America in WWI


Directions: Follow each step on this hand out to create your own newspaper article.

Step 1: Select one of the following events to write about in your article:

Causes of the warLiterature, Poetry and/or songs of WWI

CentralPowersAllied Powers

Trench WarfareStalemate

Shell shockThe Christmas truce

Selective Service Act Training American troops

African American troops Women’s war efforts

Animals in the War President Woodrow Wilson

Fourteen Points Peace

Propaganda Mobilizing the Economy for war

First Battle of the MarneBattle of Jutland

Treaty of Versailles Battle of Gallipoli

Russian Revolution Treaties of Brest-Litovsk

Battle of VerdunBattle of the Somme

Influenza“modern” weapons- Machine guns, tanks, chemicals submarines

2: Answer the following questions about your person or event:






3: After completing step #2 use the spaces below to create at least 3 interesting headlines for your article. You will select the best one after your article is completed.




Step 4: After creating your headlines, use the information you gathered from step #2 to create your article. Use the space below to write your rough draft.

Step 5: Keep track of the books, articles, websites you use! You must include a bibliography with your newspaper article.


Your article should be five paragraphs in length. Your first paragraph should be interesting and informative. Make sure you have a good introductory sentence. Grab the reader’s attention! Paragraphs 2-4 should be the body of your article. Lastly, the 5th paragraph should review the information throughout your article and have a good conclusion.

Rough Draft:

Paragraph 1: ______

Paragraph 2: ______

Paragraph 3: ______

Paragraph 4: ______

Paragraph 5: ______

Final Copy: Newspaper Article

Type or neatly handwrite your final copy & turn it in with the format below at the top of your newspaper article. Remember to turn in a bibliography too!

Include an illustration, photo or drawing.

Headline: ______

Name: ______


DUE: ______

Final Copy: Newspaper Article

Type or neatly handwrite your final copy & turn it in with the format below at the top of your newspaper article. Remember to turn in a bibliography too!

Headline: ______

Name: ______


DUE: ______

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