Class 1 Assessment programme 2014/2015
We assess the children regularly to inform teaching, provide feedback to pupils and to communicate pupils’ progress to parents.
Summative testing is required to give indication of progress but formative assessment and testing (Assessment for learning) is on-going at all times throughout each unit to inform next steps and where appropriate this is annotated on planning in red. Where assessment leads to lesson planning being amended to meet the needs of the pupils, this is highlighted in blue.
Parents Evening Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms.
Topic/theme / Autumn 1st half term / Autumn 2nd half term / Spring 1st half term / Spring 2nd half term / Summer 1st half term / Summer 2nd half termEnglish / Schonell spelling test (ARS)
Weekly spelling test linked to word work
(Groups altered according to results on a half –termly basis)
Star Reading test
(targeted chn to Star test more frequently to monitor progress on a monthly basis)
AR quizzing monitored by class teacher/AM monthly
Guided Reading Teacher assessed
Once Upon a Monday (monthly unsupported writing)
Assessed against performance indicators (Level descriptors for Yr 6)
Peer assessed task
School Pupil Tracker updated at the end of each unit according to Key performance indicators. / Schonell spelling test (ARS)
Star Reading test
Moderation of Year 4 writing (internally)
Peer assessed task
Speaking and listening teacher assessment
/ Schonell spelling test (ARS)
Star Reading test
Peer assessed task / Schonell spelling test (ARS)
Star Reading test
Moderation of Year 1, 3, 5 writing (internally)
Peer assessed task / Schonell spelling test (ARS)
Star Reading test
Peer assessed task / Schonell spelling test (ARS)
Star Reading test
DLP Moderation of Year 6 writing
Yr 6 SATs:
Reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar (externally marked)
Peer assessed task
Speaking and listening teacher assessment
Mathematics / Base-line assessment on Star Maths
Times tables test weekly (self-marked)
Guided maths teacher assessed
Peer assessed task
School Pupil Tracker updated at the end of each unit according to Key performance indicators. / Star Maths
Accelerated Maths used at the beginning/end of each unit
Rising Stars AR assessment task
Peer assessed task / Star Maths
Mental maths tests weekly (self-marked)
Rising Stars AR assessment task
Peer assessed task / Star Maths
Rising Stars AR assessment task
Peer assessed task / Star Maths
Rising Stars AR task
Peer assessed task / Star Maths
Yr 6 SATs:
Mathematics (externally marked)
Rising Stars AR task
Peer assessed task
Science / Subject specific progress test at the end of each unit /
Computing / School Pupil Tracker updated at the end of each unit according to Key performance indicators. /
Peer assessed task / Peer assessed task / Peer assessed task
History / History assessment
(Source interpretation) /
PS Tracker updated / History assessment /
PS Tracker updated
Geography / Geography assessment linked to skills /
PS Tracker updated
RE ,DT/Art, Music, PSHE / Art skills assessment against AR expectations / DT assessment linked to skills beginning of unit / DT assessment linked to skills end of unit / Art assessment / Art assessment
PE / Baseline Assessment beginning of unit
End of unit assessment task /
MFL / End of unit assessment / End of unit assessment / End of unit assessment