Minutes of meeting Tuesday 28th April 2015, 1.30pm
University of Cumbria, Ambleside campus
Present: Alan Hands, Chair, Ambleside and District; Janet Dutton, Dave Stevens, Carlisle; John Kaye, Maureen Houliston, Furness; Malcolm Kimber, Grange and District; Pat Ormesby, Lancaster and Morecambe; Robin Acland, Penrith and North Lakes; Maggie Potts, Gill Francis, Skiddaw; Judy Goodland, South Lakes; Xandra and Graham Brassington, West Lakes; Linda Bowes, Workington.
1.Apologies: Mary Choiseul, June Gerard, Vicky Harrison, Grete Hughes, Marilyn Ross:
2.Minutes of meeting of 16th April 2013
Item 6: “Skiddaw” ought to have been “Cumbria Network”.
Item 8: Newton Rigg had confirmed venue for the Summer School (places still available too).
Item 5: Alan is still working on updating the subject groups matrix.
4.Update on Network membership numbers
Some figures are approximate: Ambleside 355, Carlisle 703, Furness 530, Grange 390, Lancaster 1100+, Penrith 550, Skiddaw 336, South Lakes 1180, West lakes 213, West Cumbria 166, Workington 50
5.Regional update
Peter reported on:
Two events for science-based groups;
Workshops on: AGM organisation and conduct, group convenors, philosophy, treasurer issues;
Regional AGM impending 4th June at Crewe;
Regional newsletter (can be sent to any member supplying email address)
6.Network Quiz
John Kaye confirmed The Supper Room, The Coronation Hall Ulverston as venue, Tuesday 15th September, afternoon, teams maximum of 6 members, one team per U3A.
ACTION: All, watch emails for full details; encourage your U3A to enter.
7.University of Cumbria
Discussion of the morning’s presentation. Many favoured presentation of AARG issues to individual U3As, also request for one side of A4 summary suitable for newsletters.
ACTION: Alan to circulate details University has promised.
John is pursuing archive access issues and possibility of linked work with/for departments.
8.Network Energy Day
Maggie spoke to the draft circulated, stressing how success is vital both financially and as first joint venture of Network.
Discussion: warm commendation of planners to date; eventual agreement that this should be a members-only event; important to circulate finalised details to our U3As in near future to be sure of hitting varying newsletter cycles.
- Reciprocal arrangements
Variety of practice once more recognised and endorsed. Most of our U3As require those joining regularly in activities to be paid-up subscribers to that U3A; and will continue thus. Stressed: subscriptions to a second or subsequent U3A must be minus capitation and any such members excluded from totals/details in returns to National Office.
ACTION All, please ensure latter practice in your U3A.
10.Helping housebound and lonely members
Worries general. Meeting recognised mobility problems can limit fullest access to U3A activities. Measures noted: welfare officer, disability liaison officer. Caution: formal schemes likely to need endorsement by appropriate authorities.
11.Any other business
1. Newsletter postage: plastic wrappers save weight and are easy to handle (one of our U3As charges for postal newsletter, leading to 80% electronic uptake!).
2. Peter reported that National Executive recommendations on paid tutors for groups are now on-line. Generally, don’t.
12. Next meeting
Tuesday 27th October 2015 at 11.00 for 11.30, venue to be decided.
ACTION: Robin to investigate The Sportsman.
Alan to investigate Kings Head at Thirlmere