Touch Football Australia
Targeted Growth Program 2016/17 Application Form
When completing the application form please ensure that all relevant areas are covered and all necessary details are provided. Some key areas to ensure are considered and addressed are below;
1)Is your affiliate applying for funding to grow a current junior competition or create a new one?
2)Is the category of funding your affiliate is applying for clearly addressed?
3)If applying for Promotional Assistance or Competition Delivery Assistance, will your affiliate be able to provide a Field Officer or will your affiliate require the state body to provide one? If your affiliate is able to provide a Field Officer, are they appropriately qualified or will part of your affiliate’s funding (if successful) cover this?
4)If applying for Promotional Assistance or Competition Delivery Assistance, will your affiliate have appropriate apparel and equipment to deliver the project or will part of your affiliate’s funding (if successful) cover this?
5)Has the selection criteria been addressed?
Finally, prior to completing and submitting your application please ensure;
1)Your affiliate is an affiliated association of TFA.
2)Your affiliate has a history of one or more seasons.
3)Your affiliate is completely financial with TFA and your affiliate’s state body.
4)Your affiliate isa separate legal entity and has completed and up to date affiliate regulations.
5)Your affiliate is currently utilising the suite of Sports Technology Group (formerly Fox Sport Pulse) including Touch Football Online (TFO).
6)Your affiliate is in a financial position to be able to pay Season 2, 2016 affiliation and insurance fees within 2 weeks of the competition commencing.
7)Your affiliate is active on social media.
8)Your affiliate is not applying for anything outlined under ‘Grant Exclusions’.
Section A. YourOrganisation
(1) Association/ Affiliate Name:(2) Contact Details for Project
Contact details for the person responsible for conducting the project and acquitting the grant funds:
Name: / Position:
Phone Number: / Fax Number:
Signature / Date:
(3) Application approval by senior representative of the Association/Affiliate
Senior representative must be different to the person submitting the application
Name: / Position:
Phone Number: / Fax Number:
Signature / Date:
(4) Postal Address Details
Postal address details for the Association/Affiliate:
Street Number and Name or Post Office Box:
Post Code:
(5) Bank Details
All funds will be deposited into this account:
Account Name:
BSB (nnn-nnn):
Account Number:
Bank Name, Branch:
(6) Do you have an Australian Business Number and Registered for GST?
Do you have an ABN? (please tick the relevant box)
Yes No
Yes, provide details:
Are you registered for GST? (please tick the relevant box)
Yes No
(7) Association/ Affiliate Size
Please indicate the size of your association/ affiliate. To determine your category, calculate the number of teams, both senior and junior, that participated in competitions during Season 1, 2016. Categories are as follows:
Small - 24 teams or less Medium - 25 to 50 teams Large - 51 teams or more
(8) Association/ Affiliate Structure
Is your association/ affiliate operated primarily by volunteers or paid administrators? Please tick the relevant box.
Volunteer Administrator
(9) Touch Football Online (TFO)
Current number of registered participants in your TFO database:
Current number of email addresses in your TFO database:
Which of the following elements of Sports Technology Group/ TFO are you utilising? (please tick the relevant boxes):
Website Online Registration Online Payments Competition Management
Membership Management
(10) Competition Details
Main Competition Venue Address:
Season 1 2016 Commencement Date:
Season 1 2016 Conclusion Date:
Season 2 2016 Commencement Date:
Season 2 2016 Conclusion Date:
(11) Competition Statistics and Expected Growth
Please provide team and participant numbers for the prior two seasons of competition as well as the numbers you expect to achieve in Season 2, 2016.
Participant Details / Season 2, 2015 / Season 1, 2016 / Season 2, 2016
Senior Teams
Junior Teams
(12) Submission Category
Please indicate the category of funding you will be applying for:
Advertising Assistance (if applying for Advertising Assistance only, go straight to section C)
Promotional Assistance (Field Officer)
Competition Delivery Assistance (Field Officer)
Section B. Your Project
(1) Project Title:(2) Brief Project Description: (max 200 words)
Tell us what your project is about. What type of activity is it?
(3) Project Need: (max 200 words)
Outline the need/issue(s) the project is designed to address. Please provide the background/context of the need. How will the project benefit your community/affiliate?
(4) Key Objectives: (max 200 words)
What are the key Sport Development and/or community and/or affiliate objectives the project will achieve?
(5) Target Audience:
How many people and what type of people will this project reach? If your project involves engaging schools and community, detail which schools, as well as estimated enrolment numbers. Ensure the number of engagements is also outlined for any community promotion undertaken.
(6) Local Rugby League Partnerships
What is your relationship, if any, with the local Rugby League community.
We have a strong relationship with our local Rugby League community
We have established a relationship with our local Rugby League community, but it is a new partnership
We don’t currently have a relationship with our local Rugby League community, but are interested in establishing one
We don’t currently have a relationship with our local Rugby League community and are not interested in establishing one
There is no Rugby League community in our locality
Provide additional comment regarding your relationship or interest in a relationship with the Rugby League community in your locality.
(7) Project Activity: (max 500 words)
How will you undertake the activity? Please provide information on the following:
Specific Tasks:
List the activities that will take place in order to achieve the goals of the project:
Provide a timeline that indicates when each activity will take place and for how long:
(8) Risks:
Please list all of the identified risks associated with your project, as well as how you intend to avoid, manage or eliminate them:
(9) Measuring Success:
List the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for your project.
