For Application for TRF-DAAD Project Based Personnel

Exchange Programme (PPP 2016)

Thai side / German side
Name of project participants
(with academic title) / 1. PI (RGJ Advisor)
2. RGJ student / 1.  PI (RGJ Co-advisor/Collaborator)

Three copies of the following documents together with this CHECKLIST should be submitted by the Thai project leader to the Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D. Programme before the closing date for application.

Please check your documents and mark  in front of each item (1-4) of the list

___ 1. Full application form which has been completed in consultation with and duly signed by both partners and has the approval of the head of the concerned institution.

___ 2. Digital file of application form in MS word format

___ 3. Biodata of all nominated project participants on German and Thai sides

___ 4. Project summary


Application for TRF-DAAD Project Based Personnel

Exchange Programme (PPP 2016)

- Please complete in English only -

New Application / r / Application for Extension / r
(Year 3 of project)
1. Title of collaborative project:
2. Subject area:
(as specified in the announcement)
3. Field of specialization:
4. Full address of project leader:
Details / Thai project leader* / German project leader
Name of the applicant
(with academic title):
Current position:
Department and Faculty :
Name of institute: / r Institution of higher education
r Non-university research institution / r Institution of higher education
r Non-university research institution
Address :
Telephone no.:
Mobile no. :
Fax no.:

Remark* : For Thai side, only current grantees of RGJ-Ph.D. Programme with sufficient RGJ special budgets specifically allocated for international activities under this collaborative research project are eligible to apply.

5. Details of non-DAAD/TRF third party funding (Funding for projects, personnel and travel expenses):
No third party funding r
Third party funding in existence or applied for (where necessary, please complete on a separate sheet) r
Third party funding provider:
Detail of expenses
6. Proposed duration of PPP project (years)
(Only to be completed for new projects. Please give details in section 10.) : r 1 year r 2 years
Begin: / End:
7. Third Year Funding (Only to be completed for applications for an extension of the 3rd year project.):
Please give details in section 11.
Year / Funding expended / Funding granted
THB ...... EUR ...... / THB ...... EUR ......
THB ...... EUR ...... / THB ...... EUR ......
8. Details of measures for which support is being applied for from DAAD-TRF participants :
Please attach personal records (biodata) of all nominated project participants on German and Thai sides.
1. / Please complete in words.
2. / The sending side provides travel expenses (including overseas medical insurance). The host side provides living expenses.
Flat-rate travel allowances of the DAAD for German project participants to Thailand
University Teachers, Postdoctoral Researchers 900 €
Doctoral Students 725 €
Funding rates (flat rates) of the DAAD for stays of Thai project participants in Germany
University Teachers, Postdoctoral Researchers / Doctoral Students
1-22 days per day / 82 € / 45 €
23 days to 1 month (flat rate) / 1,840 € / 1,000 €
Funding rates of the TRF for stays by German project participants in Thailand
Postdoctoral researchers, and university teachers
Baht 2,000 per day for stays of up to 22 days plus Baht 2,500 per day for accommodation
Baht 100,000 per month for stays of more than 22 days (includes accommodation)
Doctoral students
Baht 1,200 per day for stays of up to 22 days plus Baht 2,500 per day for accommodation
Baht 70,000 per month for stays of more than 22 days (includes accommodation)


a) Thai Participants
(Please use a separate form for each year of the project.)
Title, First Name, Surname 1 / Academic degree
(and present appointment/
position) / Purpose of visit and place / Proposed month-year of departure and duration of stay in Germany / Estimate of travel costs in accordance with scholarship
RGJ Ph.D. Student
Mr. Chokdee Meesook / Ph.D student / Analysis of cell cultivation at University of ______, Berlin / - 06/2015-11/2015
- 5 months / þ From TRF
Economy class air ticket =
THB ……......
Living allowances 3 months@ EUR 980 =THB ......
Preparation expenses including overseas medical insurance =
THB ……......
þ From DAAD
Living allowances 2 months@ EUR 1,000
Year :
Total : / From TRF ...... THB
From DAAD ...... EUR


b) German Participants
(Please use a separate form for each year of the project.)
Title, First Name, Surname1 / Academic degree
(and present appointment/
position) / Purpose of visit and place / Proposed month-year of departure and duration of stay in Thailand / Estimate of travel costs in accordance with scholarship
Mr. Paul Müller / Ph.D. : Professor / Follow-up and further planning at ______University, Bangkok / - 04/2016
- 10 Days / þ From DAAD
Travel allowances and overseas medical insurance = EUR 900
þ From TRF
allowances 10 days @ THB 2,000=THB ......
accommodation expenses 9 days @ THB 2,500 = THB ......
Year :
Total : / From TRF ...... THB
From DAAD ...... EUR


9. Details of visit programme of all project participants from both sides each year.
Month (begin-end) / Names of project participants / Position / Purpose of visit and place / Duration of stay
April-September / Mr. Chokdee Meesook / RGJ Ph.D student / Laboratory experiments at ...... , Germany / 5 months


10. Description of project for new applications

Please give details of collaborative project (3-5 pages) including :

10.1 Scientific objectives and individual components of the collaborative/joint project.

10.2 Current state of the research/technology.

10.3 Preliminary activities by the Thai side.

10.4 Preliminary activities by the German side.

10.5 Detailed description of the Thai-German co-operation including detailed work schedule.

10.6 Compatibility of intentions of both sides with regard to individual components of the project, working method of equipment.

10.7 Where appropriate, the way in which the project results could be used by industry and others.

10.8 List of the 2-3 most important publications of the project participants, which have a bearing on the project.

11. Description of project for applications for an extension

12. Annexes


13. Notes

I have taken account of the notes contained in the scholarship offer and the information sheet concerning the completion of the application for funding under PPP, in particular, that my application will not be processed if the foreign partner’s application is not received by due date, and that incomplete applications may be rejected on formal grounds.

14. Date / Signature of German Project Leader
15. Date / Signature of Thai Project Leader

16. For Thai side - Department/Faculty/Research institution management (submitting applicant's affiliation)

The management declares itself willing, should funding for the above project be granted, to provide support to all project participants.

Date / Signature of Head of Department/Dean/Research Center Director
Position : / Stamp



For TRF-DAAD Project Based Personnel Exchange Programme (PPP 2016)

(NOTE : This project summary should not exceed one page in any case.)

1.  Subject area :

Field of specialization :

2.  Project title :

3.  Project participants :

Thai side /

German side

2. / 1.

4.  Broad objectives of the project :

5.  Methodology to be adopted :

6.  Likely outputs of the project :

7.  Justification/need for foreign collaboration :

8.  Break-up of financial support asked for :

- From TRF = Baht ……………………………

- From DAAD = Euro ……………………………

(Signature of the Thai Principal Investigator)