The purpose of this petition is to allow a student to seek a variance of a college rule, regulation, or policy due to an extenuating or mitigating circumstance.
Step 1—Complete the petition paying close attention to each section.
Section 1—Identify the college rule, regulation, or policy you are petitioning to change by checking the appropriate box. If checking “other,” briefly describe specifically which rule, regulation, or policy you are petitioning to change.
Section 2—Identify the extenuating or mitigating circumstance for this petition. For health or medical reasons, attach copies of medical statements or reports from a health care professional. If other than a health or medical reason, be sure to include statements describing the circumstance in Section 3. Include all necessary dates and details to be considered by the committee. STATEMENTS MADE IN SECTIONS 1 AND 2 MUST HAVE APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION DESCRIBED AND ATTACHED. An incomplete petition will be returned to the student.
Section 3—Clearly state why you are requesting this deviation from policy, how you have overcome or your plan of action of how you will overcome any mitigating circumstances and provide, if applicable, any additional reasoning you feel is necessary. Medical documentation (if applicable) can be scanned and attached or delivered directly to the Registrar.
Statements supporting your petition from others can be helpful. This may include statements from instructors, advisors, parents, and friends. These statements should be sent directly to the Registrar at .
Step 2—Submit the petition in a timely manner.
The completed petition should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, located on the 2nd floor of the Ponzio Campus Center, during regular office hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm) or email to the Registrar’s Office at . Email is the preferred method of receipt.
Step 3—Petition will be presented to the Academic Standings Committee.
The Academic Standings Committee is comprised of two faculty members, the Academic Dean, the Director of Career Education and the Registrar. The Director of Career Education functions as an advisor to the group based on previous interactions with the student. The Registrar will facilitate the processing of the petition and will present the petition and documentation to the committee. The Registrar and the Director of Career Education do not vote on the petition. It is important to provide the Committee with as much written information as possible to enable them to render an appropriate decision.
ACTION ON THIS PETITION MAY TAKE TWO TO FOUR WEEKS AS ACADEMIC STANDINGS MEETS MONTHLY. You should continue your regular schedule until you are notified of the Committee’s decision.
Step 4—You will be notified of the decision.
You and your advisor will be notified by campus email within three days of the Committee’s decision. It is important you check your campus e-mail regularly to keep up with all important college announcements and communications.
Student Petition of Academic Policy
Name / Click here to enter text. /ID Number / Click here to enter text. /
Advisor Name / Click here to enter text. /
Section 1: I am petitioning the Academic Standings Committee to allow the following:
☐ / Late drop of class(es) / Class(es) to be dropped: Click here to enter text.
☐ / Late add of class(es) / Class(es) to be added: Click here to enter text.
Please note, upon approval, a late fee will be assessed for a late add or drop of a course. See for fee information.
☐ / Late withdrawal of class(es) / Class(es) to be withdrawn: Click here to enter text.
☐ / Change of catalog from to Click here to enter text.
☐ / Commencement participation NOTE: If you will have all graduation requirements met by August 31st, you do not need to petition. Make an appointment with the Registrar’s Office to verify eligibility.
☐ / Reinstatement from suspension
☐ / Other: Click here to enter text.
Section 2: The following extenuating or mitigating circumstances exist for this petition: (DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. Please see the guidelines on page 1 for details. Petitions without documentation will not be processed and will be returned to you.)
☐ / Major health issue for student or family member / ☐ / Previously undiagnosed learning disability
☐ / Death of a family member / ☐ / Severe financial stress
☐ / Changing marital status of student or parent / ☐ / Family emergency
☐ / Other – Briefly state the circumstance here and fully document below in Section 3: Click here to enter text.
Section 3: The following is my statement supporting this petition: (Clearly state why you are requesting this deviation from policy.)
I Understand this petition constitutes a request to deviate from Northland College policy and will be evaluated relative to the impact on my total educational experience. Your initials validate the authenticity of this form.
Student Signature:
Approval Process
Academic Standings Committee action / Approved: ☐ Denied: ☐
Date: Click here to enter a date. / Tabled: ☐
Date: Click here to enter a date.
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