Kohl’s Ranch Homeowners Association
July 12,2014
The meeting was attended by 62 people.
The meeting was called to order by President Christian at 1:55 pm.
Bill Christian welcomed everyone to the meeting
A sign-in sheet was provided by the Larsons
New members:
-Jason and Tracey Spetka introduced themselves, Sam and Mary Hoest bought Len Gordon’s cabin
-The passing of Anelle Henson, long time Kohl’s Ranch resident was noted, as well as death of Phil McElfresh, son in law of Ron Peterson (prior cabin owner).
-Mike Beers was introduced as the new manager of the restaurant at the lodge. He brought some platters of food to share and invited all homeowners to try out the new menu and food at the lodge. There will be a limited menu (burgers, sandwiches) until about August 1. A new pizza oven is being installed and pizza will be a prominent feature on the new menu.
Previous meeting minutes/approval:
-The minutes were reviewed by the members and approved. One correction was that the road fund goal should be $60,000 instead of $40,000 Instead of reading the minutes out loud at the potluck, 20 copies were placed on various tables during the potluck. Members were asked to read the minutes on their own.
Treasurer’s report:
-Jim Larson presented the report (copies were available)
-As of 6/30/14 balance: $3757- includes: $4625 collected in dues, $149 collected for Firewise, MINUS expenses of $1017 (detailed in budget report handed out by Jim Larson) .From July1-Dec 31 Additional receipts of $6075 are expected composed of $3575 in dues and $2500 from Firewisse (mostly from the on-line auction). Expenses are projected to be $3268, which includes $2500 budgeted for road repairs. A reserve fund (“Rainy Day fund) should be $7000 at the end of the year. Most of our dues go into the road fund. Most costs are fixed (i.e. taxes and insurance) but the cost of road repairs is variable, so payment of dues is very important.
-In the future: Bill would like to see the road reserve boosted to $60,000. We are at about $25,000 now.
Membership update as of 6/30/14:
-as of today, 36% of homeowners have paid dues
-usually we get 68% participation over the entire year
-homeowners were encouraged to pay their dues.
Guest speakers:
- Doug Thorne, KRWC
-discussed stages of water conservation: we are at stage 1, voluntary conservation. If our water supply goes down, more stringent water conservation will be applied. Water is running at 50% pressure, but it is adequate to maintain a pressure of 20 psi. Our water is regularly tested and is free of bacteria, lead, copper and nitrates. The water company is losing about 10,000 gal/month. Doug is fixing leaks but he is also finding illegal water lines losing 2,000-3,000 gallons a month. Three cabin owners were not aware that they even had these illegal lines. They have been used to irrigate, water lawns and trees. About half of the 10,000 gallons lost have been found. ADOT is pumping at night into rubberized ponds. The ponds are used for new road construction, to achieve packing of the earth. This pumping is coming from up on the rim. It does not affect the Indian Springs aquifer.
We are at Stage 1 water conservation. If we move to Stage 4 and have to shut down the spring system, we will go to the Kohl’s Ranch Lodge well and if we use the well for over a month, our water rates will go up.
3. Scheduled speakers unable to attend: Sam Choate from the lodge and Lance from the stables,Chief Jarvis, CKFD,Tom Fraker, Retreat at Tontozona
Road repairs:
-Pot holes are continued to be fixed on Buen Agua with many thanks to Richard Wood and David Manor.
-Last comprehensive road repair was in 2008.In 2014 we will look at some more permanent repairs.
Committee volunteers:
- the road committee (which goes out and fills potholes). Has been formed and they will meet after the potluck to discuss a plan for repairs.
Directory updates:
-members were reminded to sign in and give information on new contact numbers, email addresses. An updated directory will be available at the winter meeting.
Board of Directors/executive committee:
Larry Stephenson has volunteered to serve as the next HOA president. Denise Wagner volunteered to serve as Vice President. Jerry Bloom will join the BOD.
The executive board:
President: Bill Christianson
Vice-President: Denise Wagner
Secretary: Linda Ribnik
Treasurer: Jim Larson
Web master: Rafael Ferreira
Directory master: David Demaine
-Firewise volunteersare Bob and Karen Higel.
--There were forms placed on all potluck tables that people can fill it out and get credit for clearing their lots,this translates into Firewise dollars. The money generated by the online auction and selling items at the potluck will add close to $2500 to the Firewise fund. There will be a lot of discussion about what to do with the money, including the establishment of some matching mini-grants that people can use to help pay for things such as tree removal or clearing their lots. People applying for grants would have to undergo a firewise assessment of their properties first.
-A long discussion was held about Firewise assessments. Denise Wagner is certified to conduct firewise assessments of properties. She explained that the assessments are free, they take about 20 minutes per property. Anyone can volunteer to have their property assessed. The assessment gives suggestions for making a property firewise. The requirements for firewise are less strict now (i.e. you can have a skylight). Firewise can save our home from burning, it could lower your insurance premiums, or an insurance company can cancel you if your cabin is not Firewise. Also, if your cabin is not firewise, the fire dept may bypass your property.
-There was a sign up sheet at the potluck for people interested in getting assessments. You can sign up online on the KRHOA website also.
-If the KRHOA is interested, a class can be set up to teach HOA members to be assessors.
-Karl Saurer asked about forest clearing behind Short Road. Denise will ask her firewise assessor instructor if the forest service is planning any tree cutting.
Fire Board Position Opening: applications are encouraged for this board that works with the Christopher Creek/Kohl’s Ranch Fire Dept, but it needs to be a permanent resident who is registered to vote in Gila County.
Speed bumps: Were discussed and many comments were made about dips on Short Road, and Speed bumps on Buen Agua but there was no consensus.
Septic Education
-There will be a class about septic systems on July 26th from 1-3:30 pm at Tontozona, all are invited to attend.
2014 Dues:
-members are encouraged to pay their $100 dues soon. Payments can be given to or mailed to Jim Larson. Members are encouraged to talk to new neighbors, and old, and encouraging joining the association.
Winter meeting, 2014: Tentative date: Sat, Jan 17 or 24,2015, whichever is okay with the Pyle Center in Tempe.
Lot clean up day: Saturday, June 1,2014, was a big success and many people were thanked.
-The CKFD has a trailer that can be “rented” for $30 to haul away forest products to the burn pit. Interested homeowners should contact Chief Jarvis to arrange delivery of the trailer. Homeowners will need to load the trailer themselves and the fire dept will haul it away. If materials (i.e. pine needles) are put in plastic bags, please leave the bags untied.
-The Blattner Burn pit was closed for a while but is operating again after an organization assumed management of it under their 501C3 status. It may be “closed” for a while as it may be full.
Adopt a Highway clean up: was not held due to major construction on the highway. Future date to be determined by Richard Wood.
A raffle, gift card tree, drawing was held.
-Many thanks to Jim Larson for soliciting the gift cards!
Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.