SaskPower offers transmission service in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions contained in its Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).

1.Time Periods

The Off-Peak period occurs between the hours of 00:00 to 06:00 and 22:00 to 24:00 Monday through Saturday; 00:00 to 24:00 Sundays; and 0:00 to 24:00 on NERC defined additional Off-Peak Days ("Holidays"). All times quoted are in Central Standard Time (CST).

The On-Peak period occurs between the hours of 06:00 and 22:00 CST Monday through Saturday.

2.Discount Rate

SaskPower offers the following rate discount to Transmission Customers for the following type of Transmission Service (as per SaskPower’s OATT, Schedule 8, item 4):

Service type - Point-To-Point

Class - Non Firm

Increment - Hourly for the Off-Peak hours only

POR / POD - all posted paths

Offer Start Date - January 1, 2003 beginning at 00:00 CST

Offer End Date –Notification will be posted on SaskPower’s OASIS website

Off-Peak HNF Price: Base charge - $ 1.94/MWh plus the Ancillary service charges for: Schedule 1 - $0.64/MWh and Schedule 2 - $0.42/MWh.

The total Off-Peak Discount Hourly Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service rate is $3.00/MWh.

3.Regular Rate

The SaskPower base charge for Hourly Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service during On-Peak periods is: $6.84/MWh plus the Ancillary service charges for: Schedule 1 - $0.64/MWh and Schedule 2 - $0.42/MWh.

The total On-Peak Hourly Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service rate is $7.90/MWh.

4.Procedure for requesting the discounted Off-Peak Transmission Service

  1. Submit the Transmission Service Request (TSR) on the SaskPower OASIS website for Non-Firm HourlyPoint-To-Point Transmission Service with the appropriate times entered for the Off-Peak period described above.
  2. Enter the "Bid Price" =3.00. (Complete the remaining information and “Submit” in the normal manner on SaskPower’s OASIS website.
  3. As per SaskPower's “General Business Practices” posted on SaskPower’s OASIS website, the TSR must have a "Fixed capacity profile for all hours in the period."

5. Conditions

  1. The intent of SaskPower’s OATT, Schedule 8, item 4 will not change except for the offer to discount the Off-Peak period as listed above.
  2. SaskPower reserves the right to withdraw or change the discount for service not previously committed.
  3. Changes to the discount offer will be posted on SaskPower’s OASIS website.
  4. Notification for a decrease in the SaskPower OATT may occur within the Operating Horizon.
  5. TSRs that are in place prior to the start date will not qualify for the discounted prices.
  6. TSRs that extend beyond the stop date of the discount period will not qualify for the discounted prices outside of the period.

If you have any questions or require clarification, please call or e-mail personnel at

Revised: February 18, 2015

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