Brookings County Conservation District

205 6th Street

Brookings, SD 57006-1406

Phone: 605-692-8003 #3

FAX: 605-692-4484


Quantity / Shrubs – bare root
(mature height 8-20’) / Cost
Black Chokeberry / $1.25 each
Buffaloberry / $1.25 each
Caragana / $1.25 each
Cherry, Mongolian / $1.25 each
Cherry, Nanking / $1.25 each
Chokecherry, Common / $1.25 each
Cotoneaster / $1.25 each
Cranberry, Highbush / $1.25 each
Currant, American Black / $1.25 each
Currant, Golden / $1.25 each
Dogwood, Redstemmed / $1.25 each
False Indigo / $1.25 each
Elderberry / $1.25 each
Honeysuckle / $1.25 each
Juneberry / $1.25 each
Lilac, Common / $1.25 each
Lilac, Villosa (non-suckering) / $1.25 each
Plum, American / $1.25 each
Nannyberry, Viburnum / $1.25 each
Rose, Hansen Hedge / $1.25 each
Sumac, Smooth / $1.25 each
Willow, Sandbar / $1.25 each
Kentucky Coffee Tree / $1.25 each
Quantity / Medium Trees – bare root
(mature height 20-45’) / Cost
Apricot / $1.25 each
Chokecherry, Amur / $1.25 each
Crabapple, Midwest / $1.25 each
Hawthorn / $1.25 each
Maple, Amur / $1.25 each
Pear, McDermand / $1.25 each
Willow, Laurel Leaf / $1.25 each
Quantity / Specialty Tree Packs / Cost
Grandma’s Jam Pack / $25 each
Fast Pack / $25 each
Wildlife Pack / $25 each

 We will bill you confirming your order.

 Payment due at the time your trees are picked up.

 All orders subject to change due to availability.

 Larger bareroot trees (up to 6 ft.) available upon request.

Quantity / Tall Trees – bare root
(mature height 45 – 100’) / Cost
Ash, Green / $1.25 each
Ash, Black / $1.25 each
Cherry, Black / $1.25 each
Cottonwood, Seedless / $1.25 each
Hackberry / $1.25 each
Not available / Honeylocust, Thornless / $1.25 each
Linden, American (Basswood) / $1.25 each
Maple, Silver / $1.25 each
Maple, Sugar / $1.25 each
Oak, Bur / $1.25 each
Walnut, Black / $1.25 each
Willow, Golden / $1.25 each
Quaking Aspen / $1.25 each
Quantity / Bare root Conifers
(mature height 30-100’) / Cost
Pine, Austrian / $1.50 each
Pine, Ponderosa / $1.50 each
Pine, Scotch / $1.50 each
Red Cedar, Eastern / $1.50 each
Spruce, Black Hills / $1.50 each
Spruce, Colorado Blue / $1.50 each
Quantity / Potted Conifers
(tarpaper pots) / Cost
Pine, Austrian / $2.00 each
Pine, Ponderosa / $2.00 each
Pine, Scotch / $2.00 each
Spruce, Black Hills / $2.00 each
Spruce, Colorado Blue / $2.00 each
Spruce, Norway / $2.00 each
Red Cedar, Eastern / $2.00 each
Quantity / One Gallon Potted Stock / Cost
Spruce, Black Hills / $8.00 each
Spruce, Colorado Blue / $8.00 each
Quantity / Miscellaneous Items / Cost
Fabric Staples – 1 box (500) / $50/box
Staples – bundles of 25 / $3.50/bndle.
Tree Mats 4’x4’ (includes 5 staples/mat) / $2.25 each
Partial Fabric Roll (6’ wide) / $ .50 per linear foot
Fabric Roll (6’x750’) / $250/roll
Fertilizer Packets / $ .25 each
Special tool for hand planting trees / $25 each