Kuali Financial System
Purchase Order Amendment Request Form
This form must accompany all requests for any changes to existing Purchase Orders in KFS. The purpose of this form is to provide sufficient information to the Procurement Office to complete any necessary changes to the Purchase Order and/or Contract. The requestor should complete all sections that are relevant to the request. The Procurement Office will make the requested changes, if allowable (once approved by upper management). Acceptance of this request will be at the discretion of the Office of Procurement.
Requestor’s printed name: Requestor’s email address:
Date: Phone:
KFS PO Number: Buyer:
Department: Account # (including Object Code):
Description for Amendment Request:
Click here to enter text.
List of Change Order Supporting Documentation
Click here to enter text.
*List the types of documents that are attached to the purchase order in the system*
AMENDMENT/CHANGE ORDER PROCESS - The blank form can be accessed from the Procurement website @
1.Complete the amendment form and save it somewhere so it can be inserted on the PO.
2.Bring up PO (do a PO search, etc.)
3.Collapse all tabs
4.Click on notes and attachments – put a note in (ex. change order to do whateverper the attached
5.Hit browse and attach the amendment form (that was completed earlier)
6.Hit open to attach the form
7.Select attachment type from drop down box – will be OTHER
8.Click add to the right
9.Add the person who did the original PO in the notification recipient field
10.Hit send
11.Hit close at bottom of form.
The BUYER/recipient will receive a notification of the submitted change order from the initiator/end user in their action list. But it will be very helpful to email that person to inform them that the amendment is forthcoming.
There is also a training tutorial available to assist campus users with the new process for requesting a Change Order or Modification to an existing Purchase Order or Contract. The online training can be accessed by going to the following link:
To Navigate to this tutorial users can select the Training menu -> then select KFS UPK Online Tutorials from the drop down which will open a new Tab in your Internet Browser. Go to the new Tab, here you will see all of the online tutorials. Click on the Purchas Order option, then click on Requesting a Change Order or Modification for an existing Purchase Order, then select the Try It mode for an interactive tutorial. You can also select Print It for a set of printable instructions.
PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS “DO IT” when in the tutorial, it will activate a live electronic submission so please avoid and ONLY ACCESS “TRY IT”.