Request for Proposals

For the provision of

Drip Irrigation equipment and Installation on 5ha for Rays Farm

Contracting Entity:


International Resources Group Ltd.

RFP Table of Contents

List of Acronyms

1.  Instructions to Offerors

1.1.  Introduction

1.2.  Offer Deadline

1.3.  Submission of Offers

1.4.  Requirements

2.  Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule

2.1.  Background

2.2.  Scope of Work

2.3.  Deliverables

2.4.  Deliverables Schedule

Annex 1 Sample Proposal Cover Letter

Annex 2 Proprietary Information Certification

List of Acronyms

CFR Code of Federal Regulations CO USAID Contracting Officer COP Chief of Party

COR USAID Contracting Officer’s Representative

CV Curriculum Vitae

FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations

ME Monitoring and Evaluation

NICRA Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement

NGO Nongovernmental organization

RFP Request for Proposals

SAF Strategic Activities Fund

STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance

U.S. United States

USAID U.S. Agency for International Development

USG U.S. Government

VAT Value Added Tax

1.  Instructions to Offerors

1.1. Introduction

IRG, the Buyer, is soliciting proposals from companies and organizations to support IRG in providing water and irrigation solutions.

IRG is working with the local communities and private sector in Puntland, Somaliland and other existing and emerging federal states to provide water and irrigation solutions. IRG, GEEL project seeks to promote investment opportunities in the agriculture sector through supporting enterprising individuals and firms acquire modern technologies to improve their farm operations. The project has preselected a few farms that will be supported to install effective irrigation systems that will act as demonstration of modern technologies and hopefully this will catalyze more farmers to adopt these modern technologies. Therefore, IRG seeks competent and experienced irrigation services providers to offer their services to Rays farm.

This RFP does not obligate IRG to execute a subcontract nor does it commit IRG to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals. Furthermore, IRG reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of IRG.

Unless otherwise stated, the periods named in the RFP shall be consecutive calendar days.

1.2. Offer Deadline

The deadline for receiving proposals is 3rd August 2017. Offerors shall submit their proposals electronically by email only to:


International Resources Group Ltd.

Offerors are responsible for ensuring that their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. Late offers may be considered at the discretion of IRG. IRG cannot guarantee that late offers will be considered.

1.3. Submission of Offers

The Offeror must submit the proposal electronically with up to 3 attachments (5 MB limit) per email compatible with MS Word, MS Excel, readable format, or Adobe Portable Document (PDF) format in a Microsoft XP environment. Offerors must not submit zipped files. Those pages requiring original manual signatures should be scanned and sent in PDF format as an email attachment.

1.4. Requirements

To be determined responsive, an offer must include all of documents and sections included in

I.4.1 and I.4.2 (see below).

1.4.1.  General Requirements

IRG anticipates issuing a subcontract to an international or local company or organization that has the ability to provide water and irrigation management solutions. While IRG will provide the Subcontractor with a letter of invitation, it will be the responsibility of the Subcontractor to obtain all related travel documentation such as visas, vaccinations, etc.

To be considered eligible for consideration in response to this solicitation, the following criteria are considered essential.

a)  Must have the technical capacity to operate in Somaliland.

b)  Firms operated as commercial companies or other organizations or enterprises (including nonprofit organizations) in which foreign governments or their agents or agencies have a controlling interest are not eligible as suppliers of commodities and services.

c)  Must be a corporation registered in one of the following countries:

i.  USA

ii. Somaliland

iii.  One of the developing countries listed at

1.4.2.  Required Documents

1.  Cover Letter (see Annex 1 for template), which shall include the following information:

a)  Name of the company or organization

b)  Type of company or organization

c)  Address

d)  Telephone

e)  Fax (if available)

f)  E-mail

2.  Proprietary Information Certification (see Annex 2): Offeror shall certify that they have read and accepted the clauses contained therein that state that the information provided by IRG in this RFP is proprietary information and cannot be shared with any other entities.

