2013 KAHPERD Convention
Emporia State University
November 7-8, 2013
Let’s Get Quackin’…
And other fun routines
Kathy Wagner
Wichita Collegiate School, Wichita, KS,
phone 316-771-2207
School blog: http://wcsecpe.blogspot.com/
Past routines available under professional development link on my blog.
"Firework" by Katy Perry
Formation: Students scattered or rowsIntro: Stand in place, bounce knees and blow quackers during first 16 fast counts, Stop blowing quackers on
last 16 counts but keep bouncing knees to beat
Lyrics / Actions
Part A
Flap those feathers / Elbows bent in like duck wings - flap 8 cts fast
Shake your tail / Shake bottom 8 cts - keep arms in wing position
Waddle here / 4 step to the right diagonal - 8 cts - keep arms in wing position
Waddle there / 4 step to the left diagonal - 8 cts - keep arms in wing position
Float on water / Step R foot to stride, arms out at sides, circle hips 2x, 8 cts
Fly into the blue / Arms out at sides and move like bird wings 2x, 4 cts each,
Now there's only / Step forward with R foot and pivot turn to left to face rear, 4 cts
One thing left / Step forward with R foot and pivot turn to left to face front, 4 cts
That every / R Lunge forward, push both hands up in air on lunge & flex wrists - 2 cts
duck must / Bring R foot back to feet together position, pull arms in to chest level - 2 cts
do…What's that? / L Lunge forward, push both hands up in air on lunge & flex wrists - 2 cts
Bring L foot back to feet together position, pull arms in to palms up when it
says "What's that?"
Part B (Chorus)
Let's get quackin' / Step R (2 fast cts), Cross L foot over R (2 fast cts) - *prepare to use quacker
Quack quack / Jump feet together and quack two times - 4 fast counts
Let's get quackin' / Step L (2 fast cts), Cross R foot over L (2 fast cts)
Quack quack / Jump feet together and quack two times - 4 fast counts
Let's get quackin' for a little luck
Let's get quackin' / Step R (2 fast cts), Cross L foot over R (2 fast cts) - *prepare to use quacker
Quack quack / Jump feet together and quack two times - 4 fast counts
Quack quack quackin' / Step L (2 fast cts), Cross R foot over L (2 fast cts)
Quack quack / Jump feet together and quack two times - 4 fast counts
You gotta quack if you want to / Walk 7 steps (2 cts each) in circle R, feet together & quack on step 8
be a duck, Yeah!
Instrum. & dialogue for 16 cts - bounce knees to beat of music
Repeat Part A
Repeat Part B (Chorus)
Instrum. & dialogue for 80 cts. / Pretending to play trumpet - walk forward R, L, R, feet together on ct. 4
Pretending to play trumpet - walk backward L, R, L, feet together on ct. 4
Play trumpet- 1/4 turn - face right and walk R, L, R, feet together on ct. 4
Play trumpet- walk backward L, R, L, feet together on ct. 4
*Continue above pattern until you have faced all four walls
Repeat Part B (Chorus) - facing front
Note: on last line of this chorus the circle R will have only 4 steps instead of 7and there will be no quack
Repeat Part B (Chorus)
Repeat Part B (Chorus)
Note:on last line of chorus the circle R will have 7 steps & freeze on 8 (blow quacker, wiggle wings and bottom)
From the CD “Teenage Dream” (Song available on I-tunes)
Sparkle Wand Routine choreographed by Kathy Wagner
Wichita Collegiate School, Wichita, KS
Students in scatter position – Intro: Wait 16 counts with sparkle wands down at sides twirling in small circles.
I mirror the students when I do this routine with them.
Part 1
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag March R.L – 8x fast
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again? Sticks above head, sway R,L-4x-2 cts each
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin March R.L – 8x fast
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in? Sticks above head, sway R,L-4x-2 cts each
Do you ever feel already buried deep six feet under? Alternately swing sticks fwd/bkwd R.L-8x-
2 cts each (like cross country skiing) all
Scream but no one seems to hear a thing the way till the word “thing”
Do you know that there's still a chance for you Twirl sparkle wands fast in front of body
'Cause there's a spark in you? You just gotta… like pinwheels – 16x
… ignite the light and let it shine Jog around room. Start with wands by side
Just own the night like the 4th of July and raise them up out at sides till they are
above head. Be back in home position on
the word “4th” and pull sticks straight into
shoulders on the word “July”
'Cause, baby, you're a fire Freeze position until the word “fire” then raise wand R,L,R, (1 ct each), then pull sticks straight into shoulders – total 4 cts
Work Raise both sticks above head and shake for 2 cts then pull back down to shoulders for 2 cts
Come on, show 'em what you're Freeze position until the word “what” then raise wand R,L,R, (1 ct each), then pull sticks straight into shoulders – total 4 cts
worth Raise both sticks above head and shake for 2 cts then pull back down to shoulders for 2 cts
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh" On “Oh”, move sticks above head in an arc
from R to L emphasize each “Oh”, hold 3rd “Oh”
As you shoot across the sky-y-y On “Sky”, move sticks above head in an arc
from L to R emphasize each “y” hold 3rd “y”
Baby, you're a firework Repeat all CHORUS actions listed above
Come on, let your colours burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe
You don't have to feel like a wasted space Repeat all PART 1 actions listed above
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time you'll know You just gotta…
…ignite the light and let it shine This is the jog around room part
Just own the night like the 4th of July
Chorus Repeat all CHORUS actions listed above
'Cause, baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colours burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe
Part 2
Boom, boom, boom Arms beat down like on a drum R,L,R
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon On “moon”, both arms go out to side, then
cross overhead, then back out to side
It's always been inside of you, you, you On “you”, arms beat down R,L,R like drum
And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough On “through”, both arms go out to side, then cross overhead, then back out to side
'Cause, baby, you're a firework Repeat all CHORUS actions listed above
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colours burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe
Boom, boom, boom Arms beat down like on a drum R,L,R
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon On “moon”, both arms go out to side, then
cross overhead, then back out to side
Boom, boom, boom Arms beat down like on a drum R,L,R
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon On “moon”, both arms go out to side, then
cross overhead, then back out to side
After last “moon”, raise wands above head and shake
How to Make the Sparkle Wands for the Katy Perry “Firework” Routine
These are simple wands that, when shaken, give the look of fireworks bursting into the air. They are also perfect for routines to patriotic songs like “God Bless the USA,” by Lee Greenwood, or “Coming to America,” by Neil Diamond.
