University of Pittsburgh

Dear Prospective Tri-Beta Member,

You are invited to apply for membership to the Alpha Gamma Chapter of the Tri-Beta National Biological Honor Society. In the past, the University of Pittsburgh chapter of Tri-Beta has been involved in various research, service, and social activities. New members plan to continue sponsoring and participating in an array of fun and enriching activities. Membership also entitles you to attend and present at regional and national conferences and receive a subscription to the Tri-Beta journal, BIOS.

Following is an application for membership that can be filled in electronically or printed and filled in by hand. Completed applications should be printed, signed, and returned to the club advisor in A230 Langley Hall. The first page requests contact information and general information about your involvement and interest in activities. This form will be retained by the Tri-Beta officers. The second page requires you to enter your biology courses and grades. This form is confidential and will only be used by your advisor to verify eligibility for membership.

Regular Membership requires a major in Biological Sciences, Ecology & Evolution, Molecular Biology, or Microbiology, completion of at least one upper division Biology course, a 3.0 QPA in Biology, and payment of $30 national dues.

Associate Membership requires interest in the field of biology and payment of $20 national dues. Freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to get involved as associate members until they are eligible for promotion to regular membership.

Promoted Membership requires attainment of all regular membership criteria by an associate member and payment of $10 national dues.

National dues are one-time only. New officers and members will decide on the requirement of chapter dues to support organization activities.

We look forward to having you in our Tri-Beta Chapter, and if you have any question just visit our website at and contact the appropriate person.

Application for Membership in Alpha-Gamma Chapter of

Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society



/ Level (Fr,So,Jr,Sr)
Address / Phone:
City / State / Zip

Membership Level Regular Associate Promoted

I request membership in Tri-Beta at the level checked above. I understand that I am expected to be an active member of Tri-Beta and will abide by all of the regulations set forth by the National Organization and the Local Chapter.

Signature / Date

Tri-Beta Eligibility Verification Form

Name /

Social Security #

Completed Biology Courses

Course Number







Current Biology Courses

Course Number





Biology QPA


Cumulative QPA

*Note -You may attach a printed copy of the Excel GPA Calculator in lieu of completing all sections of this form, but don’t forget to sign below.

I attest that all the information above is correct. I understand that this form is confidential and will only be used by my advisor to verify my eligibility for membership in Tri-Beta.

Signature / Date