3.  Cost Proposals: these may be accompanied by a narrative that explains the basis for the estimate of each line item. Supporting information should be provided in sufficient detail to allow for a complete analysis of each cost element or line item. IRG reserves the right to request additional cost information if the evaluation committee has concerns of the reasonableness, realism, or completeness of an offeror’s proposed cost.

If it is an offeror’s regular practice to budget indirect rates, e.g. overhead, fringe, G&A, administrative, or other rate, offerors must explain the rates and the rates’ base of application in the budget narrative. IRG reserves the right to request additional information to substantiate an offeror’s indirect rates.

1.4.3.  Deadlines and Validity of Proposal

The following calendar summarizes important dates in the solicitation process. Offerors must strictly follow these deadlines.

RFP published: 15th July 2017

Deadline for written questions: 25th July 2017 17:00 EAT

Bidders Conference: 27th July 2017 (location in Hargeisa TBA)

Proposals Due: 3rd August 2017 17:00 EAT

The dates above may be modified at the sole discretion of IRG. Any changes will be published in an amendment to this RFP.

Offerors’ proposals must remain valid for 90 calendar days after the proposal deadline.

1.4.4.  Evaluation and Basis for Award

This solicitation will be judged on a best-value analysis, with IRG evaluating Offeror’s proposals in accordance with the following criteria:

1.  Technical Approach and schedule of delivery.

2.  Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance

3.  Competitive price.

Corporate Capabilities, Experience, and Past Performance: This must include a description of the company and organization, with appropriate reference to any parent company and subsidiaries. Offerors must include details demonstrating their experience and technical ability in implementing the technical approach/methodology and the detailed work plan. Additionally, offerors must include 3 past performance references of similar work (under contracts or subcontracts) previously implemented as well as contact information for the companies for which such work was completed. Contact information must include at a minimum: name of point of contact who can speak to the offeror’s performance, name and address of the company for which the work was performance, and email and phone number of the point of contact.

IRG reserves the right to check additional references not provided by an offeror.

The sections of the technical proposal stated above must respond to the detailed information set out in Section 2 of this RFP, which provides the background, states the scope of work, describes the deliverables, and provides a deliverables schedule.

2.  Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule

2.1. Background

Growth, Enterprise, Employment & Livelihoods (GEEL) is 5-year USAID-funded project designed to promote and facilitate inclusive economic growth in Puntland, Somaliland and other existing and emerging federal states. The project is currently focusing on the agricultural sector (dairy, fisheries, sesame & banana, fruits and vegetables) but is anticipated to expand in the future into other sectors of the economy. It will also seek to strengthen the business enabling environment through improving access to finance, policy and regulation, and business development services. GEEL is seeking the services of an irrigation solutions firm to provide irrigation solutions to Rays farm located Borama, Somaliland. The farm lies in a valley and the topography is relatively flat. GPS coordinates: LAT: 10°13'46.17"N LONG: 43°10'54.40"E. The farm is currently doing furrow irrigation to water fruits and vegetables on 35 ha of land using shallow wells as source of water. Water is pumped from the wells and driven by hose 3” and 2" polyethylene pipes to the farm.

2.2. Scope of Work and Services Required

The following key services are required as per this solicitation:

2.2.1.  Scope of Work

GEEL engaged the services of an experienced irrigation expert who visited the farm and developed the below design for the farm (This design is not approved; hence modifications are welcome). The Irrigation service provider is expected to work with the design, modify and develop a robust irrigation system on the farm. Using the information provided (including GPS co-ordinates and other secondary information (see attached), the company will design and provide quotations for simple irrigation systems. The company will then prepare cost estimates for the farms. This will then be used for price quotation of the irrigation system.

GEEL will procure the irrigation sets for a 5ha plot from the selected irrigation service providers to install the irrigation systems in Rays farm. The irrigation provider is expected to deliver quality irrigation sets to the selected farms and install them. The irrigation sets should be of quality and with readily available spare parts. The irrigation provider’s specialist should then train the farm managers on operation as well as maintenance of the irrigation system. The irrigation system should be replicable, easy to operate and maintain.

