January 10, 2017
The Wasatch County Solid Waste Disposal District met in regular monthly session at 5:00 PM in the Wasatch County Administration Building located at 25 North Main, Heber City, Utah. The following business was transacted.
PRESENT: Kendall Crittenden
Steve Farrell
Danny Goode
Greg McPhie
Spencer Park
Mike Petersen - Excused
Mark Nelson
Others present: Kelly Christensen
Clint Ercanbrack
Valorie Cummings
Councilman Crittenden called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Councilman Crittenden then welcomed those present. Councilman Crittenden then called for the first agenda item.
Agenda item #1: Minutes- Councilman Goode made a motion to approve the minutes. Councilman Farrell seconded.
All in favor AYE
No opposed.
Obstained, Councilman Nelson and Councilman Park
Motion carried.
Agenda item #2: Warrants-Councilman Farrell called for the warrant list.
Councilman McPhie made a motion to approve the warrants list in the amount of $430,595.77. Councilman farrell seconded.
All in favor AYE
No apposed
Motion carried
Agenda item #3: Operations update: District Manager Christensen informed the Council of the new frontload truck that arrived this week. New building is coming along now and he asked the Council if he could add onto the scale house. Councilman Crittenden instructed Mr. Christensen to bring plans in for the council to review and discuss. Mr. Christensen also informed the Council that a couple new trucks are scheduled to arrive in the next two months.
Agenda item #4: Schedule 2017 Budget hearing: Councilman Goode made a motion to hold the Budget hearing for January 18, 2017 at 6:00 pm. Councilman Farrell seconded
All in favor AYE
No apposed
Motion carried
Agenda item #5: Part time office helper: Mr. Christensen asked the council if he could put McCall Rawlins back on payroll. McCall was working part time for the District before her LDS Mission and would like to reinstate her part time no benefits position.
Council stated that as long as her position was budgeted that would be sufficient.
Mr. Christensen also informed the Council that Monta’s husband passed away and another employee has cancer whereas he is shorthanded. Councilman McPhie instructed Mr. Christensen to send flowers and whatever from the District.
Councilman Crittenden called for a motion to adjourn. Councilman Farrell made a motion to adjourn, councilman Goode seconded.
All in favor AYE
No apposed
Motion carried