Leavenworth Football Booster Club

Facebook: Leavenworth Football Booster Club

February 24, 2015


Brandi Thorpe, Lorraine Buckley, Erika & Craig Benke, Chuck Allen, Jen Bohnemann, Sherrie Hodges, Dennis Edwards, Troy & Angela Sculley, Rick Messer, Mary & John Heath, Jackie Heath-Colbert, and Coach Littrell

Purpose of meeting:

Sherrie Hodges (past president) went over procedures and general information to help new president(s), and members understand what exactly the booster club does for the football team. The following items were spoken about but we are not limited to these items only. We are always looking for parent help. Remember the more people involved the easier the task…..that being said here are the items spoken briefly about:

  1. Main item we take care of for the boys: Feeding them (weekly) – last year we had 6 area businesses donate the home meal so that saved us a lot of money. But we still had to pay for away games, all freshman sack lunches, and JV meals (had 2 sack lunches and rest were breakfast snack items). End of season team banquet as well. Last year we spent $7300 on meals alone.
  1. We also provide weekly spirit treats
  1. We also provide various gifts: such as to our corporate sponsors (4 of them), Senior gifts (banners, hoodies, etc.), and game schedule posters. Again these are items that have been done over the last two years – these are not set in stone and are subject for discussion. They are just examples of what we paid for last year.
  1. Fundraising: we try to get the bulk of our fundraising done before season begins, so boys (and parents) are not trying to do both things. Examples of things we have done are: Fort Leavenworth Garage Sale (last year we made between $8-900; this year the sale will be April 25th), we also do bake sales at Wal-Mart (last year we made around $1200 ($600x2)), Car Washes (between $6-700), Shaved Ice (4th of July on Ft. Leavenworth), Golf Tournament (made $6000 split 3 ways).
  1. In the past we have sold yard signs “Home of a Pioneer Football Player” – always lots of interests on this one.

Items to pay/do this year:

  1. Boys will help the city with “City Wide Clean-up Day” on April 18th. This is our way of giving back to the community for all their support of our football program.
  1. Outstanding balance due on Football Jerseys – still owe $4000. We are currently trying to obtain a scholarship/grant through Ft. Leavenworth. We are hoping to hear good news on this one!
  1. Team meals – we will continue to ask each player to pay for their meals – to help offset the cost of these meals. But we do provide weekly a meal/sack lunch/breakfast snack to each player on their game day. In some cases some players will receive double if they end up playing in more than one game that week. End of season Banquet: we pay for all coaches and their spouses and the players to attend this event. A fee is then collected from family members and their guest(s).
  1. Loyalty Card Sales - Each player is expected to sell at least 20 cards that they are given. This again helps offset the cost of other items we need to pay for throughout the season. Goal here is to start selling them June 1st.

Positions we are looking for:

  1. Booster Club President – New……Craig and Erika Benke
  2. Treasurer – Dennis Edwards
  3. Secretary – Angela Sculley
  4. Meal Coordinator – could be more than one person
  5. Senior Class Rep –
  6. Freshman Class Rep –
  7. JV Breakfast – could be more than one person
  8. Fundraiser Committee Members – need several on this committee
  9. Team Website and Facebook page – Craig Benke


  1. Last year we were able to raise around $27,000
  2. We spent, last year, around $28,000
  3. Currently in our checkbook we have a balance of $3400 to start the season with.
  4. Last year our Corporate Sponsors donated $10,000 but this is always subject to change
  5. Banquet cost $3000 collected $1500
  6. Golf Tournament brought in $9100 we spend $6167
  7. If want full report – email Dennis Edwards and he can email it to you.

Misc. Items:

  1. Wendy Sachen – has banner
  2. Kelly Butler – has parking signs
  3. Need paper good for meals – order from Dennis Edwards (Leavenworth Paper Supply)
  4. Wendy Sachen – person who made video for score board.
  5. Country Mart – donated all items for Blue/White Scrimmage Parent/Player Cookout AND the summer Watermelon feed.

If you need to contact Craig or Erika Benke here are their email addresses:

Craig –

Erika –

Craig will be adding pictures to football page and Facebook pages. Feel free to follow the link to look at pictures. The link will never change – once you get to the site then click on the folder game date. He will have anywhere from 100-200 pictures there for you to look at.

Craig and Erika will also be sending out reminders of upcoming events and if helpers are needed. So you can be kept informed. Please forward all information on to any player that does not receive the information.

Upcoming Dates/Events:

March 9th – 8th grade Transition Night at High School

April 7th – Football Booster Club Meeting @ 6pm @ HS football film room.

April 18th – city wide Clean up

April 25th – Ft. Leavenworth Garage Sale

Following TBA

Bake Sale

Car Wash

Blue/White Scrimmage & parent/player cookout