The irrigation firm will develop a quotation inclusive of all the components for 5-ha Rays farm clearly indicating the costs of:- Vertical Line-shaft Solar Pumps, including drive head, line shaft, foot valve with suction grid, and with the following minimum specifications:

·  Capacity: 45 m3/Hour

·  Head: 60m

·  Fluid: Well water

·  Type of Installation: Head with solar electric engine 10 Kw.

Distribution main pipes, drip irrigation complete system for 10ha. Should have option of direct pumping, use of raised tanks and reservoir. All other key connectors and accessories for the drip irrigation.

The quote should have options for:

·  Fertigation

·  Button drippers

·  Pressure flow auto-compensation regulators.

Deliverables of the Irrigation provider

The irrigation provider is expected to deliver the following:

1.  A schedule with timelines of the anticipated engagement

2.  Send modified design drawings for the surface drip irrigation of the sites with material and cost estimates 5 ha farm

3.  Quotations for setting up the irrigation system at Rays farm.

4.  Delivery to Somaliland. Bidder should include costs for delivery to Rays Farm at Borama Somaliland.

5.  Installation of irrigation equipment on Rays farm

6.  Training for Rays farm management on operation and maintenance of irrigation equipment

Deliverables Schedule

1 / Release of RFP / 16.7.2017
2 / Receive questions from Bidders / 25.7.2017
3 / Bidders Conference in Hargeisa / 27.7.2017
3 / Receive Quotations from prospective bidders / 03.8.2107
4 / Review of Quotations and Award of contract / 4-8.8.2017
5 / Delivery of Equipment to Somaliland / 31.8.2017
6 / Installation of irrigation equipment / 15.9.2017
7 / Training for Miran farm management / 20.9.2017

2.2.2.  Expected Key Roles / Personnel

The offeror is expected to propose a team of personnel that is adequate and appropriate for meeting the requirements of this RFP and the technical solution that is being proposed.


*Please propose loaded unit rates including all overhead costs, management fee profit, benefits, taxes and equipment/arms rental fee. No extra charges will be allowed as part of labor costs. In your submission please describe in detail all extra charges that will be applicable above the rates provided, if any. Feel free to add lines for expected direct charges and other labor categories if required.

S/N / Description / Qty / Unit Cost / Total
1 / Cost Element 1
2 / Cost Element 2
3 / Cost Element 3
Grand Total

Annex 1: Cover Letter

[Offeror: Insert date]

Mohamed Abdinoor

Chief of Party


Reference: GEEL Request for Proposals

Subject: [Offeror: Insert name of your organization]’s Pricing Proposals

Dear NAME:

[Offeror: Insert name of your organization] is pleased to submit its proposal in regard to the above- referenced request for proposals. For this purpose, we are pleased to provide the information furnished below:

Name of Organization’s Representative: ______

Name of Offeror: ______

Type of Organization: ______

Address: ______

Address: ______

Telephone: ______

Fax: ______

Email: ______

As required by section I, I.7, we confirm that our proposal, including the pricing information will remain valid for 90 calendar days after the proposal deadline.

Sincerely yours,


[Offeror: Insert name of your organization's representative] [Offeror: Insert name of your organization]

Annex 3: Proprietary Information Certification

[Offeror: Insert date]

Mohamed Abdinoor

Chief of Party


Reference: GEEL Request for Proposals

Subject: [Offeror: Insert name of your organization]’s Proprietary Information Certification


[Offeror: Insert name of your organization] certifies that it understands any information contained in Section II of this RFP (to include the scope of work, required services, office locations and numbers, and budget template), are considered proprietary information by International Resources Group Ltd. and cannot be shared with any other entities, reproduced in any form, or archived in any form after the 90 days of validity for this RFP.

Sincerely yours,


[Offeror: Insert name of your organization's representative] [Offeror: Insert name of your organization]