Activity / Current Position / Anticipated Position / Actual Position
List the activities that will be undertaken (as per Section (7), as well as general figures such as number of participants) / Provide an indication of your current number of activities in place, number of participants, coaches, referees, etc / List the number you expect to achieve throughout the course of the project. This will be used to measure against the actual number / This section will be completed at the conclusion of the project. Enter information relating to the achieved figures and situation for each activity at conclusion
(10) Sustainability of Growth: (max 500 words)
How will your affiliate cope with the growth created?
How will you ensure the longer term sustainability to continue to grow beyond 2016/2017?
Section C. Project Budget
(1) Funds Requested:Total amount being requested: $
Total contribution by your association/affiliate (if applicable): $
Total contribution by external organisation/s and sources (if applicable): $
Please list external organisations that are involved (if applicable):
Total project funds: $
(2) Budget Breakdown
Please provide a budget breakdown for the project. Please list all of the areas of expenditure within your project
Ensure that your total project cost equals your total project funds. Please note that any and all unspent funds must be repaid to Touch Football Australia at the conclusion of the project period.
Item(list each expense item) / Item Description / Total
Total Project Cost
Section D. Supplementary Conditions and Agreement
(1) Acknowledgement and Publicity1Touch Football Australia (TFA) may accept or reject any application for a grant in its absolute discretion.
2Once this application is signed by the association/affiliate and deemed successful by TFA, it will become the document that will constitute an enforceable agreement between TFA and the association/affiliate.
3TFA will make a 50% payment to the association/affiliate for the project identified in the application form above and for no other purpose. Once reporting has been provided to a satisfactory level, the remaining 50% payment will be provided. If the project is not completed, or reported on in the required timeframe, funds will need to be repaid or the association/ affiliate will become ineligible for future funding rounds for a period of at least 2 years.
4If the association/affiliate is required to be registered for the goods and services tax (GST), the grant will be subject to GST.
5If the association/affiliate is required to be registered for GST, before the grant can be paid the applicant must sign an agreement for TFA to provide a recipient created tax invoice in respect of the grant. By entering the recipient created tax invoice agreement, the association/affiliate is authorising TFA to raise a tax invoice on the association’s/affiliate’s behalf.
6If the association/affiliate:
ais not required to be GST-registered but they have an ABN, this needs to be quoted on the appropriate form in the application, or 48.5 per cent of the funds will be withheld and forwarded to the Australian Taxation Office.
bis not required to be registered for GST and they do not have an ABN, they are required to complete a ‘Statement by a Supplier’ form, or 48.5 per cent of the funds will be withheld and forwarded to the Australian Taxation Office.
7The association/affiliate must:
aperform the project and expend the grant in accordance with the details provided to TFA by the association/affiliate in the application form.
bsign and return to TFA a completed report form by 31st May 2017 on the delivered project which must be completed between 1 July 2016 – 30th April 2017.
cmaintain complete and accurate records and accounts detailing the use and expenditure of the grant and provide access to these records and accounts by TFA or its authorised representatives for the purposes of copying the records and auditing the associations/affiliates use and expenditure of the grant.
8In all forms of advertising, including social media, the association/affiliate must acknowledge the financial and in kind support that it receives from TFA in the following manner, “This activity is supported by Touch Football Australia”. Associations/Affiliates will be required to display the TFA logo alongside the association/affiliate logo (where present) in any situation that the logo is utilised. In the instance that the association/affiliate does not have a logo, the TFA logo is still required to be displayed on any promotional and public document, in relation to this project. When referring to TFA on Facebook, the TFA Facebook page must be tagged. When referring to TFA on Twitter, @touchfootyaus must be used. When referring to TFA on Instagram the appropriate hashtag (#) must be used. Please consult TFA for clarification or to confirm appropriate acknowledgements on other forms of social media.
9The association/affiliate must complete and have up to date all financial requirements with TFA, and pay Season 2, 2016 affiliation and insurance payments by week 2 from competition commencement. All associated Affiliate Regulations must be provided and up to date.
10The association/affiliate must be utilising the following products:
- Sports Technology Group products including Touch Football Online (including website, online registration, payments, competition management and membership management)
- Harvey Norman NRL Touch Football branded equipment and apparel
(2) Agreement
I, the person making this application certify that the facts shown in this application are true and correct in every detail. In the event of my association/affiliate receiving Targeted Growth Program Funding, I will ensure that the grant will be used for the purpose outlined in this application. I understand that this is an application and may not necessarily result in funding approval. I have read and accepted the conditions.
TFA collects personal information in the process of considering applications for grants and administering grants programs. TFA may disclose details of successful applicants to state offices and/or the media. TFA may also upload your project information to the TFA website or use it as an example through TFA networks in future. TFA will not otherwise disclose such personal information without consent except where TFA is permitted to do so under the Privacy Act 1988. TFA uses such personal information to promote its future activities. If you do not wish to receive information of this kind, you can email
Name of manager/executive officer/senior officer/president: ...... …………………......
Official capacity/title: ...... …………………......
Signature: ……...... ……………...... Date: ...... …………………......
(3) Lodgement Due: 5pm, 3rd August 2016
Before submitting your application, check that:
- You have completed all relevant sections clearly
- Your contact details are complete and correct, and the application is signed
- You have attached any relevant supporting documents
- You are sending the completed application to the correct address
- Your association/affiliate is fully financial with TFA
- Your association/affiliate is a separate legal entity and has completed relevant Affiliate Regulations
- You are currently utilising the suite of Sports Technology Group products including Touch Football Online
Please forward your completed and scanned application to:
Via email -