Table of Contents

Pastor’s Page 3

Holy Week Journey 3-4

Church Council Highlights, Fellowship & Sew Day,

Noisy Offering Update, Fitness Group,

Kids B.L.A.S.T. 5

April Anniversaries, Altar Guild News 6

FLCW Constitution, Easter Celebration Choir,

Faith T-Shirts & Sweatshirts for sale,

ChristCare Challenge, Operation Easter Baskets 7

Easter Flowers, Terra Choral Society,

Summer Church League Softball, Beth Moore 8

Lutheran Marriage Encounter,

Faith Filled Travelers Trip 9-10

April Birthdays 11

FLCW News 12

LIFT 95 Reasons to Celebrate Christian Unity 13

Quotes, “Forsaken for Us” Article 14

A Florida Court sets Atheist Holy Day,

Expanding Our View of Service 15

The Messenger

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church APRIL 2017

Pastor’s Page:

How about you and I taking a journey together. You want to take a walk with me? Let’s do that during Holy Week. Come and walk with me to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. We will see Jesus enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey. We will wave our Palms and shout Hosanna to our King. Then walk with me to the upper room in Jerusalem on Maundy Thursday. We will take our last supper with Jesus. And before we continue our walk we will set for a spell and watch as the Chancel will be stripped of its furniture symbolizing Jesus being stripped of His power. We won’t stop there. We continue our journey outside of Jerusalem as we witness Jesus being nailed to a Cross. We will stop long enough to pound our own nail into the cross. Jesus will take upon Himself our sins. Listen to the noise of the hammer hitting the nails. Here the nails piercing His skin. We then leave in silence. The end of our Holy Week Journey is almost complete. We continue our journey and stop to hear that Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! Death could not hold him. Our journey ends with excitement and with great joy. Come and look inside the tomb it is empty. And one day all the tombs will be empty when Jesus returns in all of His glory. What a journey. It is Jesus’ journey. I hope you will journey with me.

Pastor Bob


April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday

This is the day when Jesus enters Jerusalem. A parade is formed. The people are excited. We, too, will get excited as we see our young youth processing in waving their Palms at both services. Have your children waiting in the Narthex for the start of the parade. There will be special music provided at both services. But wait. There is another parade. This time Jesus is leaving Jerusalem and He is walking, rather stumbling, and carrying His cross on His shoulder. The sermon title is “THE CROWD AND THE CROSS.”

April 13, 2017 Maundy Thursday 7:00p.m.

This is Jesus’ last night with His disciples before He is taken away to be nailed to a cross. He shares the Last Supper with them. We, too, will share in that supper. Jesus will accuse one of His disciples of betraying Him. Who will it be? The title of the sermon is “SURELY NOT I LORD.” Special music will be provided. Holy Communion will be received. At the conclusion of the service, the altar will be stripped. As the stripping of the altar begins we will meditate our hearts on Psalm 22. Symbolically, Christ is being stripped of His power and glory and is now in the hands of His captors.

April 14, 2017 Good Friday 7:00p.m.

The service this night is known as the “Service of the Nails.” You will hear words of scripture that will relate to: The Nail of Pride, The Nail of Betrayal, The Nail of Envy, The Nail of Indecision, The Nail of Cruelty and the Nail of Hatred. After each reading a candle will be extinguished. The sanctuary begins to grow darker. As the music to “Were You There” is played the congregation will be asked to come forward with their nail and drive it part way into the cross placed at the bottom of the chancel steps. Following the Benediction we will sit in our seats and listen to the organist play the organ threnody in honor of Christ’s passion. We leave in silence.

April 16, 2017 Easter

1. Easter Sunrise 7:00 a.m. --- Becky Fox and Joy Decker will put together the Easter Sunrise Service. A special Easter Sunrise Celebration Choir will provide the special music. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Following this service a special Sunrise Breakfast will be served in the Fellowship Hall.

