Report of CJK 4thNGN-WG Meeting
- Opening of the meeting
The 4thCJK NGN-WG meeting was held at Beijing, Guangzhou Hotel on 24thJune 2005. Meeting opened by Mr. Yoichi Maeda (TTC) as chairman of NGN-WG supported by Vice Chairmen Ms. Liu Duo (CCSA) and Mr. Chae-Sub, LEE (TTA). Participants are introduced by them-self to know each other.
Participants list is in Annex1 of this report.
- Approval of the Agenda
Proposed agenda by Chairman as in NGN-WG_001Rev2 was approved.
- Document list and allocation
NGN-WG_001Rev2 Annex shows the document list and its arrangement at this meeting. This is approved with small modification about adding two delay contributionsfrom CCSA.
- Test Bed Task Group (Led by Dr. Taesang Choi (TTA) )
- Presentations on the test bed issues from each country(NGN-WG-05,06, 07, 08, 12,13)
NGN-WG-08(TTC):Mr. Naito introduced the Japanthree candidates network for the test bed, they are the JGN2 (nationwide advanced networks testbed for R&D use), Collaborating R&D by industry, university and government on interoperability of GMPLS at NICT Open Laboratory and APII IPv6 R&D Testbed Project between Japan and Korea. And they think that the testbed should be neutral and open to everyone.
NGN-WG-13(TTA):Mr. Taesang Choi introduced the NGN overview in Korea including the strategy overview and testbed environment overview. And the BcN R&D network is a possible candidate testbed network.
NGN-WG-06(CCSA):Ms. Xueli Zhang introducedthe Testbed considerations inChina and proposed call server based candidate networks which are the APII, RTNet as the Testbed network.
NGN-WG-07(TTC):Mr. Mastu expressed his confusion about the test bed project. He suggested that before placing any substantial decision, we need clarification on the following points:the difference between test-bed and test events, the purpose for the testing among countries, the expected role of SDO for the proposed testbed activity. And Mr. Choi and Hans Kim gave some explaination about these questions.
NGN-WG-05(CCSA):Ms. Xueli Zhang introduced the NGN environment in China including some strategic program and call server based trial networks and specifications.
4.2The lists of questions in each country for the test-bed based on the presentations in the morning
During the discussion, some questions were raised as followings:
Sequence no / Questions / SDO1 / The purpose of the test-bed among three countries / CCSA
2 / Some questions can be solved by technical discussion / CCSA
3 / The requirement for the test-bed network in each country / CCSA
4 / What result should be achieved by the test bed / CCSA
5 / Meaning of test bed / TTC
6 / Event or test bed, which is our target and what purpose / TTC
7 / Role of SDOs / TTC
8 / Difference from other activities / TTC
9 / Key area: session control, QoS, others / TTC
10 / Reference specification: recommendation and /or implementation guideline / TTC
11 / How to obtain required resources for the test bed / TTA
12 / When and how much should it be ready / TTA
13 / This include the cost for human resource, network connectivity and operation, development, testing operation, etc / TTA
NGN-WG-12(TTA):Mr. Choi gave a proposal of CJK Testbed collaboration for NGN phase 1 plan. This plan included the work items and objectives of the project, the phase1 objectives and roadmap, the architecture, the test items and scenarios, the interoperability test event plan.
This contribution answered some above questions such as the purpose is to reflect the experience gained into the international standard bodies. And other questions should be discussed further and the detailed plan should be depending on the maturity of the international standards.
The plan should be modified based on the target, objectives and above questions and hope to have a new version in the next NGN WG.And additional meeting will be held on Sundayfor more discussion to reach on the minimum agreement.
5. Information exchange on the NGN issues (NGN-WG-03, 04, 14,15)
NGN-WG-03(CCSA): It provided some information about the broadband access and services billing and charging in China such as the VoIP service and IPTV service.
NGN-WG-04(CCSA): It provides some information about the release, priority and NGN standardization change.It introduced the roadmap of ITU-T NGN and the collaborations between different SDOs.
NGN-WG-14(CCSA):It gave an introduction about the GSMA IPI in Asia.And the purpose of IPI for China Mobile is mainly for the international service interworking between different countries.
NGN-WG-15(CCSA): It gave an introduction about the NGN deployment in China Mobile including the 3 steps of their network evolution.And it asked to further study on IMS-based NGN, including its application scenarios and deployment strategy in different countries, Push IMS to maturity and commercial use and promote inter-working test of IMS.
