VEX Robotics Challenge, SPLAT!
Rule Clarifications:
Q. Are there any restrictions on energy sources for the projectile? i.e. springs
A. Yes, there are restrictions. Per the stated rules:
Throwing mechanism has to be fired by remote.
- Must involve at least one motor
- May not use pneumatics
- May use gears and/or rubber bands. Rubber bands do not have to be from Vex kits. Bungee cords or other elastic-type items are NOT permitted. The tubing from the Vex kits is permitted.
Springs are not permitted.
Q. Is it a MUST to have 4 students on a team? Is that a maximum? Minimum?
A. The following is taken from last year’s competition. The rules committee is looking to keep this the same for this competition with few adjustments. “Driver” will be replaced with “Launcher”. Ivy Tech does not put limits on how many students may participate in the design and build of the robot- only on the official team that competes with the robot and potentially wins prizes. If the team cannot meet the requirements listed below, the team may compete as an exhibition team, but will not be scored and will not be eligible for prizes.
Teams must consist of four student members (4th – 12th grade) and an advisor. All 4 student team members will ‘drive’ in this competition. If a student team member does not show up or has to leave early, then a substitute may be used. A substitute is a student (4th – 12th grade) that is not competing on another team. If a substitute cannot be found by the time the competition rounds begin, the team may participate, but may not win any round.
Q. How do I enter the competition?
A. will take you to the Vex Robotics page. Links to the registration will be posted here as well as any rule clarifications.
Q. Can I use counterweights that are not Vex parts?
A. As long as the counterweight only provides weight and serves no other function, then counterweights composed of non-Vex parts will be permitted.
Q. Can you give us some information about the launch pad, please? Size, texture of surface, any wall surrounding it?
A. Launch pad is planned to be a 6’ by 6’ wooden arena. Walls approx. 4” high will be on all 4 sides. The robot will be placed by the competitor(s) anywhere inside the launch area. At no time during the operation of the robot may the robot break the plane of these 4 walls projected up to the ceiling.
Q. Who chooses the splats they can use for each round? Is it one shot per round and how are contestants eliminated?
A. These rules are not yet finalized. Whether we choose or let the competitors choose the Splatos is yet to be decided. We are planning on provisions for limited replacement if a Splato would break during launch.
Q. I don’t know much about splats but do they bounce? If so, is it where they first hit or where the finally end up?
A. Splatos can bounce and roll sort of like a water balloon if they are not propelled hard enough to make them splat. The target surface is to have cushioning (similar to that will lower the likelihood of them breaking, but will not keep them from bouncing or rolling. The rules are not set yet on whether the measurement will be taken where the Splato ends up or where it first hits.
Q. I am having difficulty finding a source for purchasing Splat objects. Can you help?
A. We have found inexpensive Splat objects on Amazon. S&S Worldwide has them by the case.
Released: October 1, 2015