The PublicInformationCenter in Angolais open to the general public. The PIC provides access to current statistics, literatureandreports ondevelopmentwork in Angola and beyond. The materials in the collection are published by the World Bank Group, UN agencies, academia, other Development partners and Civil Society groups.


To make available development information, knowledge products of the World Bank Group, Ghana’s Development Partners, Civil Society and other stakeholders, either physically or in electronic form, and to selectively disseminate them to a wider audience in Ghana.

Working Hours

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

9:00 – 12:30

14:30 – 17:30


23/25 Largo Albano Machado – Sagrada Familia



Ana Maria Carvalho


Tel: 244 222 394 877 / 394 677 / 394 727

Fax: 244 222 394 784

Who can use the PIC?

The PIC is open to the genera public - government officials, private sector, non-governmental organizations, development partners, students, journalists, members of the academia, research institutions, etc. PIC users can easily access a wealth of information through the internet and over 3,000 World Bank publications and special books and documents that are part of its diverse collection.


  • Online access to World Bank project documents, publications, and other development related-publications;
  • Access to special collection on CDs and Videotapes;
  • Free internet access to development sites and databases, and other information resources for research purposes;
  • Global jolis catalogue system that allows users to see collection of 60 PICs around the World;
  • Providing guidance on all sources of information to all external audiences and to all Bank staff.

Available Reports and Documents

Thevarious reports and documents available at the PIC are:

Project Information Documents (PIDs). These are documents that give brief summaries of evolving projects. These are updated and expanded as the project preparation proceeds.

Project Appraisal Documents (PADs). These contain descriptions of a project and the plan for its implementation, including procurement procedures. These are made available to the public after presentation to the Board.

Economic Sector Reports. These include macroeconomic analysis of various country’s economy, analysis of major economic sectors and other reports on specified issues, such as poverty reduction strategies, etc.

Bidding and consultant documents. These provide guidelines for borrowers and their implementing agencies in the procurement of goods, works and consulting services. Some copies of World Bank publications are available for free.