THE COHEN HOME / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
11:30 Book Club
12:00Name That Tune
1:30National Geographic
2:00 Mah Jongg- Maris
3:00Nosh & Natter/
Classical Music Hour
4:30 Kabbalat Shabbat / 10:00 Morning Gathering
11:00 Brain Teasers
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Balloon Badminton
2:30 Book Club
3:00 Saturday Snack
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Evening Movie
College Colors Day
10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00 Crosswords
1:30You Be The Judge
2:30 Bowling
3:00 Weekend Snack
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Evening Movie
Bowling League Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Labor Day Trivia
11:30 Book Club
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Labor Day Trivia
2:30 Symphonic Music
3:00 Healthy Snack
3:30Classical Music Series
4:00 Holiday Bingo / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
11:30 Lingo Bingo
12:00 History of Pizza
1:30 Games- Karen
2:30 Remember When…
3:00Snack & Chat
3:30 Art with Suzanne
4:30 Hebrew with Suzanne
National Cheese Pizza Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 NY Times Books
11:30 Spanish Bingo
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Out to Starbucks
2:30 Let’s Read!
3:00Sweet Treats
3:30Love Songs
National Read a Book Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
11:30 Lingo Bingo
12:00Remember When
1:30 Beer Trivia
2:30Karoke with Vicki
3:00 Food & Friends
3:30 Country Music Hour
National Beer Lovers Day
Lovers Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 National Geographic
11:30 Out to Lunch
2:00 Mah Jongg- Maris
2:30 Book Club
3:00 Nosh & Natter/ Afternoon at the Opera
4:30 Kabbalat Shabbat with Melissa
Happy Birthday Estelle! / 10:00 Morning Gathering
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00 Brain Teasers
1:30 Afternoon Games
2:30 Bean Bag Toss
3:00 Snack & Chat
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Weekend Movie
National Teddy Bear Day
10:00 Morning
11:00 Jake P. on Piano
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Puzzles
2:30Balloon Badminton
3:00 Snack & Chat
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Sunday Movie / 10:00 Morning
11:00Music & Movement
11:30 Book Club
12:00 Google Time
1:30 Debby on Piano
2:30 Book Club
3:00 Healthy Snack
3:30Bingo with Lisa
4:30 Fact or Fiction / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Art with Stevie
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Games- Karen
1:30 Video Game Hour
2:30 Rosh Hashanah Card Making & Snack
4:00 Comedy Corner
National Video Games Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00Peanut Trivia
2:00 Culinary Club
3:00 Music & Munchies
3:30 Wii Bowling with Lisa
4:30 Moxie/ Pet Therapy
National Peanut Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Ageless Grace
12:00 History of Hoagies
1:30Culinary Club
2:30 Spanish Bingo
3:00 Food & Friends
3:30 Roll That Dice!
National Eat a
Hoagie Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Singalong with Vicki
11:30 Book Club
12:00Fitness Club
1:30 Olympic Gymnasts
2:00 Mah Jongg- Maris
3:00 Snack/ The Piano Guys live streaming
4:30 Kabbalat Shabbat
with Melissa / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Dear Abby
12:00 Fitness Club
2:00 Notes of Joy/ JC High School Orchestra`
3:00 Weekend Snack
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Evening Movie
National Gymnastics Day
10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00Spelling Bee
1:30 Board Games
2:30 Bean Bag Toss
3:00 Sunday Snack
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Evening Movie
National Citizenship Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Burger Trivia
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30Name That Restaurant
2:30 Book Club
3:00 Snack & Chat
3:30 Bingo with Lisa
4:00 Fact or Fiction
National Cheeseburger Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00Poetry Club
1:30 Games- Karen
2:30You be the Judge
3:00 Afternoon Snack
3:30 Art with Suzanne
4:30 Hebrew with Suzanne / 10:00 Morning
10:15 Massages- Davida
11:00Name That
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Health & Wellness
3:00 Sweet Treats
4:30 Moxie/ Pet Therapy
5:30 Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00Wonders of the World
1:30 Holiday Traditions
2:30Karoke with Vicki
3:00 Rosh Hashanah Service/ Meal / 10:00 Morning
11:00All About Autumn
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Kazoo Band
2:00 Mah Jongg- Maris
3:00 Nosh & Natter
3:30Afternoon at the Ballet
4:30 Kabbalat Shabbat
with Melissa / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music & Movement
12:00 Answer This
1:30 Board Games
2:30 Book Club
3:00 Snack & Chat
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Saturday Movie
10:00 Knitzvah Club
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Punctuation Marks Trivia
2:30 Ball Toss
3:00 Afternoon Snack
3:30 Bingo
6:45 Sunday Movie
National Punctuation Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Lawrence on Guitar
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Debby on Piano
2:30 Comical Corner
3:00 Healthy Snack
3:30 Bingo with Lisa
4:30 Fact or Fiction
National Comic Book Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Art with Stevie
12:00 Fitness Club
1:30 Games- Karen
2:00 Richard on Keyboard
3:00 Snack & Chat
3:30Book Club
4:00 Hebrew with Suzanne
National Johnny Appleseed Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Music Therapy with Tae
12:00 Yoga
1:30 Resident Council Meeting
2:30 Current Events
3:00 Birthday Celebration
4:00 Wii Bowling with Lisa
4:30 Moxie/ Pet Therapy / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Ageless Grace
12:00Zumba/ Exercise
1:30 Travel Club
2:30 Spanish Bingo
3:00 Food & Friends
3:30 Dominos
National Good Neighbor Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Fitness Club
11:30 Out to Lunch
2:00 Mah Jongg- Maris
2:30 Lingo Bingo
3:00 Nosh & Natter
3:30 Coffee Talk& Music
4:30 Kabbalat Shabbat
with Melissa
National Coffee Day / 10:00 Morning
11:00 Word Games
12:00 Fitness Club
3:00 Yom Kippur
Family Service
5:30 Breakfast Meal
6:45 Weekend Movie
Please check our activity board daily for changes/ additions to our schedule.