When making the sparkle wands, I used two things - different colors of Christmas tinsel bought at Hobby Lobby (this tinsel was thin). I’ve also used wider tinsel from the bottoms of those mylar banners that hang down from doorways or ceilings. (You can buy them in packages at Party City.) I just cut all the mylar tinsel off of the banner and used it in my wands.
To make the wands –
1. Put several strands of tinsel together and lay them out flat. However many strands you use decides the thickness of the wand. Remember, it will fold in half and double the thickness when you are done.
2. Take a pipe cleaner and run it the opposite direction under the tinsel.
3. Bring the two ends of the pipe cleaner together and start twisting it tightly down by the tinsel. (You can even place a little bit of hot glue on the pipe cleaner under the tinsel to help hold the tinsel in.) Keep twisting the pipe cleaner until it is entirely twisted together and looks like one piece.
4. Take the cardboard tube and place some hot glue down inside the tube. (I used one of the round tubes that are on the bottom of hangars that come from the cleaners. I asked parents and teachers for them.)
5. Stick the pipe cleaner down inside the tube where the hot glue is and hold it there. Make sure the pipe cleaner is all the way down as far as it will go. NOTE: The cardboard tubes are getting hard to find so I went to Lowe’s and found some ¼ inch plastic tubing called PEX in the plumbing department. It was 30” long so I cut it into three 10” pieces. The hot glue and twisted pipe cleaner will still go down inside the tube but it is a tight fit. So, when making these, get the hot glue inside the tube and push the pipe cleaner down quickly. It actually helps to cut a couple of inches off the end of the pipe cleaner before putting it down inside the tube.
6. Let the wands set for a while before using them.
7. The cardboard wands will last longer if you tell the students to grab more in the middle of the wands instead of the ends. If shaken too hard at the ends, the wands will snap and the cardboard tube will break. This should not be a problem is you use the firm plastic tubing.
8. If you cannot get enough cardboard tubes and do not have the funds to buy the plastic tubing, try cutting the cardboard tubes you have in half right from the beginning. The shorter wands will work fine. You may have to cut off the pipe cleaner if it sticks out the bottom of the shortened cardboard tube.
Students face the teacher and are told to sign with the hand that feels the most comfortable to them. The teachershould do the same. Even if most children are right handed, the teacher should sign with her dominant hand.
The teacher may mirror the students in direction of body movements but should maintain the same signing hand.
Wait 8 cts feeling the beat of the music
Next 16 cts / 2 step R, L, R, L- move arms (dig) in direction of steps and clap on all counts 4
Next 8 cts - (2 cts. each move) / Heels in front R, together, L, together, R, together, L, together (clap when together)
Next 8 cts / Rock side to side R,L,R,L,R,L,R,L - push down with palms side to side on each rock
A told B and B told C / Four step to the right signing all letters as they are said (8 cts)
I'll meet you at the top / Reach R hand over head on "meet" and L hand over head on "top" (4 cts)
Of the coconut tree / Wave hands above head R,L,R, starting on "coconut" (4 cts - hold last R)
Whee said D / Both arms move around and down to the left and back up to top ending in
the sign language letter "D" with the signing hand only (4 cts)
To E, F, G / Standing in place, sign E, F, G as they are said (4cts)
I'll beat you to the top / Reach R hand over head on "beat" and L hand over head on "top" (4 cts)
Of the coconut tree / Wave hands above head R,L,R, starting on "coconut" (4 cts - hold last R)
Chicka Chicka / Stand in place for these two very fast words (2 cts)
Boom Boom / Fast jog R as R fist pumps down, Fast jog L as L fist pumps down (2cts)
(clap clap) / (Do 2 fast claps)
Will there be / Stand in place for these very fast words (2 cts)
Enough room? / Fast jog R as R fist pumps down, Fast jog L as L fist pumps down (2cts)
(clap clap) / (Do 2 fast claps)
Here comes H up the coconut tree / Four step to the left signing the letter H as it moves up in front 4x (8 cts)
And I, and J / Stand in place, sign I and J as they are said (4cts)
And tag along K / Stand in place, sign K as it starts by the hip and moves up 3x (4 cts)
All on their way / Reach R hand over head on "all" and L hand over head on "way" (4 cts)
up the coconut tree / Wave hands above head R,L,R, starting on "coconut" (4 cts - hold last R)
Chicka Chicka / Stand in place for these two very fast words (2 cts)