6. Reports of interim activities in FG-NGN and ITU-T (By Chae-sub) (NGN-WG-09. 10)
NGN-WG-10(TTA): Mr. Chae-Sub, LEE explained the status of NGNFG standard deliverables plan, release plan and activitiesfrom CJK members. His report clearly indicated the CJK contributions as a key leader group of ITU-T FGNGN standards activity with ETSI from Europe and ATIS from North America.
NGN-WG-09(TTA): Mr. Chae-Sub, LEE introducedthe plan of the global activities of NGN and the future collaborations areas.
The plan of the global activities are as follows: FGNGN group could be closed at the end of this year, all results could be reported into ITU-T SG13 for their consideration, ITU-T SG 13 will review all results at the next January 2006 meeting, all deliverables for taking approval from SGs, it could be submitted asnormal contributions until 22nd November (this date could be changed) and FGNGN will have their final meeting in the middle of November 2005 (these dates could be decided at this FGNGN meeting), and the launch of NGN JRG based on the decision from NGN-JCA.
The future collaboration areas include the collaboration between SG11 and SG13 (for the protocols for the QoS, RACF, Softswitch based network), SG13 and SG19 (for the mobile management and FMC, and other charging related issues).
7. Future study issues (NGN-WG-11)
7.1 New WG structure (New nomination of WG chairman)
NGN-WG-11(TTA):Mr. Chae-sub LEE nominate the new management team according to the nomination of and Maeda based on the NGN WG procedures passed in last meeting and the nomination is agreed by the delegates which are Ms. Liu Duo(CCSA) as the Chaiman and Mr. Hans Kim(TTA) and Mr. Morita(TTC) as the vice chairman.
7.2 Future meeting plan
The next NGN-WG meeting will be held by TTAin SeoulKorea on 15th -16th December, 2005.
8. Closure of the meeting
Chairman gives his thanks to the participants and contributions. Special thanks have been given to the leaders on each drafting groups as well as to CCSA, especially Mr. Zhao, for their excellent local arrangements.
Annex 1
Participants List for the 4thCJK NGN-WG meeting
NO. / Name / Organization / Company / Telephone / E-mail1 / Sun Kim / TTA / TTA / +8231 724 0080 /
2 / Chae-sub Lee / TTA / TTA / +41227886750 /
3 / Youngjae Kim / TTA / TTA / +8231 724 0195 /
4 / Tae Sang Choi / TTA / ETRI / +82 42 8605628 /
5 / Hans Kim / TTA / KT / +82-31-727-6882 /
6 / Yoichi Maeda / TTC / NTT / +81 432 113274 /
7 / Hideo Imanaka / TTC / NTT / +81 422 594011 /
8 / Naotaka Morita / TTC / NTT / +81 422 597464 /
9 / (Ms.) Kiriko Ninomiya / TTC / NTT / +81 422 597464 /
10 / (Ms.) Yukiyo Seki / TTC / NTT / +81 422 597464 /
11 / Yoshitomi MURAI / TTC / LUCENT / +81-3-5561-3066 /
12 / KAZUNORI MATSUO / TTC / KDDI / +81-6678-2474 /
13 / IKUO NAITO / TTC / TTC / +81-3-5776-7652 /
14 / (Ms.) SAYAKA TAKAGI / TTC / TTC / +81-3-3432-1551 /
15 / Duo Liu / CCSA / CATR / 68094158 /
16 / Xueli Zhang / CCSA / CATR / 68094404 /
17 / Shu Liu / CCSA / CATR / 62302900 /
18 / Dongyang Fan / CCSA / SCNB / 64346637 /
19 / Wei Lu / CCSA / SCNB / 64346638 /
20 / Xiaolei Wu / CCSA / China Telecom / 58501232 /
21 / Hui Zhao / CCSA / HUAWEI / +86-10-83915902 /
22 / Zhong Luo / CCSA / HUAWEI / 13827407689 /
23 / Chenguang Wei / CCSA / ChinaMobile / 66006688-1306 /
24 / Qiang Wei / CCSA / ChinaMobile / 66006688-3159 /
25 / Nianling Jiang / CCSA / CHINA NETCOM / 68238372 /
26 / Li Su / CCSA / CHINA NETCOM / 86390599 /
27 / Junke Wang / CCSA / China Unicom / 66504252 /
28 / Zheng Yang / CCSA / China Unicom / 66504255 /
29 / Weiguang Zhang / CCSA / Lucent Q.D / 13910826087 /
30 / Shizhuo Zhao / CCSA / CCSA / 62302645 /