Notification ** / Mentor
In addition, students are expected to attend lectures of visiting professors, if scheduled.