December 11, 2017
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Dale Paider at 8:01 p.m. Trustees in attendance for the meeting were Dale Paider,Richard Anderson, Doug Griess, Alvin Johnson and Christy Underwood.Others present for at least part of the meetingwereGary Steele, Miller & Associates, Trevor Lee, Valley County Economic Development, Sheri Goodrich, Valley County Zoning Administrator, Wayne Hunt and Rosmarie Ritz.
Chairman Dale Paider announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Act was posted in the room and a copy of the Act was also available in pamphlet form.
Motion by Johnson, second by Griess, to approve minutes of regular meeting of November 13, 2017;all aye; motion carried.
Underwood made motion, second by Johnson, to approve Financial Report for November 2017 as presented; all aye, motion carried.
Motion by Anderson, second by Johnson to approve VillageAccounts Payable Claims November 2017 as presented; all aye, motion carried.
Chairman Dale Paider opened the Street Improvement Hearing at 8:04 p.m. Gary Steele presented the One- and Six-Year Street Improvement Plan. Trustees and Wayne Hunt discussed map of street improvement projects. They decided to delete M117-7 Rd P109 project, extend M117-10 from Wall to Bridge Street, and shorten M1170-10 about 400 feet on the north end. Motion by Underwood, second by Griess to close street improvement hearing at 8:13 p.m.
Griess made motion, second by Underwood, to adopt Resolution 2017.9 approving One- and Six-Year Street Improvement Programs with changes per revised map. Roll call vote: Griess: aye; Underwood: aye; Johnson: aye; Anderson: aye; Paider: aye; motion passed and Resolution 2017.9 adopted.
Wayne Hunt mentioned that Johnson Services together with Miller & Associates are supposed to provide us with maps showing which sewer lines have been foamed. Gary Steele will follow up with Johnson Services.
Sheri Goodrich presented Valley County Planning & Zoning invoice and expense report covering period from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. The amount that the Village of Arcadia pays, $3,853.38, is based on 2010 Census Population Data and the 2016 end of year expenditure report.Motion by Underwood, second by Griess, to pay $3,853.38 for Valley County Planning & Zoning interlocal agreement for FY 2015-2016; all aye, motion carried.
Sheri Goodrich shared information about the Valley County Planning & Zoning website with a link to GIS Workshop, and fee schedules for Valley County, Sherman County, Howard County and Custer County. A new zoning permit form is being used by Valley County Zoning; instead of map drawn on second page, applicants can use aerial photos, google maps etc.Underwood made motion, second by Johnson, to approve new zoning permit form; all aye, motion carried.
Trevor Lee discussed Valley County Economic Development information. We won’t know if we received the grant for ball park improvements until February 2018.
Trustees discussed expenses incurred for vacating street and billing Grant Calleroz and Norman Sillivan, adjoining property owners, for half of expenses each. Clerk Ritz will prepare report for January meeting.
Motion by Johnson, second by Griess, to pay Clark Law Office $350; all aye, motion carried.
Griess made motion, second by Johnson, to pay Dorsey Truck & Ag $1,608.90 to repair garbage truck; all aye, motion carried.
Johnson introduced and moved to adopt Resolution 2017.10, appointing Dale Paider as representative, and Richard Anderson as alternate representative to the Loup Central Landfill Association Board. Motion second by Underwood. Roll call vote: Johnson: aye; Underwood: aye; Griess: aye; Anderson: aye; Paider: aye; motion carried and Resolution 2017.10 adopted.
Wayne Hunt reported that a Valley County Deputy put a dog in the dog kennel in the Village. We had to pay for dog food. Trustees decided we should get reimbursed for dog food.
Johnson made motion, second by Griess, to select Dale Paider as Trustee Chairman; ayes: Johnson, Griess, Underwood, Anderson; abstain: Paider, motion carried.
Motion by Johnson, second by Underwood to keep all Municipal yearly appointments the same: Village Clerk/Treasurer – Rosmarie Ritz; Utilities Superintendent, Water, Sewer, Street Commissioner – Wayne Hunt; Village Attorney – Glenn Clark; Street Superintendent – Reed Miller; Board of Health Citizen Appointees – Bruce Ohme and Jesse Trotter; all aye, motion carried.
Dale Paider stated that the Loup Central Landfill Association December Board meeting will be on December 16, 2017. Wayne Hunt reported helping Nebraska Central Telephone Company with locates, getting ready for winter, drainage ditch that goes through Earl Leininger farm that bypasses town needs to be cleaned; Falwell Irrigation District agreed to let us put in pipe on the north end of Arcadia Cemetery that drains into Falwell irrigation ditch.
Clerk Ritz reported that Mid-Alliance Insurance hired outside counsel to review claim for Diane Coons accident.
Motion to adjourn by Griess, second by Paider,all aye, meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.; next regularly scheduled meeting will be Monday,January 8, 2018, at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Office (Arcadia Clinic).
Dale Paider, Chairman Rosmarie Ritz, Village Clerk