ASQ Audit Division Quarterly DMC Meeting
/June 10, 2008
/Conference Call
Meeting called by / John Mascaro, Audit Division ChairPurpose / Quarterly DMC Meeting
Note taker / Nancy Boudreau, Secretary Audit Division
Timekeeper / N/A
Attendees / John MascaroDivision Chair, Quitman White Arrangements Chair, Nancy Boudreau Secretary, Cindy Miller Membership Chair, Kim Olson, ASQ HQ, DeniseWynne Technical Committee Chair, Doug Berg, 2008 Conference Chair, Ruby Ivens, Treasurer, Daniel Bharadwaj, Marketing Chair, Peter Gauthier, VC Admin, Dennis Welch 2008 Conference Program Chair
Call to order:Welcome and introduction by John Mascaro, Division Chair at 6:04 pm EST
Business:Roll Call
Verified a quorum is present in order to conduct business (2 division elected officers and 3 voting members of the division management committee.)
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved, no corrections
Discussion / 2008 Audit Division Conference – Doug Berg
Reviewing the status of the 2008 Audit Division Conference, John Mascaro has finalized the pre-conference tutorials that will be offered, Dennis Welch has finalized the sessions and the speakers and DougBerg continues to recruit keynote and luncheon speakers. Paul Borowski from ASQ has committed to be a speaker. Doug is working with Paul Palmes as a luncheon speaker and panel expert but has not yet sealed the deal. Doug is also soliciting John Nappenberger the head of ANAB as a luncheon speaker. Doug is currently finalizing the agreement with Steve Ettlinger to be the opening speaker. John Mascaro stated that he had been discussing the possibility of speakers and/or luncheon entertainment with his son who works for ESPN. One suggestion was walking the audience through the process of creating a quality sports broadcast. This would be an interactive presentation where he would give the audience a sample of the paperwork that he uses and after showing the audience some sports clips ask them to decide what clips or shots they thought were the best. For luncheon entertainment he may be able to get some championship salsa dancers to perform or bring members of the audience up on stage and teach them how to dance. Whatever Doug decides should be finalized by Thursday of this week.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Decide whether or not any of John’s recommendations will be included in the program and let him know so he can work with his son on the arrangements. / Doug Berg / 612/08
Discussion / Sponsors
So far Boeing andCincom have committed to being sponsors for the Audit Division. The Biomed Division said they would sponsor, however we have not received official confirmation. Another possible sponsor is the Management Division. George Callender, the person in charge of sponsors was not able to make the call or give a status report. John Mascaro sent information to George regarding two potential software company sponsors. Since George has been busy lately, Daniel stated that he would be happy to help out George.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Follow-up on status of sponsors with George Callender / Doug Berg
Contact George Callender to assist him with sponsors and follow-up / DanielBharadwaj
Discussion / Session speakers
Dennis Welch has the sessions and speakers all set, however he is looking for a couple of backup speakers. Nancy Boudreau asked Doug Berg if he would send all of the informationhe has regarding the conference to John and Daniel so they can put together the conference brochure and advertising for the web site.
Doug Berg has a contact in Augusta that he is working with for a possible golfing event. Quitman White has been communicating with this gentleman. It was decided that since Quitman lives in Augusta he would take the lead on this. We may be able tooffer a two part event where attendees can take a golf lesson and then actually play. Quitman will get a price and work out the details including the date. Saturday would probably work out the best. We need to finalize this ASAP so we can advertise it in the brochure. Quitman is also working with the Augusta convention bureau to provide events such as the riverboat cruise and assorted tours. Once this has been finalized we can link to their website from our conference website.
Daniel Bharadwaj– As the new marketing chair Daniel is looking for ways to entice people to the conference by having some special promotions. We already have the early bird special and we are providing free transportation from the airport to the hotel and working on reduced transportation costs if someone would rather fly into Columbia, SC.
John – brochure. It is critical that we get the brochure out soon. There is also a large government population in Augusta and we would like to do something to attract those potential attendees. This could be in the form of a workshop or even an internet café.
The Design and Construction Divisionwill not be participating in the 2008 conference and is looking ahead to the 2009 conference.
Kim Olson – The CQA Refresher registration is live onASQ’s website and the registration for the conference is almost set. In the mean time people can call ASQ to register for the conference.
Quitman will contact Linda Sickles to see if she is interested in running the bookstore this year. Denise Wynne stated that we should probably get an additional person to handle the merchandise sales. Dennis Welch stated that he had a volunteer to do that.
We need to get conference shirts and pins. Please keep Quitman in the loop.
Conference pre-meeting in July – John is concerned with cost of having all of the session chairs attend. Years ago when session chairs actually participated in the selection of presenters and papers this was an opportunity for them to come together and share ideas. For the past few years the program chair has selected the presentations and communication by e-mail has been just as effective. It was decided that session chairs do not need to attend the preconference meeting. The participants for the July meeting will be Dennis Welch, Quitman White, Doug Berg, John Mascaro, Daniel Bharadwaj and Pat Fremont, the program chair for 2009. Since Faye Ferdinand is handling special events she may be asked to attend.
Regarding room monitors the plan is to have one person in the room and a runner that can service all of the rooms.
Budgets and plans -Ruby Ivens stated that she has received information from Nancy Boudreau and Peter Gauthier, however she can’t use Peter’s information because of the format. She and John need more details about the costs to understand where the money is going.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Send all conference information to John and Daniel to develop the brochure and web advertising. / Doug Berg, Dennis Welch, Quitman White
Get details including price and datefor the golf outing and get that information to John and Daniel for the brochure and web site. / Quitman White
Solidify hotel and travel arrangements, including transportation to and from the airportand get that to John and Daniel for the brochure and web site. / Quitman White
Finalize government workshop and get that to John and Daniel for the brochure and web site. / Quitman White
Determine what will be purchased for conference shirts and pins. / Doug Berg and Dennis Welch
Send Quitmanrequirements for the Train the Trainer session for the regional councilors. / Nancy Boudreau
Contact Linda Sickles to determine if she will run the bookstore. / Quitman White
Follow-up with Augusta National regarding a keynote speaker and possible giveaways / Quitman White
Send Quitman arrival times for the pre-conference meeting in July. / Everyone going to pre-meeting in Augusta
ContactPaul Palmesto find out if he will be a keynote speaker. / Denise Wynne
Send contact information forDr Martens to Doug Berg. / Denise Wynne
Find something for Rosemary to do as a volunteer. / Dennis Welch
Touch base with the sponsors and get commitments. / Dennis Welch
Resend budget form to everyone that needs to fill one out. / Ruby Ivens
Discussion / Adjourned 7:05 pm eastern
Status of Open Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Find out about displaying historical information at HQ / Kim Olson / Open
Get committee budgets to Ruby and plans to John / DMC / 6/15/08