Teacher: Mr. Henderson Classroom: Room 257
Phone: (940) 235-1077, Rider main office Email:
Conference Time: 11:06 - 11:51 AM Tutoring Hours: MTWRF 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Class Website:
Instructional Materials : Earth Science by Allison, DeGaetano, and Pasachoff ; Canvas LMS
Course Description :
Earth, Wind, and Fire is an introduction to geosciences, with a focus on the basics of physical geology with an emphasis on environmental problems. The geosciences are at the heart of many challenges facing humans in this century: topics like climate change, sustainability, energy resources, land use, and natural hazards. A solid grounding in geosciences literacy is an important base for all citizens, and is a primary goal of the course.
This course will include lectures, in-class activities, labs, discussions, projects, sketches, and readings. Most assignments will be completed individually but there will be many opportunities for cooperative work with a partner or group. Students will receive a UT grade and separate high school grade for this course.
Required Materials :
· 1” or 2” binder with 5 dividers (Will be set up in class using Binder Format Sheet)
· Pencils & Pens (black or blue ink preferred)
· Notebook paper or a 1 subject spiral
· Canvas/Internet access* (See UT Syllabus)
Mr. Henderson’s Rules:
1. Students will come to class on time with all necessary materials.
2. Students will be respectful of the teacher and each other at all times.
3. Students will be actively engaged in the learning process by participating in all classroom activities.
In addition, all Rider High School rules and policies will be enforced in the classroom- no cell phone use or music devices (unless authorized by Mr. Henderson). There is a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY with cell phones and other unapproved electronic devices.
1. Verbal warning
2. Seating change
3. Conference with teacher
4. Parental Contact
5. D-Hall / Administrative D-Hall
6. Office referral
1. Verbal praise
2. Positive parent contact
3. Music privileges
4. Rider PRIDE tickets
5. Various other rewards throughout the year
Earth & Space Science
S. H. Rider High School
Lab Rules:
Laboratory rules MUST be followed. See your lab safety contract. Horseplay in a lab setting will not be tolerated. Horseplay is defined as any activity that is not called for in a lab procedure. If laboratory rules are not followed, the students will be asked to leave the lab area, will receive a zero for that activity, and could possibly face disciplinary action. Any serious infraction during lab will result in an immediate referral to the office .
Grading Procedures : Grades will be accessible through Skyward and will be updated weekly.
One Family, One Team
Earth & Space Science
S. H. Rider High School
· Unit Tests: 60%
· Labs: 20%
· Reading Responses: 10%
· Sketches: 10%
One Family, One Team
Earth & Space Science
S. H. Rider High School
Grades (HS) : A=90-100% B=80-89% C=75-79% D=70-74% F=0-69%
Absences :
Whenever you know you will be absent, please ask for your work BEFORE the absence so that you will not fall behind. When you are absent unexpectedly, it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes and work you missed. The work will be placed in the makeup folder and you should check with Mr. Henderson to pick it up the day you return fro m being absent. It is also recommended you attend the next available tutoring session for additional help.
Late Policy :
All assignments must be handed in (or submitted on Canvas) on time. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. All work will be returned to the student after grading so the student can check for accuracy.
Testing Policy :
There will be quizzes throughout each unit and a test at the end of every major unit (approximately every 6 weeks). If a student is absent on the date of a test or quiz, the student has ONE week to make it up. After one week, the grade on the test or quiz will remain a zero. If a student misses one of the unit exams, they will receive a zero for their UT test grade.
Tardiness : Tardy students will receive a D-hall every time they are tardy to class.
Homework Policy :
Assignments will be assigned and discussed in class daily and it is the students’ responsibility to write them down and note the due date. The due date will also be shown on Canvas, when applicable.
I am available before and after school almost every day for any student needing assistance. I can also work with individual students during my conference period and/or lunch if needed. Official tutorials are Monday and Wednesday from 3:00PM – 4:00PM.
One Family, One Team