2. Traditional Easter Service 10:30 a.m. --- Come as we sing “Because He Lives I can face tomorrow, Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living because He lives.” What a celebration this will be. Our Sr. Choir will provide the special music. Holy Communion will be celebrated. The sermon title is “He Lives!”

Church Council Highlights (March 16, 2017):

- Great Attendance at the Wednesday night Lenten meals/services. Thank you!

- All Easter Baskets have been picked up for Eden at the Springs residents. Thank you for supporting this outreach project.

- Fellowship club is hosting the Easter Breakfast again this year.

- Looking into a replacement sign for the sign by US 20. Going to have a company bring a temporary sign truck in so we can see it.

Fellowship & Service Sew Day

Come out and join the fun. We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month and begin at 9:00 am and end at 3:00 pm, but come and leave whenever you wish. We work on quilts, health kits and sewing kits. Greeting cards are made and are available for purchase in the Lounge for a donation. Come join the fun!

Noisy Offering Update - “Change for Change”

A total of $98.82 was collected in the month of March. Thank You! The next Noisy Offering will be April 16, 2017, at both worship services. The Noisy Offering is given so Children from our Companion Parish of Bumila Lutheran Church have the opportunity to attend school in the Mpwapwa Region. Thank you for your support of the children of our sister congregation in Bumila, Tanzania.


The women of the Faith Fellowship Club are hosting a Fitness Group open to all the ladies in our congregation on Tuesday nights at 7:00. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall for approximately a 30 minute session. However, on April 4th we will meet at John & Judi Neill’s shop at 1935 County Road 106, Lindsey, OH, since the hall is rented that evening. If you have any questions, please contact Judi Neill at 419-217-9326.

Kids B.L.A.S.T.

(Bible Learning and Sharing Together)

All children ages 3 through 11 are invited to attend Kids B.L.A.S.T. onSaturday, April 1, 2017, from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Children will be learning about The Armor of God. A light snack will be provided. Any questions may be directed to Jackie Seibert at 419-665-4124.


In the month of March, the altar work schedule was handled by Margie Roach, Linda Woessner and Mary Lou Cooper. Thank you ladies!

For the month of April, it will be a shared work schedule.

April 2nd & 9th, Cheryl Wolf and Martha Wise will be in charge, and April 16th & 23rd, Nancy Root, Mary Lou Cooper and Barb Kocsis, and April 30th, Mary Lou Cooper and Barb Kocsis.

Special "thanks" to Ron & Nancy Root for putting up the big cross, Nancy Krumnow for the communion bread, and to Barb Kocsis for volunteering to help with the altar work schedule.

A reminder that your Easter flower order is due by April 2.

Mary Lou Cooper, Chair

Our Dartball Team won the league tournament on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Zion, Gibsonburg! Congratulations Team!!!

The Constitution of the Women of the Church has been revised and has to be reviewed and voted to accept or reject it by the Faith Lutheran Church Women. Please pick up a copy in the Narthex and read it and we will meet for a ballot vote briefly after each service on April 30.

The Easter Sunrise Service “Celebration Choir” has begun rehearsals at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary and will continue each Sunday through Palm Sunday, April 9th. All are welcome! Come sing with us.

The Evangelism Committee of Faith Lutheran Church is taking orders for the red “Faith” Sweatshirts and the bright green “Got Faith?” T-Shirts. Please complete the order form (found in this newsletter) and return it to the office by May 1st. The order must be accompanied by payment at that time. If you order a 2X or larger, there is an extra $2.00 charge for each T-Shirt or Sweatshirt purchased. If you have any questions, please contact Randy J. Brown @ 419-680-8386. Thank You.


Faith ChristCare groups offer this challenge to you – one that was eagerly accepted by clients at Sandusky County Food Pantry. Take a copy of ‘The Story of God’, (which can be found in the Fellowship Hall on a table by the trophy case), read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and underline in red all the words that Jesus spoke. Then go back and reread the many things Jesus had to say about life on earth and in heaven. In just 2½ hours Food Pantry clients excitedly grabbed up all 12 of these books – Hungry for the Word of God. How hungry are you? Will you accept the challenge?

