Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 6th December 2016 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present – Councillors Nigel Bottom (Vice Chair), Katy Thomas, Dawn Warnock, Martyn Jackson, Mark Nolan & Alan Parker.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
Public Forum
No comments received.
- Welcome & Apologies
Cllr Bottom Chaired the meeting.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Chennells, Patty, Wallis & District Councillors Barbara Wells & Sally Appleby
- To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations
None Received
- Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 25thOctober 2016 to be approved as minutes
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Nolan seconded by Cllr Warnock, signed by the Chair.
- Clerks Update
Cllr Jackson confirmed that he had met the litter picker to clarify his roles and responsibilities. He confirmed that the litter picker was happy to continue doing the role. It was highlighted that better tools for the job would be a benefit, Alex offered to get these, the parish council would then reimburse him. Action RP
The Chair asked that the police report be a permanent feature on the agenda.
Action RP
The clerk made comment that she had logged a complaint at the Co-operative Bank due to the amount of time it had taken to action the opening of a new account and to update the signing mandate, the complaint was upheld with £75 Gesture of Goodwill being received due to the inconvenience caused.
- To authorise the signing of the orders for payment & to note any income received.
The councillors considered the list previously circulated and Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Proposed by Cllr Bottom seconded by Cllr Nolan
Bank Balances
31.10.2015 – £98,616.31
31.10.2016 – £20,051.28
Payments to be Authorised
Date / Name / Net / VAT / Total31.10.2016 / D Lyne / £25.00 / £5.00 / £30.00
31.7.2016 / D Lyne / £764.00 / £152.80 / £916.80
06.12.2016 / Eagle Village Hall / £15.00 / £15.00
06.12.2016 / AMG Sport Play
Tarmac paid £12500
Cheque issued by PC / £14897.70 / £2979.54 / £17877.24
06.12.2016 / Stationary / £57.85 / £57.85
06.12.2016 / R Popplewell / £357.49 / £357.49
06.12.2016 / A Kent / £98.00 / £98.00
Total / £16,215.04 / £3137.34 / £19,352.38
Actual amount debited
From parish bank account / £6,852.38
Monies Received
VAT refund £3348.77
NKDC Litter Picking Grant £166.32
Western Power (Wayleave Pmt) £8.14
Eagle Parochial Church Council £100.00
The clerk commented that there had been some confusion regarding the payment from Tarmac, and that it was due to be received by the parish council so that the invoice could be settled in full. As yet no date for the payment has been received, the clerk was asked to chase the payment and apologise to the suppliers for the delay. Action RP
- To consider the laying of a new hedge at Swinderby Station Carpark, from the entrance to the ‘Oak Tree’ to increase the vision splay.
As the funds, have already been allocated, to was resolved not to lay a new hedge, but to ask Cllr Chennells to trim the hedge back as much as possible to ensure good visibility.
Show of hands all agreed ActionRP/MC
- To consider the following planning applications –
- Erection of 9 dwellings with access to Thorpe Lane Ref – 16/0884/OUT
The parish council has previously submitted comments regarding the boundary, it was resolved to now Object to the above application due to the plans submitted having incorporated parish land, and that they do not correlate to the Land Registry documents.
- Removal of public payphone, High Street, Eagle Ref – 16/1437/PNTEL
It was resolved to Object to the removal of the public payphone, due to the fact that the mobile phone reception in the village at times is poor, there aren’t enough phone lines in the village for all home owners. It is the only emergency phone within the area.
- Proposed raising of roof & insertion of three front & two rear dormers to provide additional living accommodation. 6 Scarle Lane Eagle
Ref – 16/1395/HOUS.
Show of hands –
To Object – 1
To Comment - 3
It was resolvedto make the following comments on the proposal – it is not in keeping with the surroundings and local vicinity. The privacy impact may affect more than the immediate neighbours.
8.15pm Councillor Nolan left the meeting.
- Installation of 3no passyfiers, 2no extractor fans & replacement of 1no fan. The Homestead, 5 High Street Eagle Ref – 16/1337/LBC
It was resolvedto support the application.
- Change of use of current stables to workshops, storage areas, toilets & showers along with the erection of 3 temporary off grid Yurts & 5 off grid log cabins and provision of parking for visitors to the site. Eagle Lodge, Eagle Hall Lane, Swinderby. Ref – 16/1309/FUL
It was resolved to make the following comments on the application –
It is a good use of rural enterprise; the Yurts and Log Cabins were liked as short term holiday lets. The parish council would like to stipulate in the planning that they are only to be used as short term holiday lets not for permanent residency.
- To approve the Transparency Code Funding Application
It was Resolved to approve the application for funding to help purchase a new printer/scanner, software and laptop.
- To Consider & make comment on the revised Assets Register, previously circulated.
Deferred to the next meeting.
- Update regarding the War Memorial
The Clerk commented that she had been in touch with the contractors regarding a start date for the renovations. They had confirmed that it would be in the spring of 2017. The clerk also confirmed that she had received a donation from the Parochial Church Council for All Saints Church, Eagle.
- Any other business/items for the next agenda
The clerk had been contacted by the Highways Dept asking if the village required a bag of salt for the upcoming winter, it was resolved to decline the offer due to the fact that there was a bag of salt unused at the playing field carpark from last year.
Cllr Thomas made comment regarding the phones lines from BT within the village, she has numerous complaints due to the fact her phoneline keeps being diverted elsewhere as there aren’t enough lines within the village. Cllr Thomas has taken the complaint to the Ombudsman, who have advised her to get a letter from her local Parish Council to support the complaint Action KT
The Chair read out an email from Cllr Wallis asking for the Parish Council to explore the process of listing The Struggler Public House as an ‘Asset of Community Value’, under the neighbourhood plan. The discussion was deferred to the next meeting while more information was gathered, the clerk was asked to put the Neighbourhood Plan on the agenda for January and to invite Stuart Duckworth from community links, to help with the next stage of the process. Action RP
- Date and Time of next meeting
Tuesday 17thJanuary 2017
Meeting closed 9.10pm
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………..
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