Operation Easter Baskets

Easter is coming and we’re reaching out once more to some of the patients at Eden Springs Health Care Center. Those of you who picked up an Easter basket may fill it up (no food items please) and return it by Sunday, April 9 so we can get them delivered. Attached to each basket is the name of the recipient and a couple of suggested items. Please feel free to add other goodies. Any questions see Randy Brown or Noelle Leutenegger. Thanks for sharing God’s love with others.

If you want to order Easter Flowers there is an order form in this newsletter. Please remember that payment must accompany the order form when you turn it into the office. Orders must be in by

April 2. Thank you.

Terra State Community College Department of Music presents Credo! Featuring Terra Choral Society and Special Guest Artists at First Presbyterian Church, 120 S. Park Ave., Fremont on Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is Free.

The Fremont Recreation Department would like to invite the members of Faith Lutheran Church to participate in our upcoming Summer Church League Softball program. It is open to both men and women (Co-ed League) and the teams will play in 10 total regular season games. Games are played on Saturday and Monday evenings beginning May 22nd, at Roger Young Park. This year, we hope to encourage more Churches to participate by allowing smaller congregations to combine with one another and split the cost of $325 per team. Also, by moving some of our games to Monday evenings we hope to preserve more weekend family time for all. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the coat room area. The deadline to register as a team is April 30th, so please call the office or sign up today.

L.I.F.T. Teen/Adult Softball Team – It’s time to sign up for this year’s team. Games will be on Monday and Saturday evenings, at Roger Young Park. For more information please contact Jacob Smith at 419-307-5608.

LOST! During the funeral luncheon here at Faith Lutheran for Bob Horn, someone lost her mother’s ring. It has been described as yellow gold, blue topaz, with 2 diamonds. If you’ve found one similar recently at the church, please turn it into the church office. Thank you.

BETH MOORE is coming to the Huntington Center in Toledo on Saturday, September 16, 2017. “Living Proof” could change your life with worship by Travis Cottrell. The cost is $59.00 each if we reserve our tickets by May 10th, 2017. For $85.00 you can go to “You Lead” training on September 14-15, 2017, Leadership Training for Every Woman. If you want to do both, the discounted price is $134.00. To reserve your place or for questions call Yvonne Vogel at 419-307-1774.

DOES GOD CARE ABOUT YOUR MARRIAGE? YOU BET! Find out how much on a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend! The God who created marriage can pump up your love skills. If you’d like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your marriage, you’ll be amazed at the difference a Marriage Encounter can make. The next Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend is April 28-30 at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, Beachwood, Ohio.(A couple can be available to provide interpretation for the deaf.) For more information or to register, contact Duffy & Nan Guthrie, 440/599-9090, or

2017 Faith Filled Travelers Trip

Mississippi, Amana Colonies, & Kinze

June 12 – 17, 2017

Please note there have been some changes.

Come join us for a fun adventure in the mid-west. We will take a leisurely trip down the ‘mighty Missisip’ for our first full day after traveling to LeClaire, IA. Floating down to Dubuque, IA will be a very relaxing day. Next day we will be more active touring with a guide through the Kinze Factory where all components for the grain carts and planters are made here in the US. We will also visit the Innovation Center where imagination and hard work have developed modern agricultural equipment to help farmers around the world. We move on to the Amana Colonies where we will tour with a guide to get an overview of the 7 colonies of this National Historic Landmark. We will enjoy lunch here. After our tour, we will enjoy a dinner show at Circa 21. Next morning we will check out of our hotel and have some free time at the colonies before moving on to LaCrosse, WI. Checking into our hotel will give us time to relax before our cooking demonstration and our meal there. Sounds like fun!!! Touring LaCrosse the next morning with a guide will inform us of many surprises about the area and we will get lots of experience with cranberries. That night our hotel in Racine WI will provide us with a beautiful view of Lake Michigan!